The sound distributed version control system

#636 `pijul pull -- <change>` does not pull missing dependencies

Opened by spacefrogg on January 26, 2022
spacefrogg on January 26, 2022

I would expect that a change’s dependencies get pulled automatically.

tankf33der on January 26, 2022

I am waiting for #613 fix to add this case to test suite.

tankf33der on January 29, 2022

@spacefrogg I would say this is expected behavior since patches could be independent and pijul is patch-based system.

Follow this scenario:

$ pijul init p1
$ cd p1
$ touch a
$ pijul add a
$ pijul record -am"."
$ touch b
$ pijul add b
$ pijul record -am"."
$ pijul channel new m1
$ pijul apply ROP --channel m1
$ pijul channel switch m1
Outputting repository ↖ 
$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpech mpech 0 jan 29 14:19 a
-rw-r--r-- 1 mpech mpech 0 jan 29 14:19 b
$ pijul ls
$ pijul diff --short
U b

You should use tag to tie independent branches and apply it as snapshot-based branch.