# if coverage reports are not enabled, skip all of this if(NOT LLVM_BUILD_INSTRUMENTED_COVERAGE) return() endif() file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${LLVM_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/prepare-code-coverage-artifact.py" PREPARE_CODE_COV_ARTIFACT) # llvm-cov and llvm-profdata need to match the host compiler. They can either be # explicitly provided by the user, or we will look them up based on the install # location of the C++ compiler. get_filename_component(COMPILER_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} DIRECTORY) find_program(LLVM_COV "llvm-cov" ${COMPILER_DIRECTORY} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_program(LLVM_PROFDATA "llvm-profdata" ${COMPILER_DIRECTORY} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if(NOT LLVM_COV OR NOT LLVM_PROFDATA) message(WARNING "Could not find code coverage tools, skipping generating targets. You may explicitly specify LLVM_COV and LLVM_PROFDATA to work around this warning.") return() endif() set(LLVM_CODE_COVERAGE_TARGETS "" CACHE STRING "Targets to run code coverage on (defaults to all exported targets if empty)") mark_as_advanced(LLVM_CODE_COVERAGE_TARGETS) if(NOT LLVM_CODE_COVERAGE_TARGETS) # by default run the coverage report across all the exports provided get_property(COV_TARGETS GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_EXPORTS) endif() file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/report/" REPORT_DIR) foreach(target ${LLVM_CODE_COVERAGE_TARGETS} ${COV_TARGETS}) get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) if("${target_type}" STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY" OR "${target_type}" STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") list(APPEND coverage_binaries $<TARGET_FILE:${target}>) endif() endforeach() set(LLVM_COVERAGE_SOURCE_DIRS "" CACHE STRING "Source directories to restrict coverage reports to.") mark_as_advanced(LLVM_COVERAGE_SOURCE_DIRS) foreach(dir ${LLVM_COVERAGE_SOURCE_DIRS}) list(APPEND restrict_flags -restrict ${dir}) endforeach() # Utility target to clear out profile data. # This isn't connected to any dependencies because it is a bit finacky to get # working exactly how a user might want. add_custom_target(clear-profile-data COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${LLVM_PROFILE_DATA_DIR}) # This currently only works for LLVM, but could be expanded to work for all # sub-projects. The current limitation is based on not having a good way to # automaticall plumb through the targets that we want to run coverage against. add_custom_target(generate-coverage-report COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} ${PREPARE_CODE_COV_ARTIFACT} ${LLVM_PROFDATA} ${LLVM_COV} ${LLVM_PROFILE_DATA_DIR} ${REPORT_DIR} ${coverage_binaries} --unified-report ${restrict_flags} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} DEPENDS check-llvm) # Run tests