# Default Layer #

I'm using the colemak layer -- customized a bit to work a bit better when using spacemacs as my editor.


## Special Keys ##

`SC1` => `LGUI + TAB`

`SC2` => `LGUI + SPACE + TAB`

`L1` => Switch to QWERTY Layout

`T(L2)` => Toggle Symbol Layer

`T(L3)` =>  Toggle Number and D-Pad Layer


Nothing special here -- just need this layer tucked away for the `WASD`.  Which is literally the only reason I use it.
Just have the same button to toggle back to colemak.

# Symbol Layer #


This is just putting matching closing symbols next to each other -- useful when editing lisp.

# Number and D-Pad Layer #

Just a basic number layer with a D-PAD on the other side.
