The sound distributed version control system

#260 clone hang on wrong URL

Closed on January 13, 2021
tankf33der on January 12, 2021
$ pijul clone
Repository not found, or insufficient permissions
tankf33der on January 12, 2021

Or this path

tankf33der on January 12, 2021

Hang is silence:

$ pijul clone
pmeunier added a change on January 13, 2021
pmeunier on January 13, 2021

I’ve just fixed the issues with SSH, I can’t reproduce the other one (ftp). Let’s see if fixing #257 will solve it for you.

tankf33der on January 13, 2021

The same hang on ftp with all todays changes.

pmeunier added a change on January 13, 2021
pmeunier on January 13, 2021

I couldn’t reproduce this, because ftp seems to be a hostname for you, and Pijul tried to connect to host ftp using the SSH protocol in this case.

The patch I just pushed (#GYXIF25T2BCTCWCQI5DQOF3F4HBWDJUDJUMZ2WLHVBIOYATJTFAQC) fixes this. I would be curious to know whether it fixes your other issue with the .config (I can’t reproduce that issue).

tankf33der on January 13, 2021

I cant believe you cant reproduce issue inside s1/s2 dir tree.

A lot of dirs deleted in /home/mpech, it tried delete full mpech dir, /home/mpech/.config is just critical and I notified fast.

tankf33der on January 13, 2021

I dont see GYX commit nor in “Changes” or “CI” tabs.

pmeunier on January 13, 2021

You can pull it with --from-channel :260, that is, pijul pull --from-channel :260.

tankf33der on January 13, 2021

Come on!

Remember those three wrong URLs: 1,2,3;

Legend: OK or FAIL (deletes);

Latest pijul from nest:

Manjaro-ArchLinux - FAIL FAIL FAIL
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - OK FAIL FAIL
Fedora Rawhide - OK FAIL FAIL
pmeunier added a change on January 13, 2021
pmeunier added a change on January 13, 2021
pmeunier on January 13, 2021

I could indeed reproduce the last two FAILs, the first one might be due to filesystem differences.

Anyway, I’ve just pushed two patches that fix this, by first testing which directories exist, and cleanup only those directories that didn’t exist when the command started. Since this is really serious, I’m republishing a version of libpijul and pijul now.

pmeunier closed this discussion on January 13, 2021
pmeunier on January 13, 2021

And once again: good job! Thanks a million for your work on this.