This is a fork of the adnw_k_o_y-Layout

- Diakritika-Layer for ADNW-PUQ-Layout
- all basic-symbols of the german-layout can be found in the Symbol- and Diakritika-Layer
- Symbol-Layer: Symbols are mirrored -- left = <  and right =  >
- Basic-Layer-Keys which always be present in any Layer and allow the movement between layers
- HJKL-Keys and Arrow-Keys can be switched, necessary for working with a terminal and vim
- Number-Layer for Numpad-Emulation
- Brackets-Layer for easier programming
- Media-Layer for Mouse-Navigation 

- adnw is a layout optimised for usage with german and english language
- PUQ is a variant of adnw: 
- This implementation is optimised for my workflow with vim/tmux/xmonad and ergodox
- The OS must use the de_DE layout