Param( [string] $srcDirectory, # the path that contains your mod's .XCOM_sln [string] $sdkPath, # the path to your SDK installation ending in "XCOM 2 War of the Chosen SDK" [string] $gamePath, # the path to your XCOM 2 installation ending in "XCOM2-WaroftheChosen" [string] $config # build configuration ) $ScriptDirectory = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $common = Join-Path -Path $ScriptDirectory "X2ModBuildCommon\build_common.ps1" Write-Host "Sourcing $common" . ($common) $builder = [BuildProject]::new("TCObridgeSMG", $srcDirectory, $sdkPath, $gamePath) # Use GIT to add Highlander submodule. # git submodule add # Uncomment the next line to enable building against Highlander. # $builder.IncludeSrc("$srcDirectory\X2WOTCCommunityHighlander\X2WOTCCommunityHighlander\Src") switch ($config) { "debug" { $builder.EnableDebug() } "default" { # Nothing special } "" { ThrowFailure "Missing build configuration" } default { ThrowFailure "Unknown build configuration $config" } } $builder.SetWorkshopID(2829105873) # Uncomment this line to enable cooking. # $builder.SetContentOptionsJsonFilename("ContentOptions.json") $builder.InvokeBuild()