// RUN: %clang_cc1 -no-opaque-pointers %s -fblocks -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR:.*]] = type { i64, i64 }
// CHECK: @[[BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR22:.*]] = internal constant { i64, i64, i8*, i8*, i8*, i8* } { i64 0, i64 36, i8* bitcast (void (i8*, i8*)* @__copy_helper_block_8_32c22_ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_11BE to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (i8*)* @__destroy_helper_block_8_32c22_ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_11BE to i8*), i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8], [6 x i8]* @{{.*}}, i32 0, i32 0), i8* null }, align 8
extern void ;
// rdar://problem/9334739
// Make sure we mark destructors for parameters captured in blocks.
// rdar://problem/9971485
// rdar://13459289
// Copy/dispose helper functions and block descriptors of blocks that capture
// objects that are non-external and non-trivial have internal linkage.
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_14testEv(
// CHECK: store %[[STRUCT_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR]]* bitcast ({ i64, i64, i8*, i8*, i8*, i8* }* @[[BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR22]] to %[[STRUCT_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR]]*), %[[STRUCT_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR]]** %{{.*}}, align 8
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @__copy_helper_block_8_32c22_ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_11BE(
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @__destroy_helper_block_8_32c22_ZTSN12_GLOBAL__N_11BE(