Manual for Pijul
# Summary

- [Introduction]./
- [Why Pijul]./
- [Installing]./
- [Getting started]./
- [Working with others]./
- [Pijul identities]./
- [Configuration]./
<!-- - [Signing patches](./ -->
- [Conflicts]./
- [Theory]./
    - [Diff algorithms]./theory/
<!-- - [Repository format](./ -->
- [The Nest]./
    - [Creating an account]./the_nest/
    - [Uploading public keys]./the_nest/
    - [Creating repositories]./the_nest/
    - [Contributing to a project]./the_nest/
- [Workflows]./
    - [Channels]./workflows/
    - [Splitting and combining changes]./workflows/
- [Reference]./
    - [pijul add]./reference/
    - [pijul apply]./reference/
    - [pijul archive]./reference/
    - [pijul change]./reference/
    - [pijul channel]./reference/
        - [pijul channel rename]./reference/channel/
        - [pijul channel delete]./reference/channel/
    - [pijul clone]./reference/
    - [pijul credit]./reference/
    - [pijul diff]./reference/
    - [pijul fork]./reference/
    - [pijul init]./reference/
    - [pijul log]./reference/
    - [pijul ls]./reference/
    - [pijul mv]./reference/
    - [pijul pull]./reference/
    - [pijul push]./reference/
    - [pijul record]./reference/
    - [pijul remote]./reference/
        - [pijul remote delete]./reference/remote/
    - [pijul remove]./reference/
    - [pijul reset]./reference/
    - [pijul unrecord]./reference/
- [Licenses]./