// Each layer gets a name for readability, which is then used in the keymap matrix below.
// Transparent macro to indicate that this spot is already being pressed
// to activate this layer
// == Dual-action keys on most of the modifiers
// == Macro keys for commonly used apps
// -- Slack
// Move one conversation up/down
// -- 1password
// -- Browser and OS X
// Activate one tab left/right
// Go back/forward in history
// -- Screen management
// Make window fill the left/right side
// Make window fill the whole monitor
// -- Windows variants of browser commanads
// Activate one tab left/right
// Go back/forward in history
// == Extended alpha layer toggles
// -- Dvorak
// Pressing U opens up the LWR layer (numpad)
// Pressing H opens up the RSE layer (brackets/parens)
// -- Qwerty
// Pressing F opens up the LWR layer (numpad)
// Pressing J opens up the RSE layer (brackets/parens)
// -- LFT layer (Works on both Qwerty and Dvorak)
// Pressing Back space or Enter opens up the LFT layer (media/navigation)