Manual for Pijul
# Configuration

Pijul is configured using `config.toml` files; users can take advantage of both global and repository-specific configuration.

## Global configuration

The location of Pijul's global configuration depends on the conventions of the user's operating system;
Pijul will first try to instantiate a global configuration in the user's configuration directory according to
[this table]
If pijul cannot access the conventional config location, it will fall back to the
[home directory], using `$HOME/.config/pijul`.
If that fails, `$HOME/.pijulconfig` will be tried as a last resort.

### Global configuration data

Pijul supports the following global config values:

| Key                | Description                                                    | Format                        |
| `colors`           | If Pijul should display colorful output                        | [Choice]#choice             |
| `pager`            | If Pijul should use a pager (eg `less`) to display diff output | [Choice]#choice             |
| `unrecord_changes` | How many changes to show when runnning `pijul unrecord`        | Number                        |
| `author`           | Set the default author details                                 | [Author]#author             |
| `template`         | Set a default template when using `pijul record`               | [Template]#template         |
| `ignore_kinds`     | Set default ignore files when using `pijul init --kind=<KIND>` | [Ignore kinds]#ignore-kinds |

Here is an example of a fully-configured `config.toml`:
colors = "always"
pager = "always"
unrecord_changes = 1

name = "ferris"
full_name = "Ferris the Crab"
email = ""
key_path = "/home/ferris/.ssh/"

message = "/home/ferris/Documents/a_custom_message_for_me.txt"
description = "/home/ferris/Documents/a_custom_description_for_you.txt"

rust = [ "target" ]

#### Author

You can give Pijul some basic information to identify yourself using any of the following fields:
full_name = "<DISPLAY NAME (optional)>"
email = "<EMAIL (optional)>"
key_path = "<PATH TO SSH PUBLIC KEY (optional)>"

Unlike many other version control systems, Pijul does not permanently assign these details to changes.
For more information please reference [the section on keys]

#### Template

If you have a file containing some default text,
Pijul can automatically load those files into the relevant fields using the following configuration:
message = "<MESSAGE FILE PATH (optional)>"
description = "<DESCRIPTION FILE PATH (optional)>"

#### Ignore Kinds

Pijul can be configured to automatically set up the [`.ignore` file]#ignore when running `pijul init --kind <KIND>`.
Here is an idea of what it might look like in practice:
rust = [ "target", "*.perf" ]
python = [ "dist", "build", "eggs" ]

## Repository configuration

Users can take advantage of repository-specific configuration by editing the appropriate toml file: `<repo>/.pijul/config`.
Repository-specific configuration settings have a higher precedence than global configuration settings.
Pijul supports the following repository config values:

| Value                | Description                                                      | Format              |
| `colors`             | If Pijul should display colorful output                          | [Choice]#choice   |
| `pager`              | If Pijul should use a pager (eg `less`) to display diff output   | [Choice]#choice   |
| `unrecord_changes`   | How many changes to show when runnning `pijul unrecord`          | Number              |
| `default_remote`     | The default remote to interact with                              | String              |
| `extra_dependencies` | Extra changes that should always be depended upon                | List[String]        |
| `remotes`            | Named remotes that can be interacted with                        | [Remotes]#remotes |
| `hooks`              | Hooks to run before recording a change                           | [Hooks]#hooks     |

Here is an example of a fully-configured `.pijul/config`:
colors = "always"
pager = "always"
unrecord_changes = 1
default_remote = ""

mirror = ""

record = [ "cargo fmt" ]

#### Remotes

A remote is simply a named URL of a Pijul repository.
For more information please reference [pijul remote]reference/

#### Hooks

A hook is a script run in the default shell before a command is executed.
Currently only `pijul record` is supported.
Here is an example:
record = [ "cargo fmt" ]

## Choice

A choice in Pijul can have 3 possible values:
1. `auto`
2. `always`
3. `never`

When no value is supplied, this will default to `auto`.
In that case, Pijul will automatically determine which choice to pick.
For example, if your global configuration contains `colors = "auto"`, Pijul automatically use colored output when appropriate.

## Ignore

Items in a repository can be ignored by editing a repository's `.ignore` file.
Pijul supports standard glob syntax in `.ignore` files.