# After making changes to code or tables call org-babel-tangle (C-c C-v t).

#+Title: Miryoku [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/manna-harbour/miryoku/master/miryoku-roa-32.png]]


Miryoku is an ergonomic, minimal, orthogonal layout for ergo or ortho keyboards,
implemented as part of the QMK firmware.

The layout is maintained in emacs org-mode tables and converted to QMK keymap
data structures using embedded python scripts.  It is mapped onto keyboards with
different physical layouts as a subset without code duplication using the QMK
userspace feature and C macros.

Please see the [[https://github.com/manna-harbour/qmk_firmware/blob/miryoku/users/manna-harbour_miryoku/miryoku.org][development branch]] for any [[https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/compare/master...manna-harbour:miryoku][updates not yet merged into QMK]].
Additional visualisations are provided outside QMK in the [[https://github.com/manna-harbour/miryoku/blob/master/README.org][Miryoku (Extras) repository]].

* Contents                                                              :TOC:
- [[#layout][Layout]]
  - [[#general-principles][General Principles]]
  - [[#details][Details]]
  - [[#layers][Layers]]
- [[#code-generation][Code Generation]]
  - [[#table-conversion-scripts][Table Conversion Scripts]]
  - [[#data][Data]]
- [[#subset-mapping][Subset Mapping]]
  - [[#userspace][Userspace]]
  - [[#layouts][Layouts]]
  - [[#keyboards][Keyboards]]
- [[#documentation][Documentation]]
  - [[#qmk][QMK]]
  - [[#org-mode][Org Mode]]
- [[#contact][Contact]]

* Layout

** General Principles

- Use layers instead of reaching.
- Use both hands instead of contortions.
- Use the home positions as much as possible.
- Make full use of the thumbs.
- Avoid unnecessary complication.

** Details

- 5 columns, 3 rows, 3 thumb keys, 2 hands.
- Can be used on almost any split or non-split ergo or ortho keyboard.
- Includes all keys found on a US layout TKL keyboard, plus media keys and mouse
- Home row is the middle row, home thumb key is the middle thumb key.
- Maximum 1-u movement from home position for fingers and thumbs, and only along
  one axis (except for the inner index finger column which is deprioritised
  compared with the home columns).
- Dual-function modifiers on home row, mirrored on both hands.
- Dual-function layer change on thumbs.
- Layers are designed orthogonally with a single purpose per hand and are
  accessed by holding a thumb key on the opposite hand.
- All layers on the same hand are based on the same basic key arrangement.
- Holding layer change and modifiers on one hand combined with a single key
  press on the other hand can produce any combination of modifiers and single
  keys without any finger contortions.
- Single function mods are also defined on layers on the same hand as the layer
  change thumb key so layer change and mods can be held in any order or
  simultaneously without race conditions.
- As mods are only enabled on the opposite hand, auto-repeat is available on the
  home row on layers for use with cursor and mouse keys.
- Tap-hold auto-repeat is disabled to permit faster tap-hold switching on
  thumbs, but thumb tap keys are mirrored onto some layers for use with
  auto-repeat.  On other layers thumb keys are redefined with important
  functions for that layer.

** Layers

The layers are maintained in tables, with the thumb keys on the bottom row.  NP
indicates the key is not present and is used to fill in the table around the
thumb keys.  The grid arrangement of the tables does not imply a particular
physical layout.

Basic keycodes are entered without the KC_ prefix.  Symbols can be entered as-is
(excepting '"' (DQUO) and '|' (PIPE)).  Empty cells are unused.

The base layer has both halves of the layout joined for convenience.  Other
layers are specified as a single hand.

*** Base (BASE)

The base layer is maintained as separate tap and hold tables and are combined
into the corresponding tap-hold keycodes for mods and layer change.  RST and
mods will be available on sub layers on the same hand as the layer change thumb
key.  Unknown names are considered to be layer names.

Base layer alphas are Colemak-DHm.  Thumb keys are backspace, enter, delete on
the right and space, tab, escape on the left.  Dot, comma and apostrophe are
included for prose, dot and slash for file and directory names.

**** Tap

#+NAME: colemakdhm
| Q    | W    | F    | P    | B    | J    | L    | U    | Y    | '    |
| A    | R    | S    | T    | G    | M    | N    | E    | I    | O    |
| Z    | X    | C    | D    | V    | K    | H    | ,    | .    | /    |
| NP   | NP   | ESC  | SPC  | TAB  | ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

**** Hold

#+NAME: hold
| RST  |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | RST  |
| LGUI | LALT | LCTL | LSFT |      |      | LSFT | LCTL | LALT | LGUI |
|      | ALGR |      |      |      |      |      |      | ALGR |      |
| NP   | NP   | MEDR | NAVR | MOUR | NSSL | NSL  | FUNL | NP   | NP   |

**** Alternative Base Layer Alphas

Alternative base layer alphas are provided. To select, append
e.g. ~MIRYOKU_ALPHAS=QWERTY~ to the make command line when building.

#+NAME: qwerty
| Q    | W    | E    | R    | T    | Y    | U    | I    | O    | P    |
| A    | S    | D    | F    | G    | H    | J    | K    | L    | '    |
| Z    | X    | C    | V    | B    | N    | M    | ,    | .    | /    |
| NP   | NP   | ESC  | SPC  | TAB  | ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

***** Dvorak (DVORAK)
#+NAME: dvorak
| '    | ,    | .    | P    | Y    | F    | G    | C    | R    | L    |
| A    | O    | E    | U    | I    | D    | H    | T    | N    | S    |
| /    | Q    | J    | K    | X    | B    | M    | W    | V    | Z    |
| NP   | NP   | ESC  | SPC  | TAB  | ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

***** Colemak (COLEMAK)
#+NAME: colemak
| Q    | W    | F    | P    | G    | J    | L    | U    | Y    | '    |
| A    | R    | S    | T    | D    | H    | N    | E    | I    | O    |
| Z    | X    | C    | V    | B    | K    | M    | ,    | .    | /    |
| NP   | NP   | ESC  | SPC  | TAB  | ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

***** Colemak Mod-DH (COLEMAKDH)
#+NAME: colemakdh
| Q    | W    | F    | P    | B    | J    | L    | U    | Y    | '    |
| A    | R    | S    | T    | G    | K    | N    | E    | I    | O    |
| Z    | X    | C    | D    | V    | M    | H    | ,    | .    | /    |
| NP   | NP   | ESC  | SPC  | TAB  | ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

***** Workman (WORKMAN)
#+NAME: workman
| Q    | D    | R    | W    | B    | J    | F    | U    | P    | '    |
| A    | S    | H    | T    | G    | Y    | N    | E    | O    | I    |
| Z    | X    | M    | C    | V    | K    | L    | ,    | .    | /    |
| NP   | NP   | ESC  | SPC  | TAB  | ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

*** Navigation (NAVR)

Primary right-hand layer (left home thumb) is navigation and editing.  Cursor
keys are on the home position, line and page movement below, clipboard above,
caps and insert on the inner column.  Thumb keys are duplicated from the base
layer to avoid having to layer change mid edit and to enable auto-repeat.

#+NAME: navr
| CAPS | LEFT | DOWN | UP   | RGHT |
| INS  | HOME | PGDN | PGUP | END  |
| ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

*** Mouse (MOUR)

Secondary RH layer is mouse emulation.  Mouse movement mirrors cursor navigation
on home and wheel mirrors line / page movement below.  Buttons are on the thumbs
(L, M, R).  Mouse movement, click, and drag with modifiers can be performed from
the home position.  Unused keys are available for other related functions.

#+NAME: mour
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      | MS_L | MS_D | MS_U | MS_R |
|      | WH_L | WH_D | WH_U | WH_R |
| BTN1 | BTN3 | BTN2 | NP   | NP   |

**** Mouse Buttons Overlay (MBO)

Available for automatic activation depending on keyboard hardware and
configuration.  Not activated manually.

#+NAME: mbo
|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| NP   | NP   |      |      |      | BTN1 | BTN3 | BTN2 | NP   | NP   |

*** Media (MEDR)

Tertiary RH layer is media control, with volume up / down and next / prev
mirroring the navigation keys.  Pause, stop and mute are on thumbs.  RGB control
is on the top row (combine with shift to invert). Unused keys are available for
other related functions.

#+NAME: medr
| TOG  | MOD  | HUI  | SAI  | VAI  |
|      | MPRV | VOLD | VOLU | MNXT |
|      |      |      |      |      |
| MSTP | MPLY | MUTE | NP   | NP   |

*** Numerals and Symbols (NSL)

Primary left-hand layer (right home thumb) is numerals and symbols.  Numerals
are in the standard numpad locations with symbols in the remaining positions.
Dot is duplicated from the base layer for convenience.

#+NAME: nsl
| [    | 7    | 8    | 9    | ]    |
| ;    | 4    | 5    | 6    | =    |
| `    | 1    | 2    | 3    | \    |
| NP   | NP   | .    | 0    | -    |

*** Shifted Numerals and Symbols (NSSL)

Secondary LH layer has shifted symbols in the same locations to reduce chording
when using mods with shifted symbols.  Automatically generated from unshifted

*** Function and System (FUNL)

Tertiary LH layer has function keys mirroring the numerals on the primary layer
with extras on the pinkie column, plus system keys on the inner column.  App
(menu) is on the tertiary thumb key and other thumb keys are duplicated from the
base layer to enable auto-repeat.

#+NAME: funl
| F12  | F7   | F8   | F9   | PSCR |
| F11  | F4   | F5   | F6   | SLCK |
| F10  | F1   | F2   | F3   | PAUS |
| NP   | NP   | APP  | SPC  | TAB  |

*** COMMENT Templates

#+NAME: tem
| <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> |
|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| NP   | NP   |      |      |      |      |      |      | NP   | NP   |

Duplicate base layer tap keys on thumbs rather than trans to enable auto-repeat.

#+NAME: temr
| <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
| ENT  | BSPC | DEL  | NP   | NP   |

#+NAME: teml
| <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> | <l4> |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
|      |      |      |      |      |
| NP   | NP   | ESC  | SPC  | TAB  |

* Code Generation

** Table Conversion Scripts

*** table-layout-taphold

Produce base layer from separate tap and hold tables.

#+NAME: table-layout-taphold
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var layer_name="BASE" :var tap_table=colemakdhm :var hold_table=hold :var symbol_names_table=symbol-names :var mods_list=mods :tangle no :results verbatim
width = 19
mods_dict = dict.fromkeys(mods_list)
symbol_names_dict = {}
for symbol, name, shifted_symbol, shifted_name in symbol_names_table:
  symbol_names_dict[symbol] = name
  symbol_names_dict[shifted_symbol] = shifted_name
results = '  [' + layer_name + '] = LAYOUT_miryoku(\n'
for tap_row, hold_row in map(None, tap_table, hold_table):
  results += '    '
  for tap, hold in map(None, tap_row, hold_row):
    if tap == '':
      code = 'NU'
    elif tap in symbol_names_dict:
      code = symbol_names_dict[tap]
      code = tap
    code = 'KC_' + str(code)
    if hold in mods_dict:
      code = str(hold) + '_T(' + code + ')'
    elif hold != '' and hold != 'NP' and hold != 'RST':
      code = 'LT(' + str(hold) + ', ' + code + ')'
    results += (code + ', ').ljust(width)
  results = results.rstrip(' ') + '\n'
results = results.rstrip('\n, ') + '\n  )'
return results

#+RESULTS: table-layout-taphold
:   [BASE] = LAYOUT_miryoku(
:     KC_Q,              KC_W,              KC_F,              KC_P,              KC_B,              KC_J,              KC_L,              KC_U,              KC_Y,              KC_QUOT,
:     LGUI_T(KC_A),      LALT_T(KC_R),      LCTL_T(KC_S),      LSFT_T(KC_T),      KC_G,              KC_M,              LSFT_T(KC_N),      LCTL_T(KC_E),      LALT_T(KC_I),      LGUI_T(KC_O),
:     KC_Z,              ALGR_T(KC_X),      KC_C,              KC_D,              KC_V,              KC_K,              KC_H,              KC_COMM,           ALGR_T(KC_DOT),    KC_SLSH,
:     KC_NP,             KC_NP,             LT(MEDR, KC_ESC),  LT(NAVR, KC_SPC),  LT(MOUR, KC_TAB),  LT(NSSL, KC_ENT),  LT(NSL, KC_BSPC),  LT(FUNL, KC_DEL),  KC_NP,             KC_NP
:   )

*** table-layout-half

Produce sub layers given layer name and corresponding table for single hand and
incorporating mods and reset from base layer.  Layer names must end with R or L.
A layer with shifted symbols can also be generated.

#+NAME: table-layout-half
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var hold_table=hold :var layer_name="NSL" :var half_table=nsl :var symbol_names_table=symbol-names :var mods_list=mods :var shift="false" :tangle no :results verbatim
width = 9
mods_dict = dict.fromkeys(mods_list)
symbol_names_dict = {}
shifted_symbol_names_dict = {}
for symbol, name, shifted_symbol, shifted_name in symbol_names_table:
  symbol_names_dict[symbol] = name
  symbol_names_dict[shifted_symbol] = shifted_name
  shifted_symbol_names_dict[symbol] = shifted_name
length = len(half_table[0])
mode = layer_name[-1:].lower()
results = '  [' + layer_name + '] = LAYOUT_miryoku(\n'
for half_row, hold_row in map(None, half_table, hold_table):
  results += '    '
  hold_row_l, hold_row_r = hold_row[:length], hold_row[length:]
  for lr, hold_row_lr in ('l', hold_row_l), ('r', hold_row_r):
    if lr == mode:
      for half in half_row:
        if half == '':
          code = 'NU'
        elif shift == "true" and half in shifted_symbol_names_dict:
          code = shifted_symbol_names_dict[half]
        elif half in symbol_names_dict:
          code = symbol_names_dict[half]
          code = half
        results += ('KC_' + str(code) + ', ').ljust(width)
      for hold in hold_row_lr:
        if hold == '' or hold != 'NP' and hold != 'RST' and hold not in mods_dict:
          code = 'NA'
          code = hold
        results += ('KC_' + str(code) + ', ').ljust(width)
  results = results.rstrip(' ') + '\n'
results = results.rstrip('\n, ') + '\n  )'
return results

#+RESULTS: table-layout-half
:   [NSL] = LAYOUT_miryoku(
:     KC_LBRC, KC_7,    KC_8,    KC_9,    KC_RBRC, KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_RST,
:     KC_SCLN, KC_4,    KC_5,    KC_6,    KC_EQL,  KC_NA,   KC_LSFT, KC_LCTL, KC_LALT, KC_LGUI,
:     KC_GRV,  KC_1,    KC_2,    KC_3,    KC_BSLS, KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_NA,
:     KC_NP,   KC_NP,   KC_DOT,  KC_0,    KC_MINS, KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_NA,   KC_NP,   KC_NP
:   )

*** table-layout-full

Produce full layer from single table.  Fill for unused keys is configurable.

#+NAME: table-layout-full
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var table=mbo :var layer_name="MBO" :var fill="TRNS" :var symbol_names_table=symbol-names :tangle no :results verbatim
width = 9
symbol_names_dict = {}
for symbol, name, shifted_symbol, shifted_name in symbol_names_table:
  symbol_names_dict[symbol] = name
  symbol_names_dict[shifted_symbol] = shifted_name
results = '  [' + layer_name + '] = LAYOUT_miryoku(\n'
for row in table:
  results += '    '
  for key in row:
    if key == '':
      code = fill
    elif key in symbol_names_dict:
      code = symbol_names_dict[key]
      code = key
    code = 'KC_' + str(code)
    results += (code + ', ').ljust(width)
  results = results.rstrip(' ') + '\n'
results = results.rstrip('\n, ') + '\n  )'
return results

#+RESULTS: table-layout-full
:   [MBO] = LAYOUT_miryoku(
:   )

*** table-enums

Produce layer enums from layer names in hold table.

#+NAME: table-enums
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var hold_table=hold :var mods_list=mods :tangle no
mods_dict = dict.fromkeys(mods_list)
results = 'enum layers { BASE, MBO, '
for hold_row in hold_table:
  for hold in hold_row:
    if hold not in mods_dict and hold != '' and hold != 'NP' and hold != 'RST':
      results += hold + ', '
results = results.rstrip(', ') + ' };'
return results

#+RESULTS: table-enums
: enum layers { BASE, MBO, MEDR, NAVR, MOUR, NSSL, NSL, FUNL };

** Data

*** symbol-names

Symbol, name, and shifted symbol mappings for use in tables.

#+NAME: symbol-names
| `    | GRV  | ~    | TILD |
| -    | MINS | _    | UNDS |
| =    | EQL  | +    | PLUS |
| [    | LBRC | {    | LCBR |
| ]    | RBRC | }    | RCBR |
| \    | BSLS | PIPE | PIPE |
| ;    | SCLN | :    | COLN |
| '    | QUOT | DQUO | DQUO |
| ,    | COMM | <    | LT   |
| .    | DOT  | >    | GT   |
| /    | SLSH | ?    | QUES |
| 1    | 1    | !    | EXLM |
| 2    | 2    | @    | AT   |
| 3    | 3    | #    | HASH |
| 4    | 4    | $    | DLR  |
| 5    | 5    | %    | PERC |
| 6    | 6    | ^    | CIRC |
| 7    | 7    | &    | AMPR |
| 8    | 8    | *    | ASTR |
| 9    | 9    | (    | LPRN |
| 0    | 0    | )    | RPRN |

*** mods

Modifiers usable in hold table.  Need to have the same name for KC_ and _T versions.

#+NAME: mods

*** header

Header for tangled src files.

#+NAME: header
#+BEGIN_SRC C :tangle no
generated from users/manna-harbour_miryoku/miryoku.org  -*- buffer-read-only: t -*-

* Subset Mapping

The keymap, build options, and configuration are shared between keyboards.  The
layout is mapped onto keyboards with different physical layouts as a subset.

** Userspace

The keymap is defined for LAYOUT_miryoku which is 10x4, with the outer 2
positions on the bottom row unused and the rest of the bottom row being the
thumb keys.

*** manna-harbour_miryoku.h

Keymap-related definitions.  Included from manna-harbour_miryoku.c.  Can be
included from keymap or layout keymap.c if needed.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle manna-harbour_miryoku.h
// <<header>>

#pragma once


#define KC_NP KC_NO // key is not present
#define KC_NA KC_NO // present but not available for use
#define KC_NU KC_NO // available but not used

// non-KC_ keycodes
#define KC_RST RESET
#define KC_TOG RGB_TOG
#define KC_MOD RGB_MOD
#define KC_HUI RGB_HUI
#define KC_SAI RGB_SAI
#define KC_VAI RGB_VAI


*** manna-harbour_miryoku.c

Contains the keymap.  Added from rules.mk.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle manna-harbour_miryoku.c
// <<header>>

#include "manna-harbour_miryoku.h"

const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
<<table-layout-taphold(layer_name="BASE", tap_table=qwerty, hold_table=hold)>>,
<<table-layout-taphold(layer_name="BASE", tap_table=dvorak, hold_table=hold)>>,
<<table-layout-taphold(layer_name="BASE", tap_table=colemak, hold_table=hold)>>,
<<table-layout-taphold(layer_name="BASE", tap_table=colemakdh, hold_table=hold)>>,
<<table-layout-taphold(layer_name="BASE", tap_table=workman, hold_table=hold)>>,
<<table-layout-taphold(layer_name="BASE", tap_table=colemakdhm, hold_table=hold)>>,
<<table-layout-half(layer_name="NAVR", half_table=navr)>>,
<<table-layout-half(layer_name="MOUR", half_table=mour)>>,
<<table-layout-full(layer_name="MBO", table=mbo, fill="TRNS")>>,
<<table-layout-half(layer_name="MEDR", half_table=medr)>>,
<<table-layout-half(layer_name="FUNL", half_table=funl)>>,
<<table-layout-half(layer_name="NSL", half_table=nsl)>>,
<<table-layout-half(layer_name="NSSL", half_table=nsl, shift="true")>>

*** config.h

Config options.  Automatically included.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle config.h
// <<header>>

#pragma once

// default but important
#define TAPPING_TERM 200

// Prevent normal rollover on alphas from accidentally triggering mods.

// Enable rapid switch from tap to hold, disables double tap hold auto-repeat.

// Recommended for heavy chording.

// Mouse key speed and acceleration.
#define MOUSEKEY_DELAY          0
#define MOUSEKEY_INTERVAL       16
#define MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED      6
#define MOUSEKEY_TIME_TO_MAX    64


*** rules.mk

Build options.  Automatically included.

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :noweb yes :padline no :tangle rules.mk
# <<header>>

MOUSEKEY_ENABLE = yes # Mouse keys
EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes # Audio control and System control

SRC += manna-harbour_miryoku.c # keymap

# select alternative base layer alphas
ifneq ($(strip $(MIRYOKU_ALPHAS)),)

# select alternative subset mappings
ifneq ($(strip $(MIRYOKU_MAPPING)),)

** Layouts

To use the keymap on a keyboard supporting the layouts feature, LAYOUT_miryoku
is defined as a macro mapping onto the layout's own LAYOUT macro, leaving the
unused keys as KC_NO.

The following are example layouts.

*** ergodox

For the ergodox layout, the main 5x3 alphas are used as usual. The primary and
secondary thumb keys are the inner and outer 2u thumb keys and the tertiary
thumb key is the innermost key of the partial bottom row.  The remaining keys
are unused.


To build for any keyboard using the this layout (ergodone, ergodox_ez,
ergodox_infinity, hotdox) e.g. the ergodox_ez,

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle no
make ergodox_ez:manna-harbour_miryoku:flash

**** config.h

Contains subset mapping.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle ../../layouts/community/ergodox/manna-harbour_miryoku/config.h
// <<header>>

#pragma once

#define LAYOUT_miryoku(\
K00,   K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   K09,\
K10,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,   K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K19,\
K20,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K29,\
N30,   N31,   K32,   K33,   K34,   K35,   K36,   K37,   N38,   N39\
LAYOUT_ergodox_pretty( \
KC_NO, K00,   K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   K09,   KC_NO, \
KC_NO, K10,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,                 K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K19,   KC_NO, \
KC_NO, K20,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K29,   KC_NO, \
KC_NO, KC_NO, KC_NO, KC_NO, K32,                               K37,   KC_NO, KC_NO, KC_NO, KC_NO, \
                                   KC_NO, KC_NO, KC_NO, KC_NO, \
                                          KC_NO, KC_NO, \
                            K33,   K34,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K35,   K36 \

**** keymap.c

Required by the build system.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle ../../layouts/community/ergodox/manna-harbour_miryoku/keymap.c
// <<header>>

*** ortho_4x12

For the ortho_4x12 layout, the middle two columns, and the 2 keys on each end of
the bottom row are unused.  This allows the hands to be positioned without ulnar
deviation of the wrists.

In the implementation, the 2 unused middle columns bottom row keys are mapped as
duplicates of their adjacent keys to support alternative bottom row physical
layouts including 1x2uC (MIT), 1x2uR, 1x2uL, and 2x2u.


For split keyboards using this layout the halves can be positioned and rotated
for each hand and so an alternative mapping is provided.  The right half is as
follows: The rightmost column bottom 3 keys is the pinkie column.  The middle 4
columns top 3 rows are for the remaining fingers.  The pinkie column is one row
lower than the other columns to provide some column stagger.  The bottom row
left 3 keys are the thumb keys.  The remaining keys are unused.  To select this
mapping, append ~MIRYOKU_MAPPING=SPLIT~ to the make command line when building.


To build for any keyboard using this layout (4x4, nori, chimera_ls, contra,
divergetm2, jj40, lets_split, lets_split_eh, meira, niu_mini, planck, telophase,
vitamins_included, zinc, zlant, ortho48, kbd4x, levinson, wavelet, plaid):

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle no
make planck/rev6:manna-harbour_miryoku:flash # planck
make keebio/levinson:manna-harbour_miryoku:flash MIRYOKU_MAPPING=SPLIT # levinson

**** config.h

Contains subset mapping.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle ../../layouts/community/ortho_4x12/manna-harbour_miryoku/config.h
// <<header>>

#pragma once

#define LAYOUT_miryoku(\
K00,   K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   K09,\
K10,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,   K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K19,\
K20,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K29,\
N30,   N31,   K32,   K33,   K34,   K35,   K36,   K37,   N38,   N39\
KC_NO, K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   KC_NO,\
K00,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K09,\
K10,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K19,\
K20,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K32,   K33,   K34,   K35,   K36,   K37,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K29\
#define LAYOUT_miryoku(\
K00,   K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   K09,\
K10,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,   K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K19,\
K20,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K29,\
N30,   N31,   K32,   K33,   K34,   K35,   K36,   K37,   N38,   N39\
K00,   K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   K09,\
K10,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K19,\
K20,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   KC_NO, KC_NO, K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K29,\
KC_NO, KC_NO, K32,   K33,   K34,   K34,   K35,   K35,   K36,   K37,   KC_NO, KC_NO\

**** keymap.c

Required by the build system.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle ../../layouts/community/ortho_4x12/manna-harbour_miryoku/keymap.c
// <<header>>

** Keyboards

To use the keymap on a keyboard which does not support the layouts feature,
LAYOUT_miryoku is defined as a macro mapping onto the keyboard's own LAYOUT
macro, leaving the unused keys as KC_NO.

The following are example keyboards.

*** crkbd

The outer columns are unused.

To build for this keyboard,

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle no
make crkbd:manna-harbour_miryoku:flash

**** config.h

Contains subset mapping.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle ../../keyboards/crkbd/keymaps/manna-harbour_miryoku/config.h
// <<header>>

#pragma once

#define LAYOUT_miryoku( \
       K00,   K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   K09, \
       K10,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,   K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K19, \
       K20,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K29, \
       N30,   N31,   K32,   K33,   K34,   K35,   K36,   K37,   N38,   N39 \
) \
KC_NO, K00,   K01,   K02,   K03,   K04,   K05,   K06,   K07,   K08,   K09,   KC_NO, \
KC_NO, K10,   K11,   K12,   K13,   K14,   K15,   K16,   K17,   K18,   K19,   KC_NO, \
KC_NO, K20,   K21,   K22,   K23,   K24,   K25,   K26,   K27,   K28,   K29,   KC_NO, \
                     K32,   K33,   K34,   K35,   K36,   K37 \

**** keymap.c

Required by the build system.

#+BEGIN_SRC C :noweb yes :padline no :tangle ../../keyboards/crkbd/keymaps/manna-harbour_miryoku/keymap.c
// <<header>>

* Documentation

** QMK

- https://qmk.fm/
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_introduction
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/config_options
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/keycodes
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/feature_advanced_keycodes
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/feature_layers
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/mod_tap
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/feature_layouts
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/feature_userspace
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/feature_mouse_keys
- https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_make_guide

** Org Mode

- https://orgmode.org/
- https://orgmode.org/manual/Tables.html
- https://orgmode.org/manual/Working-with-Source-Code.html

* Contact

For issues with this branch, or to request support for additional base layer
alphas, layouts, or keyboards, please [[https://github.com/manna-harbour/qmk_firmware/issues/new][open an issue]].

For more general discussion, please join a relevant [[https://www.reddit.com/user/manna_harbour/posts/?sort=new][recent thread]] or [[https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=manna_harbour][send a PM]].
