# ODD App Template

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![ODD UI Screenshot]public/odd-ui.png

The ODD App Template is a clone-and-go template for building a web application using the ODD SDK, fast. Clone, customize, and deploy to have a running distributed app in mere minutes.

<div style="background-color: #FEEB80; padding: 1px 20px; border-radius: 10px;">
    <p class="text-align: center;"><strong>The ODD SDK is alpha software.</strong></p>
    <p>We recommend you <u>do not develop production applications using the ODD App Template</u> at this time. We're working on making it reliable, fast, and awesome, but we're not there yet!</p>

## 🤔 What's The ODD SDK?

[The ODD SDK]https://github.com/oddsdk/ts-odd empowers developers to build fully distributed web applications without needing a complex back-end. The SDK provides:

- user accounts (via [the browser's Web Crypto API]https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Crypto_API),
- authorization (using [UCAN]https://ucan.xyz)
- encrypted file storage (via the [ODD File System]https://guide.fission.codes/developers/odd/file-system-wnfs, backed by the [InterPlanetary File System]https://ipfs.io/, or IPFS)
- and key management (via websockets and a two-factor auth-like flow).

ODD applications work offline and store data encrypted for the user by leveraging the power of the web platform. You can read more about the ODD SDK in Fission's [ODD SDK Guide]https://guide.fission.codes/developers/odd.

## 📦 What does this template give me?

### 🥰 Silky-smooth end-user flows

The ODD App Template provides a _silky-smooth user experience_ out of the box. Creating an account and linking a second device feels familiar, comfortable, and obvious. ODD SDK authentication is key-based rather than password-based, so we've focused heavily on the authentication flows, borrowing language and screens from two-factor auth flows.

### 🧱 Built with a modern web stack

The app template is built with modern web technologies:

- [CreateReactApp]https://reactjs.org/docs/create-a-new-react-app.html
- [TypeScript]https://www.typescriptlang.org/
- [Tailwind]https://tailwindcss.com/
- [DaisyUI]https://daisyui.com/

### 👩‍🏫 A simple ODD demo to learn from

![WNFS Image Gallery Screenshot]static/wnfs-gallery-screenshot.png

The app template includes a functioning application: an image gallery. Check out the image gallery code to learn how an ODD application handles things like file uploads, directories, etc.

## 🚀 Getting Started

You can try out the template yourself [here]https://odd-template-react.fission.app/.

Ready? Let's go.

Prerequiste: ensure you are running Node 16.14 or greater, but _not_ Node 17 (18 is fine though!).

1. Clone the repository:

   git clone git@github.com:oddsdk/odd-app-template-react.git

2. Install the dependencies.

   npm install

3. Start the local development server.

   npm run dev

4. Navigate to `http://localhost:5173` in your web browser.

## 🛠 Customize your app

The app template is designed to be easy for you to _make it your own._ Here's how:

1. Rename your application.

   In `/src/lib/app-info.ts`:

   - Change `appName` to the name of your app.
   - Change `appDescription` to a simple, 1-sentence description of your app.
   - Update `oddNamespace` with your project details.
   - Once you [deploy]#deploy your app, change `appURL` to the production URL.

   In `package.json`, change `name` to your application's name.

1. Customize your app's logo.

   - App Logo SVG can be customized in `/src/components/icons/Brand.svelte`. Target an image that is 35 pixels high.
   - Replace the favicon files in `/static` by following the instructions in [this blog post]https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/how-to-favicon-in-2021-six-files-that-fit-most-needs
   - Generate a Twitter/Social Media Embed image.
     - In `/src/lib/app-info.ts`, change `appImageURL` to match the URL of your embed image.
     - In `/src/routes/+layout.svelte`, update `og:image:width` and `og:image:height` to the size of your embed image.

1. Customize the look and feel.

   The app template is built using [Tailwind]https://tailwindcss.com/ and [DaisyUI]https://daisyui.com/. You can customize basic theme colors by editing `/tailwind.config.css`. Check out the [DaisyUI Theme Generator]https://daisyui.com/theme-generator/ to play around with theme colors or read the [customization guide]https://daisyui.com/docs/customize/ to customize the component appearance.

1. Clear out the app's home page.

   The home page content is in `/src/routes/+page.svelte`. Delete everything in the file (but don't delete the file!) to start over with a blank home page.

1. Remove the image gallery demo app code.

   If you're not building an image gallery, you don't need the gallery demo code, except perhaps to learn from. To get rid of it, delete:

   - `/src/routes/gallery`
   - the `initializeFilesystem` function in `/src/lib/auth/account.ts` creates directories used by WNFS. Change those to what you need for your app or delete them if you're not using WNFS.

👏 You're ready to start adding custom functionality! 🚀

Check out the [ODD SDK Guide]https://guide.fission.codes/developers/odd for ODD SDK questions or [UCAN.xyz]https://ucan.xyz for UCAN questions.

## 📛 Usernames

When you go through the registration flow in WAT, the username you type in the form field has a `#{DID}` appended to it in the background. We did this to enable discord style usernames where users can share the same usernames, but have unique identifiers attached to the end to distinguish them from one another. We then create a hash of the `fullUsername`(the one with the `#{DID}` appended to the end) that is passed to the ODD SDK. So the ODD SDK only has a notion of the `hashed` username currently. This should also allow users to create usernames using emojis or non-English characters. Also, this is the only username schema that currently supports our File System recovery flow.

You don’t necessarily need to follow that same pattern though. If you were to register two of the same usernames in the app without hashing them, you would be able to call `session.authStrategy.isUsernameAvailable(username)` to ensure duplicate usernames aren't present in the app. We will be working on porting some of this functionality over to the `ts-ODD` library over the next while and we will be updating the docs to reflect that.

[Please take a look at our init function]https://github.com/oddsdk/odd-app-template-react/blob/main/src/lib/init.ts#L34-L38 to see how we are currently constructing the username schema.

## 🧨 Deploy

Any static hosting platform should be supported. The ODD App Template is currently deployed on:

- [Fission]#fission-app-hosting
- [Netlify]#netlify
- [Vercel]#vercel
- [Cloudflare Pages]#cloudflare-pages

### Fission App Hosting

Try out [ODD App Template on Fission]https://odd-template.fission.app

An ODD application can be published to IPFS with the [Fission CLI]https://guide.fission.codes/developers/cli or the [Fission GitHub publish action]https://github.com/fission-suite/publish-action.

**To publish with the Fission CLI:**

1. [Install the CLI]https://guide.fission.codes/developers/installation
2. Run `fission setup` to make a Fission account
3. Run `npm run build` to build the app
4. Delete `fission.yaml`
5. Run `fission app register` to register a new Fission app (accept the `./build` directory suggestion for your build directory)
6. Run `fission app publish` to publish your app to the web

Your app will be available online at the domain assigned by the register command.

**To set up the GitHub publish action:**

1. Register the app with the CLI
2. Export your machine key with `base64 ~/.config/fission/key/machine_id.ed25519`
3. Add your machine key as a GH Repository secret named `FISSION_MACHINE_KEY`
4. Update the `publish.yml` with the name of your registered app

See the [Fission Guide]https://guide.fission.codes/developers/installation and the publish action README for more details.

### Netlify

[![Netlify Status]https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/7b7418ef-86eb-43c4-a668-0118568c7f46/deploy-status]https://app.netlify.com/sites/odd/deploys

In order to deploy your ODD application on Netlify:

1. Create a new Netlify site and connect your app's git repository. (If you don't have your application stored in a git repository, you can upload the output of a [static build]#static-build.)
2. Just click Deploy. Netlify takes care of the rest. No Netlify-specific configuration is needed.
3. There is no step 3.

### Vercel

Try out the [ODD App Template on Vercel]https://odd-app-template-react.vercel.app/.

In order to deploy your ODD application on Vercel:

1. Create a new Vercel project and connect your app's git repository. (If you don't have your application stored in a git repository, you can upload the output of a [static build]#static-build.)
2. Override the default output directory and set it to `build`.
3. Deploy. That's it!

### Cloudflare Pages

Try out the [ODD App Template on Cloudflare Pages]https://odd-template.pages.dev/.

In order to deploy your ODD application on Cloudflare Pages:

1. Create a new Pages project and connect your app's git repository. (If you don't have your application stored in a git repository, you can upload the output of a [static build]#static-build.)
2. Select `SvelteKit` from the "Framework preset".
3. Set the "Build output directory" to `build`.
4. Under "Environment variables", add a variable with name of `NODE_VERSION` and value of `16`.
5. Add the same environment variable to the "Preview" environment.
6. Click "Save and Deploy".

### Static Build

Export a static build.

npm run build

The build outputs the static site to the `build` directory.