* (c) 2015 flabberast <s3+flabbergast@sdfeu.org>
* Based on the following work:
* - Guillaume Duc's raw hid example (MIT License)
* https://github.com/guiduc/usb-hid-chibios-example
* - PJRC Teensy examples (MIT License)
* https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/usb_keyboard.html
* - hasu's TMK keyboard code (GPL v2 and some code Modified BSD)
* https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/
* - ChibiOS demo code (Apache 2.0 License)
* http://www.chibios.org
* Since some GPL'd code is used, this work is licensed under
* GPL v2 or later.
/* TMK includes */
// Change this to be TRUE once we've migrated keyboards to the new init system
// Remember to change docs/platformdev_chibios_earlyinit.md as well.
/* -------------------------
* TMK host driver defs
* -------------------------
/* declarations */
uint8_t ;
void ;
void ;
void ;
void ;
/* host struct */
host_driver_t chibios_driver = ;
void ;
void ;
void ;
void ;
* Amber LED blinker thread, times are in milliseconds.
/* set this variable to non-zero anywhere to blink once */
// static THD_WORKING_AREA(waThread1, 128);
// static THD_FUNCTION(Thread1, arg) {
// (void)arg;
// chRegSetThreadName("blinker");
// while (true) {
// systime_t time;
// time = USB_DRIVER.state == USB_ACTIVE ? 250 : 500;
// palClearLine(LINE_CAPS_LOCK);
// chSysPolledDelayX(MS2RTC(STM32_HCLK, time));
// palSetLine(LINE_CAPS_LOCK);
// chSysPolledDelayX(MS2RTC(STM32_HCLK, time));
// }
// }
/* Early initialisation
// This overrides what's normally in ChibiOS board definitions
// This overrides what's normally in ChibiOS board definitions
/* Main thread