" Vim syntax file " Language: mir " Maintainer: The LLVM team, http://llvm.org/ " Version: $Revision$ if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn case match " MIR is embedded in a yaml container, so we load all of the yaml syntax. runtime! syntax/yaml.vim unlet b:current_syntax " The first document of a file is allowed to contain an LLVM IR module inside " a top-level yaml block string. syntax include @LLVM syntax/llvm.vim " FIXME: This should only be allowed for the first document of the file syntax region llvm start=/\(^---\s*|\)\@<=/ end=/\(^\.\.\.\)\@=/ contains=@LLVM " The `body:` field of a document contains the MIR dump of the function syntax include @MIR syntax/machine-ir.vim syntax region mir start=/\(^body:\s*|\)\@<=/ end=/\(^[^[:space:]]\)\@=/ contains=@MIR " Syntax-highlight lit test commands and bug numbers. syn match mirSpecialComment /#\s*PR\d*\s*$/ syn match mirSpecialComment /#\s*REQUIRES:.*$/ syn match mirSpecialComment /#\s*RUN:.*$/ syn match mirSpecialComment /#\s*ALLOW_RETRIES:.*$/ syn match mirSpecialComment /#\s*CHECK:.*$/ syn match mirSpecialComment "\v#\s*CHECK-(NEXT|NOT|DAG|SAME|LABEL):.*$" syn match mirSpecialComment /#\s*XFAIL:.*$/ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits") if version < 508 let did_c_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink mirSpecialComment SpecialComment endif let b:current_syntax = "mir"