# 08aug23 Software Lab. Alexander Burger
(symbols '(llvm))
(local) (bufSize pathSize bufString pathString)
(de i64 bufSize (Nm)
(let N 1
(while (big? Nm)
(inc 'N 8)
(setq Nm (val (big Nm))) )
(setq Nm (int Nm))
(while Nm
(inc 'N)
(setq Nm (shr Nm 8)) )
N ) )
(de i64 pathSize (Nm)
(Len (bufSize Nm)
N (if (cnt? Nm) (int @) (val (dig @)))
B (i8 N) )
(== B (char "@"))
(== B (char "+"))
(== (i8 (shr N 8)) (char "@")) ) )
(+ (val $PilLen) (dec Len)) )
(== B (char "~"))
(== B (char "+"))
(== (i8 (shr N 8)) (char "~")) ) )
(+ (val $UsrLen) (dec Len)) )
(T Len) ) ) )
(de i8* bufString (Nm (i8* . P))
(let Q (push 0 Nm) # [cnt name]
(prog1 P
(while (set P (symByte Q))
(inc 'P) ) ) ) )
(de i8* pathString (Nm (i8* . P))
(let (Q (push 0 Nm) B (symByte Q)) # [cnt name]
(prog1 P
(when (== B (char "+"))
(set P B)
(inc 'P)
(setq B (symByte Q)) )
(case B
((char "@")
(when (val $PilLen)
(memcpy P (val $PilHome) @)
(inc 'P @) ) )
((char "~")
(when (val $UsrLen)
(memcpy P (val $UsrHome) @)
(inc 'P @) ) )
(set P B)
(inc 'P) ) )
(while (set P (symByte Q))
(inc 'P) ) ) ) )
(local) (mkChar mkStr firstByte firstChar isBlank)
(de mkChar ((i32 . C))
((>= 127 C) (i64 C)) # Single byte
((== TOP C) (hex "FF")) # Infinite
((> (hex "800") C) # Double-byte
(| (hex "C0") (& (shr C 6) (hex "1F"))) # 10xxxxx 10xxxxxx
(shl (| (hex "80") (& C (hex "3F"))) 8) ) ) )
((> (hex "10000") C) # Three bytes
(| (hex "E0") (& (shr C 12) (hex "0F"))) # 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
(shl (| (hex "80") (& (shr C 6) (hex "3F"))) 8) )
(shl (| (hex "80") (& C (hex "3F"))) 16) ) ) )
(| (hex "F0") (& (shr C 18) (hex "07"))) # 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
(shl (| (hex "80") (& (shr C 12) (hex "3F"))) 8) )
(shl (| (hex "80") (& (shr C 6) (hex "3F"))) 16) ) )
(| (hex "80") (& (i64 C) (hex "3F")))
24 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de mkStr ((i8* . Str))
(if Str
(let P (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) # [cnt last name link]
(link (ofs P 2) T)
(while (val Str)
(byteSym @ P)
(inc 'Str) )
(consStr (val 3 P)) )
$Nil ) )
(de mkStrE ((i8* . Str) (i8* . End))
(let P (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) # [cnt last name link]
(link (ofs P 2) T)
(? (== Str End))
(? (=0 (val Str)))
(byteSym @ P)
(inc 'Str) )
(consStr (val 3 P)) ) )
(de i8 firstByte (Sym)
((nil? Sym) 0)
((sym? (val (tail Sym))) 0)
((cnt? (name @)) (int @))
(T (val (dig @))) ) ) )
(de i32 firstChar (Sym)
((nil? Sym) 0)
((sym? (val (tail Sym))) 0) # External symbol
(T (symChar (push 0 (name @)))) ) ) # Else get name
(de i1 isBlank (X)
(nil? X)
(symb? X)
(not (sym? (val (tail X))))
(let P (push 0 (name @)) # [cnt name]
(? (=0 (symByte P)) YES)
(? (> @ 32) NO) ) ) ) ) )
# Build external symbol name
(local) extNm
(de extNm ((i32 . File) (i64 . Obj))
(& Obj (hex "FFFFF")) # Lowest 20 bits
(shl (i64 (& File (hex "FF"))) 20) # Lower 8 bits
(& (setq Obj (shr Obj 20)) (hex "FFF")) # Middle 12 bits
28 )
(shl (i64 (shr File 8)) 40) # Upper 8 bits
(shl (shr Obj 12) 48) ) ) ) ) ) ) # Highest 10 bits
(local) (objFile objId packAO packOct packExtNm pack chopExtNm)
# Get file number from external symbol name
(de i32 objFile (Name)
(& (i32 (setq Name (shr Name 24))) (hex "FF")) # Low 8 bits
(& (i32 (shr Name 12)) (hex "FF00")) ) ) # High 8 bits
# Get object ID from external symbol name
(de i64 objId (Name)
(& (setq Name (shr Name 4)) (hex "FFFFF")) # Lowest 20 bits
(& (setq Name (shr Name 8)) (hex "FFF00000")) ) # Middle 12 bits
(& (shr Name 8) (hex "3FF00000000")) ) ) # Highest 10 bits
# Pack external symbol name
(de void packAO ((i32 . File) (i64* . P))
(when (> File 15)
(packAO (shr File 4) P) ) # Divide by 16
(byteSym (+ (& (i8 File) 15) (char "@")) P) ) # Make ASCII letter
(de void packOct ((i64 . Obj) (i64* . P))
(when (> Obj 7)
(packOct (shr Obj 3) P) ) # Divide by 8
(byteSym (+ (& (i8 Obj) 7) (char "0")) P) ) # Make ASCII digit
(de void packExtNm (Name (i64* . P))
(when (objFile Name)
(packAO @ P) )
(packOct (objId Name) P) )
# General pack
(de void pack (X (i64* . P))
(when (pair X)
(stkChk 0)
(pack (++ X) P)
(? (atom X)) ) )
((nil? X))
((num? X) (fmtNum X 0 0 0 P))
((sym? (val (tail X)))
(byteSym (char "{") P)
(packExtNm (name (& @ -9)) P)
(byteSym (char "}") P) )
(let Q (push 0 (name @)) # [cnt name]
(while (symByte Q)
(byteSym @ P) ) ) ) ) )
# Chop external symbol name
(de chopExtNm (Name)
(let (R (link (push $Nil NIL)) N (objId Name))
(let A (+ (& N 7) (char "0")) # Make ASCII digit
(when (setq N (shr N 3))
(setq A
(shl A 8)
(+ (& N 7) (char "0")) ) ) # Second octal digit
(when (setq N (shr N 3))
(setq A
(shl A 8)
(+ (& N 7) (char "0")) ) ) ) ) # Third octal digit
(set R
(cons (consSym (cnt A) 0) (val R)) ) )
(? (=0 (setq N (shr N 3)))) )
(when (setq N (objFile Name))
(let F (i32 0)
(setq F
(| F (+ (& N 15) (char "@"))) ) # Make ASCII letter
(? (=0 (setq N (shr N 4))))
(setq F (shl F 8)) )
(set R
(cons (consStr (cnt (i64 F))) (val R)) ) ) )
(pop R) ) )
### Interning ###
(local) (cmpLong isIntern isLstIntern findSym)
# Compare long names
(de i64 cmpLong (X Y)
(? (sub (val (dig X)) (val (dig Y)))
(if @@ -1 +1) )
(setq X (val (big X)) Y (val (big Y)))
(? (cnt? X)
((big? Y) -1)
((== Y X) 0)
((> Y X) -1)
(T +1) ) )
(? (cnt? Y) +1) ) )
# Is name interned?
(de isIntern (Name Tree)
(if (cnt? Name) # Short name
(let X (car Tree) # First tree
(? (atom X) 0) # Empty
(let (S (car X) Nm (name (val (tail S))))
(? (== Name Nm) S)
(setq X
(if (> Name Nm) # Symbol is smaller
(cddr X)
(cadr X) ) ) ) ) )
# Long name
(let X (cdr Tree) # Second tree
(? (atom X) 0) # Empty
(let (S (car X) Nm (name (val (tail S))))
(? (=0 (cmpLong Nm Name)) S)
(setq X
(if (lt0 @) # Symbol is smaller
(cddr X)
(cadr X) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de isLstIntern (Name Lst)
(? (atom Lst) 0)
(? (isIntern Name (cdar (car Lst))) @)
(shift Lst) ) )
(de i1 findSym (Sym Name Lst)
(? (atom Lst) NO)
(? (== Sym (isIntern Name (cdar (car Lst)))) YES)
(shift Lst) ) )
(local) (intern1 intern2 internRight internLeft)
(inline intern1 (Sym Val Name Node More)
(if (isLstIntern Name More)
(unless Sym # New symbol
(setq Sym (consSym Name Val)) )
(set Node (cons Sym $Nil))
Sym ) )
(inline intern2 (Sym Val Name Node More)
(if (isLstIntern Name More)
(unless Sym # New symbol
(setq Sym (consSym Name Val)) )
(set 2 Node (cons Sym $Nil))
Sym ) )
(inline internRight (Sym Val Name Node More)
(if (isLstIntern Name More)
(unless Sym # New symbol
(setq Sym (consSym Name Val)) )
(set 2 Node (cons $Nil (cons Sym $Nil)))
Sym ) )
(inline internLeft (Sym Val Name Node More)
(if (isLstIntern Name More)
(unless Sym # New symbol
(setq Sym (consSym Name Val)) )
(set 2 Node (cons (cons Sym $Nil) $Nil))
Sym ) )
(local) (intern requestSym extern delNode unintern)
# Intern a symbol/name
(de intern (Sym Val Name Tree More (i1 . Rpl))
(if (cnt? Name) # Short name
(let X (car Tree) # First tree
(if (pair X) # Not empty
(let (S (car X) Nm (name (val (tail S))))
(? (== Name Nm) # Found name
(if Rpl
(set X Sym) # Replace with argument symbol
S ) ) # Return found symbol
(let Y (cdr X) # Get link cell
((> Name Nm) # Symbol is smaller
(? (atom Y) (internRight Sym Val Name X More)) # No link yet
(? (atom (setq Y (cdr (setq X Y))))
(intern2 Sym Val Name X More) ) )
(T # Symbol is greater
(? (atom Y) (internLeft Sym Val Name X More)) # No link yet
(? (atom (setq Y (car (setq X Y))))
(intern1 Sym Val Name X More) ) ) )
(setq X Y) ) ) )
# Empty
(intern1 Sym Val Name Tree More) ) )
# Long name
(let X (cdr Tree) # Second tree
(if (pair X) # Not empty
(let (S (car X) Nm (name (val (tail S))))
(? (=0 (cmpLong Nm Name)) # Found name
(if Rpl
(set X Sym) # Replace with argument symbol
S ) ) # Return found symbol
(let Y (cdr X) # Get link cell
((lt0 @) # Symbol is smaller
(? (atom Y) (internRight Sym Val Name X More)) # No link yet
(? (atom (setq Y (cdr (setq X Y))))
(intern2 Sym Val Name X More) ) )
(T # Symbol is greater
(? (atom Y) (internLeft Sym Val Name X More)) # No link yet
(? (atom (setq Y (car (setq X Y))))
(intern1 Sym Val Name X More) ) ) )
(setq X Y) ) ) )
# Empty
(intern2 Sym Val Name Tree More) ) ) ) )
(de requestSym (Name)
(if (isIntern Name $PrivT)
(let L (val $Intern)
(intern 0 $Nil Name
(cdar (car L))
(cdr L)
NO ) ) ) )
# Intern an external symbol
(de extern (Name)
(need3) # Reserve 3 cells
(let (X (val $Extern) C 0 Sym T)
(inc 'C) # Next level
(setq Sym (car X)) # Next symbol
(let Nm
(name (& (val (tail Sym)) -9))
(hex "3FFFFFFFFFFFFFF7") ) # Mask status and extern bits
(? (== Nm Name)) # Found
(let Y (cdr X) # Get link cell
((> Name Nm) # Symbol is smaller
(? (atom Y) # No link yet
(set 2 X
(cons $Nil (cons (setq Sym (consExt Name)) $Nil)) ) )
(? (atom (setq Y (cdr (setq X Y))))
(set 2 X
(cons (setq Sym (consExt Name)) $Nil) ) ) )
(T # Symbol is greater
(? (atom Y) # No link yet
(set 2 X
(cons (cons (setq Sym (consExt Name)) $Nil) $Nil) ) )
(? (atom (setq Y (car (setq X Y))))
(set X
(cons (setq Sym (consExt Name)) $Nil) ) ) ) )
(setq X Y) ) ) )
(setq C (shr C 1)) # Half depth
(when (> (shl 1 C) (val $ExtCnt)) # 2 ** (C/2)
(setq X (val $Extern))
(let N (val $ExtSkip) # Levels to skip
(if (> (inc 'N) C) # Beyond half depth
(set $ExtSkip 0) # Don't skip
(set $ExtSkip N)
(loop # Skip
(setq X
(name (& (val (tail (++ X))) -9))
(hex "3FFFFFFFFFFFFFF7") ) )
(cdr X)
(car X) ) )
(? (=0 (dec 'C))) ) ) )
(loop # Pivot
(name (& (val (tail (car X))) -9))
Y (cdr X) )
(? (== Nm Name)) # Done
(if (> Name Nm) # Symbol is smaller
(let Z (cdr Y) # Get right node
(? (atom (cdr Z)))
(xchg Z X) # Pivot left
(setq Z (cdr Z) X (cdr Z))
(set # Rotate pointers
2 Z (val Z)
Z (val Y)
Y (cdr Y)
2 Y X) )
(let Z (car Y) # Get left node
(? (atom (cdr Z)))
(xchg Z X) # Pivot right
(setq Z (cdr Z) X (val Z))
(set # Rotate pointers
Z (cdr Z)
2 Z (cdr Y)
2 Y (val Y)
Y X) ) ) ) ) )
Sym ) )
(de void delNode (X P)
(let Y (cdr X) # Subtrees
((atom (car Y)) # No left branch
(set P (cdr Y)) ) # Use right branch
((atom (cdr Y)) # No right branch
(set P (car Y)) ) # Use left branch
((atom (car (setq P (cdr (shift Y))))) # Y on right branch, P on sub-branches
(set # No left sub-branch
X (car Y) # Insert right sub-branch
2 (cdr X) (cdr P) ) )
(setq P (car P)) # Left sub-branch
(let Z (cdr P) # More left branches
(? (atom (car Z))
X (car P) # Insert left sub-branch
(cdr Y) (cdr Z) ) )
(setq Y P P (car Z)) ) ) ) ) ) ) # Go down left
(de void unintern (Sym Name P)
(if (cnt? Name) # Short name
(loop # First tree
(let X (car P) # Next node
(? (atom X)) # Empty
(let (S (car X) Nm (name (val (tail S))))
(? (== Name Nm)
(when (== S Sym) # Correct symbol
(delNode X P) ) )
(? (atom (shift X)))
(setq P
(if (> Name Nm) (ofs X 1) X) ) ) ) )
# Long name
(setq P (ofs P 1)) # Second tree
(let X (car P) # Next node
(? (atom X)) # Empty
(S (car X)
Nm (name (val (tail S)))
I (cmpLong Nm Name) )
(? (=0 I)
(when (== S Sym) # Correct symbol
(delNode X P) ) )
(? (atom (shift X)))
(setq P
(if (lt0 I) (ofs X 1) X) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (name 'sym) -> sym
(de _Name (Exe)
(let Tail (val (tail (needSymb Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))))
(if (sym? Tail) # External
(let P (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) # [cnt last name link]
(link (ofs P 2) T)
(packExtNm (name (& Tail -9)) P)
(consStr (val 3 P)) )
(consStr (name Tail)) ) ) )
# (nsp 'sym) -> sym
(de _Nsp (Exe)
(let Sym (needSymb Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))
(if (sym? (val (tail Sym)))
(let Nm (name @)
(if (== Sym (isIntern Nm $PrivT)) # Private?
(let Lst (val $Intern) # Search namespaces
(? (atom Lst) $Nil)
(let Nsp (car Lst)
(? (== Sym (isIntern Nm (cdar Nsp))) Nsp) )
(shift Lst) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (sp? 'any) -> flg
(de _SpQ (Exe)
(if (isBlank (eval (cadr Exe)))
$Nil ) )
# (pat? 'any) -> sym | NIL
(de _PatQ (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(if (and (symb? X) (== (firstChar X) (char "@")))
$Nil ) ) )
# (fun? 'any) -> any
(de _FunQ (Exe)
(if (funq (eval (cadr Exe)))
$Nil ) )
# (getd 'any) -> fun | NIL
(de _Getd (Exe)
(let (X (eval (cadr Exe)) V T)
((not (symb? X)) $Nil)
((funq (setq V (val X))) V)
((and (nil? V) (sharedLib X)) (val X))
(T $Nil) ) ) )
### Namespaces ###
(local) consTree
# Build sorted list from tree
(de consTree (P Lst)
(if (atom P)
(Q (link (push NIL NIL))
Tos (link (push -ZERO NIL)))
(let X (cdr P) # Get subtrees
(? (atom (cdr X))) # Right subtree
(let Y P # Go right
(setq P @) # Invert tree
(set 2 X (val Tos))
(set Tos Y) ) ) )
(set Q P) # Save tree
(setq Lst (cons (car P) Lst)) # Cons symbol
(let X (cdr P)
(? (pair (car X)) # Left subtree
(let Y P # Go left
(setq P @) # Invert tree
(set X (val Tos))
(set Tos (| Y 8)) # First visit
(set Q P) ) ) ) # Save tree
(let X (val Tos)
(when (== -ZERO X)
(drop Q)
(ret Lst) )
(? (=0 (& X 8)) # Second visit
(let Y (cdr X) # Nodes
(set Tos (cdr Y)) # TOS on up link
(set 2 Y P)
(setq P X)
(set Q P) ) ) # Save tree
(setq X (& X -9)) # Clear visit bit
(let Y (cdr X) # Nodes
(set Tos (car Y))
(set Y P)
(setq P X)
(set Q P) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) # Save tree
# (all ['NIL | 'T | '0 | 'sym | '(NIL . flg) | '(T . flg) | '(0)]) -> lst
(de _All (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
((nil? X) # Internal symbols
(let Y (val $Intern)
(let Z (cdar (++ Y))
(setq X
(consTree (car Z) (consTree (cdr Z) X)) ) )
(? (atom Y) X) ) ) )
((t? X) # Transient symbols
(consTree (val $Transient) (consTree (val 2 $Transient) $Nil)) )
((num? X) # External symbols
(consTree (val $Extern) $Nil) )
((sym? X) # Given namespace
(let Y (cdar X)
(if (pair Y)
(consTree (car Y) (consTree (cdr Y) $Nil))
$Nil ) ) )
((nil? (car X)) # Direct internal tree
(let Y (val (car (val $Intern)))
(if (nil? (cdr X))
(val Y)
(val 2 Y) ) ) )
((t? (car X)) # Direct transient trees
(if (nil? (cdr X))
(val $Transient)
(val 2 $Transient) ) )
(T (val $Extern)) ) ) ) # Direct external tree
# (symbols) -> lst
# (symbols 'lst) -> lst
# (symbols 'lst . prg) -> any
# (symbols 'sym1 'sym2 ..) -> lst
(de _Symbols (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(if (atom X) # No args
(val $Intern)
(let Y (eval (++ X))
(if (pair Y) # List argument
(let L Y
(needNsp Exe (needSymb Exe (++ L)))
(? (atom L)) )
(if (atom X) # No 'prg'
(val $Intern)
(set $Intern Y) )
(let Z (save (val $Intern))
(set $Intern Y)
(run X) # Run 'prg'
(set $Intern Z) ) ) ) )
(or # New namespace
(nil? (val (needSymb Exe Y)))
(== @ Y) )
(chkVar Exe Y)
(cons $Tilde (cons $Nil $Nil)) )
(needNsp Exe Y) )
(let R (setq Y (save (cons Y $Nil)))
(while (pair X)
(setq Y
(set 2 Y
(needNsp Exe (needSymb Exe (eval (++ X))))
$Nil ) ) ) )
(val $Intern)
(set $Intern R)
(putSrc (car R) 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (intern 'any ['nsp]) -> sym
(de _Intern (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Sym (save (evSym X)))
((sym? (val (tail Sym))) $Nil) # External symbol
((== (name @) ZERO) $Nil) # Anonymous symbol
(let Nm @
(if (nil? (eval (cadr X)))
(let L (val $Intern)
(intern Sym 0 Nm
(cdar (car L))
(cdr L)
NO ) )
(intern Sym 0 Nm
(if (t? @)
(cdar (car (val $Intern)))
(cdar @) )
NO ) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (====) -> NIL
(de _Hide (Exe)
(set $Transient (set 2 $Transient $Nil)) )
# (box? 'any) -> sym | NIL
(de _BoxQ (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(symb? X)
(not (sym? (val (tail X))))
(== ZERO (name @)) )
$Nil ) ) )
# (str? 'any) -> sym | NIL
(de _StrQ (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
((not (symb? X)) $Nil)
(sym? (val (tail X))) # External
(findSym X (name @) (val $Intern)) )
$Nil )
(T X) ) ) )
# (zap 'sym) -> sym
(de _Zap (Exe)
(let Sym (needSymb Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))
(if (sym? (val (tail Sym))) # External
(dbZap Sym)
(unintern Sym (name @) (cdar (car (val $Intern)))) )
Sym ) )
# (chop 'any) -> lst
(de _Chop (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(if (or (pair X) (nil? X))
(let Tail (val (tail (xSym X)))
(if (sym? Tail) # External
(chopExtNm (name (& Tail -9)))
(let (P (push 0 (name Tail)) C (symChar P))
(if C
(save Tail
(let (Y (cons (mkChar C) $Nil) R (save Y))
(while (setq C (symChar P))
(setq Y
(set 2 Y (cons (mkChar C) $Nil)) ) )
R ) )
$Nil ) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (pack 'any ..) -> sym
(de _Pack (Exe)
(save -ZERO
(X (cdr Exe)
P (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) ) # [cnt last name link]
(link (ofs P 2))
(while (pair X)
(pack (safe (eval (++ X))) P) )
(consStr (val 3 P)) ) ) )
# (glue 'any 'lst) -> sym
(de _Glue (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (save (eval (++ X)))) # 'any'
(if (atom (eval (++ X))) # 'lst'
(let (Z (save @) P (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL)) # [cnt last name link]
(link (ofs P 2))
(pack (++ Z) P)
(? (atom Z))
(pack Y P) )
(consStr (val 3 P)) ) ) ) )
# (text 'any1 'any ..) -> sym
(de _Text (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (evSym X))
(if (nil? Y)
(P (push 0 (xName Exe Y) NIL) # [cnt name link]
Q (link (ofs P 1) T)
R (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) # [cnt last name link]
A (link (ofs R 2))
N 0
C T )
(while (pair (shift X))
(setq A (link (push (eval (car X)) NIL)))
(inc 'N) )
(while (setq C (symByte P))
((<> C (char "@")) (byteSym C R))
((== (setq C (symByte P)) (char "@"))
(byteSym C R) ) # "@@"
((gt0 (dec 'C (char "0")))
(when (> C 9)
(dec 'C 7) ) # Adjust for letter
(when (ge0 (setq C (- N (i64 C))))
(let I A
(while (ge0 (dec 'C))
(shift I) )
(pack (val I) R) ) ) ) ) )
(consStr (val 3 R)) ) ) ) )
### Matching ###
(local) (preStr subStr)
(de i1 preStr (Nm (i8 . B) (i64* . P))
(let (Q (push 0 (i64 Nm)) C (symByte Q))
(? (<> B C) NO)
(? (=0 (setq C (symByte Q))) YES)
(? (=0 (setq B (symByte P))) NO) ) ) )
(de i1 subStr (X Y)
(nil? X)
(== ZERO (setq X (xName 0 X)))
(let (P (push 0 (xName 0 Y)) B T)
(? (=0 (setq B (symByte P))) NO)
(let (Cnt (val P) Nm (val 2 P))
(? (preStr X B P) YES)
(set P Cnt 2 P Nm) ) ) ) ) )
# (pre? 'any1 'any2) -> any2 | NIL
(de _PreQ (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (save (evSym X)) Z (evSym (shift X)))
((nil? Y) Z)
((== ZERO (setq Y (xName Exe Y)))
Z )
(let P (push 0 (xName Exe Z))
((=0 (symByte P)) $Nil)
((preStr Y @ P) Z)
(T $Nil) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (sub? 'any1 'any2) -> any2 | NIL
(de _SubQ (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (save (evSym X)) Z (evSym (shift X)))
(if (subStr Y Z)
$Nil ) ) )
# (val 'var) -> any
(de _Val (Exe)
(let V (needVar Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))
(when (and (sym? V) (sym? (val (tail V))))
(dbFetch Exe V) )
(val V) ) )
# (set 'var 'any ..) -> any
(de _Set (Exe)
(save -ZERO
(let X (cdr Exe)
(let Y (safe (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X))))
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(let Z (eval (++ X))
(set Y Z)
(? (atom X) Z) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (setq var 'any ..) -> any
(de _Setq (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(let Y (set (needChkVar Exe (++ X)) (eval (++ X)))
(? (atom X) Y) ) ) ) )
# (swap 'var 'any) -> any
(de _Swap (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))) )
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(let (Z (eval (car X)) V (val Y))
(set Y Z)
V ) ) )
# (xchg 'var 'var ..) -> any
(de _Xchg (Exe)
(save -ZERO
(let X (cdr Exe)
(let Y (safe (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X))))
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(let Z (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))
(when (and (sym? Z) (sym? (val (tail Z))))
(dbTouch Exe Z) )
(setq Z (xchg Y Z))
(? (atom X) Z) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (on var ..) -> T
(de _On (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(set (needChkVar Exe (++ X)) $T)
(? (atom X) $T) ) ) )
# (off var ..) -> NIL
(de _Off (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(set (needChkVar Exe (++ X)) $Nil)
(? (atom X) $Nil) ) ) )
# (onOff var ..) -> flg
(de _OnOff (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(Y (needChkVar Exe (++ X))
Z (if (nil? (val Y)) $T $Nil) )
(set Y Z)
(? (atom X) Z) ) ) ) )
# (zero var ..) -> 0
(de _Zero (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(set (needChkVar Exe (++ X)) ZERO)
(? (atom X) ZERO) ) ) )
# (one var ..) -> 1
(de _One (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(set (needChkVar Exe (++ X)) ONE)
(? (atom X) ONE) ) ) )
# (default sym 'any ..) -> any
(de _Default (Exe)
(let X (cdr Exe)
(let Y (needChkVar Exe (++ X))
(when (nil? (val Y))
(set Y (eval (car X))) )
(? (atom (shift X)) (val Y)) ) ) ) )
# (push 'var 'any ..) -> any
(de _Push (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))) )
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(let Z (eval (++ X))
(set Y (cons Z (val Y)))
(? (atom X) Z) ) ) ) )
# (push1 'var 'any ..) -> any
(de _Push1 (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))) )
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(let (Z (eval (++ X)) V (val Y))
(unless (member Z V)
(set Y (cons Z V)) )
(? (atom X) Z) ) ) ) )
# (push1q 'var 'any ..) -> any
(de _Push1q (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))) )
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(let (Z (eval (++ X)) V (val Y))
(unless (memq Z V)
(set Y (cons Z V)) )
(? (atom X) Z) ) ) ) )
# (pop 'var) -> any
(de _Pop (Exe)
(let X (needChkVar Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))
(when (and (sym? X) (sym? (val (tail X))))
(dbTouch Exe X) )
(if (atom (val X))
(set X (cdr @))
(car @) ) ) )
# (++ var) -> any
(de _Popq (Exe)
(let X (needChkVar Exe (cadr Exe))
(if (atom (val X))
(set X (cdr @))
(car @) ) ) )
# (shift 'var) -> any
(de _Shift (Exe)
(let X (needChkVar Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))
(when (and (sym? X) (sym? (val (tail X))))
(dbTouch Exe X) )
(set X (cdr (needLst Exe (val X)))) ) )
# (cut 'cnt 'var) -> lst
(de _Cut (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) N (evCnt Exe X))
(if (le0 N)
(let Y (needChkVar Exe (eval (cadr X)))
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(if (atom (val Y))
(V (save @)
Z (cons (++ V) $Nil)
R (save Z) )
(while (and (pair V) (dec 'N))
(setq Z (set 2 Z (cons (++ V) $Nil))) )
(set Y V) # Set new value
R ) ) ) ) ) )
# (del 'any 'var ['flg]) -> lst
(de _Del (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (eval (++ X)))
Var (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X))))
Flg (nil? (eval (car X))) )
(when (and (sym? Var) (sym? (val (tail Var))))
(dbTouch Exe Var) )
(let V (val Var)
(? (atom V) V)
(let Z (++ V)
(? (not (equal Y Z))
(let (P (cons Z $Nil) R P)
(save R
(? (atom V))
(if (equal Y (setq Z (++ V)))
(? Flg)
(setq P (set 2 P (cons Z $Nil))) ) ) )
(set 2 P V Var R) ) ) )
(set Var V)
(? Flg V) ) ) ) )
# (queue 'var 'any) -> any
(de _Queue (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))) )
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) )
(Z (eval (car X))
L (cons Z $Nil)
V (val Y) )
(if (atom V)
(set Y L)
(while (pair (cdr V))
(shift V) )
(set 2 V L) )
Z ) ) )
# (fifo 'var ['any ..]) -> any
(de _Fifo (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))) )
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) ) # External symbol
(let V (val Y)
((pair X) # Add to fifo
(let E (eval (car X))
(if (pair V)
(setq V (set 2 V (cons E (cdr V)))) # Concat into value
(setq V (cons E -ZERO)) # Circular cell
(set 2 V V) )
(while (pair (shift X))
(setq V
(set 2 V
(setq E (eval (car X)))
(cdr V) ) ) ) )
(set Y V)
E ) )
((atom V) $Nil) # Empty
((== (cdr V) V) # Single cell
(set Y $Nil) # Clear value
(car V) )
(set 2 V (cdr @)) # Remove
(car @) ) ) ) ) ) # and return
# (rid 'var 'any) -> any
(de _Rid (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X)))) )
(when (and (sym? Y) (sym? (val (tail Y))))
(dbTouch Exe Y) ) # External symbol
(setq X (eval (car X)))
(let V (val Y)
((pair V)
(let (Z V L (cdr Z))
(? (atom L) # Non-circular
(when (equal L X)
(set 2 Z $Nil) )
(if (equal (car V) X)
(set Y (cdr V))
V ) )
(? (== L V) # Circular
((equal (car L) X) V)
((== L Z)
(set 2 Z (cdr L))
(set Y Z) )
(NIL (set Y $Nil)) ) )
(if (equal (car L) X)
(set 2 Z (shift L))
(setq L (cdr (shift Z))) ) ) ) )
((equal V X) (set Y $Nil))
(T V) ) ) ) )
# (enum 'var 'cnt ['cnt ..]) -> lst
# (enum 'var) -> lst
(de _Enum (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Var (save (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X))))
Cnt T )
(if (pair X)
(? (le0 (setq Cnt (evCnt Exe X))) $Nil)
(let P (val Var)
(let N (shr Cnt 1)
(? (=0 N)
(setq Var
(if (pair P)
(set Var (cons $Nil $Nil)) ) ) )
(if (& Cnt 1)
((atom P)
(let Y (cons $Nil (setq P $Nil))
(set Var (cons $Nil Y))
(setq Var (ofs Y 1)) ) )
((atom (cdr P))
(setq Var
(set 2 P (cons $Nil (setq P $Nil)))
1 ) ) )
(setq P (val (setq Var (ofs @ 1)))) ) )
((atom P)
(let Y (cons (setq P $Nil) $Nil)
(set Var (cons $Nil Y))
(setq Var Y) ) )
((atom (cdr P))
(setq Var
(set 2 P (cons (setq P $Nil) $Nil)) ) )
(T (setq P (val (setq Var @)))) ) )
(setq Cnt N) ) ) )
(? (atom (shift X)) Var) )
(setq Cnt 0)
(Q (link (push NIL NIL))
Tos (link (push -ZERO NIL))
R (link (push $Nil NIL))
P (val Var)
M 1 )
(let Y (cdr P) # Get subtrees
(? (atom (cdr Y))) # Right subtree
(let Z P # Go right
(setq P @) # Invert tree
(set 2 Y (val Tos))
(set Tos Z) )
Cnt (| Cnt M)
M (shl M 1) ) ) )
(set Q P) # Save tree
(unless (nil? (car P))
(set R
(cons # (cnt . any)
(cons (cnt (| Cnt M)) @)
(val R) ) ) )
(let Y (cdr P)
(? (pair (car Y)) # Left subtree
(let Z P # Go left
(setq P @) # Invert tree
(set Y (val Tos))
(set Tos (| Z 8)) # First visit
(set Q P) ) # Save tree
(setq M (shl M 1)) ) )
(let Y (val Tos)
(when (== -ZERO Y)
(ret (val R)) )
(? (=0 (& Y 8)) # Second visit
M (shr M 1)
Cnt (& Cnt (x| M -1)) )
(let Z (cdr Y) # Nodes
(set Tos (cdr Z)) # TOS on up link
(set 2 Z P)
(setq P Y)
(set Q P) ) ) # Save tree
Y (& Y -9) # Clear visit bit
M (shr M 1)
Cnt (& Cnt (x| M -1)) )
(let Z (cdr Y) # Nodes
(set Tos (car Z))
(set Z P)
(setq P Y)
(set Q P) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) # Save tree
# (enum? 'lst 'cnt ['cnt ..]) -> lst | NIL
(de _EnumQ (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
P (save (eval (++ X)))
Cnt T )
(? (le0 (setq Cnt (evCnt Exe X))) $Nil)
(let N (shr Cnt 1)
(? (=0 N))
(setq P
(if (& Cnt 1) (cddr P) (cadr P)) )
(? (atom P) (ret $Nil))
(setq Cnt N) ) )
(? (atom (shift X)) P)
(setq P (car P)) ) ) )
(local) (idxPut idxGet idxDel)
(de idxPut (Var Key Flg)
(let X (val Var)
(if (pair X)
(? (=0 (compare (car X) Key)) X) # Found key
(let Y (cdr X) # Get link cell
((lt0 @) # Entry is smaller
(? (atom Y) # No link yet
(if (or (t? Flg) (chance 1))
(set 2 X (cons $Nil (cons Key $Nil)))
(set 2 X (cons (cons (car X) $Nil) $Nil))
(set X Key) )
$Nil )
(? (atom (setq Y (cdr Y)))
(if (or (t? Flg) (chance 1))
(set 2 (cdr X) (cons Key $Nil))
(set (cdr X)
(cons (car X) (cons (cadr X) $Nil)) )
(set X Key) )
$Nil )
(t? Flg)
(atom (cdr Y))
(gt0 (compare (car Y) Key))
(chance (hex "FFF")) )
(setq X Y)
(xchg X Y)
2 (cdr X) (cddr Y)
2 (cdr Y) (cadr Y)
(cdr Y) (cadr X)
(cdr X) Y ) ) )
(T # Entry is greater
(? (atom Y) # No link yet
(if (or (t? Flg) (chance 1))
(set 2 X (cons (cons Key $Nil) $Nil))
(set 2 X (cons $Nil (cons (car X) $Nil)))
(set X Key) )
$Nil )
(? (atom (setq Y (car Y)))
(if (or (t? Flg) (chance 1))
(set (cdr X) (cons Key $Nil))
(set 2 (cdr X)
(cons (car X) (cons $Nil (cddr X))) )
(set X Key) )
$Nil )
(t? Flg)
(atom (cdr Y))
(lt0 (compare (car Y) Key))
(chance (hex "FFF")) )
(setq X Y)
(xchg X Y)
(cdr X) (cadr Y)
(cdr Y) (cddr Y)
2 (cdr Y) (cddr X)
2 (cdr X) Y ) ) ) ) ) )
(set Var (cons Key $Nil))
$Nil ) ) )
(de idxGet (Var Key)
(let X (val Var)
((nil? Key)
(while (pair (cadr X))
(setq X @) )
X )
((t? Key)
(while (pair (cddr X))
(setq X @) )
X )
(? (atom X) $Nil)
(? (=0 (compare (car X) Key)) X) # Found key
(let Y (cdr X) # Get link cell
(setq X
(if (lt0 @) (cdr Y) (car Y)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de idxDel (Var Key)
(let X (val Var)
(? (atom X) $Nil)
(let Y (cdr X) # Subtrees
(let I (compare (car X) Key)
(? (=0 I) # Found key
((atom (car Y)) # No left branch
(set Var (cdr Y)) ) # Use right branch
((atom (cdr Y)) # No right branch
(set Var (car Y)) ) # Use left branch
(let Z (cdr (setq Y (cdr Y))) # Sub-branches
(if (atom (car Z)) # No left sub-branch
(set # Insert right sub-branch
X (car Y)
2 (cdr X) (cdr Z) )
(let L (cdr (setq Z (car Z))) # Left sub-branch
(? (atom (car L)))
(setq Y Z Z (car L) L (cdr Z)) )
X (car Z)
(cdr Y) (cdr L) ) ) ) ) ) )
X )
(? (atom Y) $Nil) # No link cell
(setq Var Y) # Default point to left subtree
(and (lt0 I) (setq Var (ofs Var 1))) ) ) ) ) ) # Point to right
# (idx 'var 'any 'flg) -> lst
# (idx 'var 'any) -> lst
# (idx 'var) -> lst
(de _Idx (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Var (needChkVar Exe (eval (++ X))) )
(if (atom X)
(consTree (val Var) $Nil) # Single arg
(save Var
(let Key (save (eval (++ X)))
((atom X) (idxGet Var Key)) # Two args
((nil? (eval (car X))) (idxDel Var Key)) # Delete
(T (idxPut Var Key @)) ) ) ) ) ) )
# (lup 'lst 'any) -> lst
# (lup 'lst 'any 'any2) -> lst
(de _Lup (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) P (save (eval (++ X))))
(if (atom P)
(let Key (eval (++ X))
(if (atom X)
(let Y (car P)
((t? Y) (setq P (cadr P)))
((atom Y) (setq P (cddr P)))
(? (=0 (compare (car Y) Key)) (car P))
P (cdr P)
P (if (lt0 @) (cdr P) (car P)) ) ) ) )
(? (atom P) $Nil) )
(save Key)
(Key2 (save (eval (car X)))
Q (link (push NIL NIL))
Tos (link (push -ZERO NIL))
R $Nil )
(let Y (cdr (setq X (cdr P))) # Right subtree
(? (atom Y))
(let Z (car P)
(? (t? Z))
(? (and (pair Z) (gt0 (compare (car Z) Key2)))) )
(let Z P # Go right
(setq P Y) # Invert tree
(set 2 X (val Tos))
(set Tos Z) ) ) )
(set Q P) # Save tree
(pair (setq X (car P)))
(ge0 (compare (car X) Key)) )
(when (le0 (compare (car X) Key2))
(setq R (cons X R)) ) # Cons symbol
(? (pair (car (setq X (cdr P)))) # Left subtree
(let Z P # Go left
(setq P @) # Invert tree
(set X (val Tos))
(set Tos (| Z 8)) # First visit
(set Q P) ) ) ) # Save tree
(when (== -ZERO (setq X (val Tos)))
(ret R) )
(? (=0 (& X 8)) # Second visit
(let Y (cdr X) # Nodes
(set Tos (cdr Y)) # TOS on up link
(set 2 Y P)
(setq P X)
(set Q P) ) ) # Save tree
(setq X (& X -9)) # Clear visit bit
(let Y (cdr X) # Nodes
(set Tos (car Y))
(set Y P)
(setq P X)
(set Q P) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) # Save tree
### Property access ###
(local) (put putn get getn prop)
(de void put (Sym Key Val)
(let Tail (val (tail Sym))
(unless (num? Tail) # Property list
(let (L (any (& Tail -9)) X (car L))
(if (atom X)
(when (== Key X)
((nil? Val)
(shift L) # Remove first property
(set (tail Sym)
(if (sym? Tail) (sym L) L) ) )
((<> Val $T) # Change to cell
(set L (cons Val Key)) ) )
(ret) )
(when (== Key (cdr X))
((nil? Val)
(shift L) # Remove first property
(set (tail Sym)
(if (sym? Tail) (sym L) L) ) )
((t? Val) (set L Key)) # Change to flag
(T (set X Val)) ) # Set new value
(ret) ) )
(while (pair (setq X (cdr L)))
(let Y (car X)
(if (atom Y)
(when (== Key Y)
(if (nil? Val)
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Remove cell
(unless (t? Val)
(set X (cons Val Key)) )
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Unlink cell
(ifn (sym? Tail)
(set 2 X Tail)
(set 2 X (& Tail -9))
(setq X (sym X)) )
(set (tail Sym) X) )
(ret) )
(when (== Key (cdr Y))
(if (nil? Val)
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Remove cell
(if (t? Val)
(set X Key) # Change to flag
(set Y Val) ) # Set new value
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Unlink cell
(ifn (sym? Tail)
(set 2 X Tail)
(set 2 X (& Tail -9))
(setq X (sym X)) )
(set (tail Sym) X) )
(ret) ) ) )
(setq L X) ) ) )
(unless (nil? Val) # Non-NIL value
(setq Val
(if (t? Val) Key (cons Val Key)) )
(set (tail Sym)
(if (sym? Tail)
(sym (cons Val (& Tail -9)))
(cons Val Tail) ) ) ) ) )
(de void putn (Exe Lst Key Val)
((num? Key)
(loop # asoq
(let X (car Lst)
(? (and (pair X) (== Key (car X)))
(set 2 X Val) ) )
(when (atom (shift Lst))
(itemErr Exe Key) ) ) )
((== ZERO Key)
(let Cnt (int Key) # index
(while (dec 'Cnt)
(when (atom (shift Lst))
(itemErr Exe Key) ) ) )
(if (sign? Key)
(set 2 Lst Val)
(set Lst Val) ) )
(NIL (argErr Exe Key)) ) )
(de get (Sym Key)
(let Tail (val (tail Sym))
(unless (num? Tail)
(let (L (any (& Tail -9)) X (car L))
(if (atom X)
(when (== Key X)
(ret $T) )
(when (== Key (cdr X))
(ret (car X)) ) )
(while (pair (setq X (cdr L)))
(let Y (car X)
(if (atom Y)
(when (== Key Y)
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Unlink cell
(ifn (sym? Tail)
(set 2 X Tail)
(set 2 X (& Tail -9))
(setq X (sym X)) )
(set (tail Sym) X)
(ret $T) )
(when (== Key (cdr Y))
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Unlink cell
(ifn (sym? Tail)
(set 2 X Tail)
(set 2 X (& Tail -9))
(setq X (sym X)) )
(set (tail Sym) X)
(ret (car Y)) ) )
(setq L X) ) ) ) )
$Nil ) )
(de getn (Exe X Key)
(when (num? X) # Need symbol or pair
(argErr Exe X) )
(if (pair X)
((num? Key)
(loop # asoq
(let Y (car X)
(? (and (pair Y) (== Key (car Y)))
(cdr Y) ) )
(? (atom (shift X)) $Nil) ) )
((== ZERO Key) (nth Key X))
(NIL $Nil) )
(when (sym? (val (tail X)))
(dbFetch Exe X) )
(if (== Key ZERO)
(val X)
(tailcall (get X Key)) ) ) )
(de prop (Sym Key)
(let Tail (val (tail Sym))
(unless (num? Tail)
(let (L (any (& Tail -9)) X (car L))
(if (atom X)
(when (== Key X)
(ret Key) )
(when (== Key (cdr X))
(ret X) ) )
(while (pair (setq X (cdr L)))
(let Y (car X)
(if (atom Y)
(when (== Key Y)
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Unlink cell
(ifn (sym? Tail)
(set 2 X Tail)
(set 2 X (& Tail -9))
(setq X (sym X)) )
(set (tail Sym) X)
(ret Key) )
(when (== Key (cdr Y))
(set 2 L (cdr X)) # Unlink cell
(ifn (sym? Tail)
(set 2 X Tail)
(set 2 X (& Tail -9))
(setq X (sym X)) )
(set (tail Sym) X)
(ret Y) ) ) )
(setq L X) ) ) )
(let R (cons $Nil Key)
(set (tail Sym)
(if (sym? Tail)
(sym (cons R (& Tail -9)))
(cons R Tail) ) )
R ) ) )
# (put 'sym1|lst ['sym2|cnt ..] 'any) -> any
(de _Put (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (eval (++ X)))
Key T )
(setq Key (eval (++ X)))
(? (atom (cdr X)))
(setq Y (safe (getn Exe Y Key))) )
(when (num? Y) # Need symbol or pair
(argErr Exe Y) )
(link (push Key NIL))
(let Val (eval (car X))
(if (pair Y)
(putn Exe Y Key Val)
(when (sym? (val (tail Y)))
(if (nil? Key)
(dbFetch Exe Y) # Volatile property
(dbTouch Exe Y) ) )
(if (== ZERO Key)
(set (chkVar Exe Y) Val)
(put Y Key Val) ) )
Val ) ) )
# (get 'sym1|lst ['sym2|cnt ..]) -> any
(de _Get (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (eval (++ X)))
(when (pair X)
(save Y
(setq Y (getn Exe Y (eval (++ X))))
(? (atom X))
(safe Y) ) ) )
Y ) )
# (prop 'sym1|lst ['sym2|cnt ..] 'sym) -> var
(de _Prop (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (eval (++ X)))
Key T )
(setq Key (eval (++ X)))
(? (atom X))
(setq Y (safe (getn Exe Y Key))) )
(needSymb Exe Y)
(link (push Key NIL))
(when (sym? (val (tail Y)))
(if (nil? Key)
(dbFetch Exe Y) # Volatile property
(dbTouch Exe Y) ) )
(prop Y Key) ) )
# (; 'sym1|lst [sym2|cnt ..]) -> any
(de _Semicol (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (eval (++ X)))
(when (pair X)
(save Y
(setq Y (getn Exe Y (++ X)))
(? (atom X))
(safe Y) ) ) )
Y ) )
# (=: sym|0 [sym1|cnt ..] 'any) -> any
(de _SetCol (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (val $This) Key T)
(setq Key (++ X))
(? (atom (cdr X)))
(setq Y (getn Exe Y Key)) )
(when (num? Y) # Need symbol or pair
(argErr Exe Y) )
(let Val (eval (car X))
(if (pair Y)
(putn Exe Y Key Val)
(when (sym? (val (tail Y)))
(if (nil? Key)
(dbFetch Exe Y) # Volatile property
(dbTouch Exe Y) ) )
(if (== ZERO Key)
(set (chkVar Exe Y) Val)
(put Y Key Val) ) )
Val ) ) )
# (: sym|0 [sym1|cnt ..]) -> any
(de _Col (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (val $This))
(setq Y (getn Exe Y (++ X)))
(? (atom X) Y) ) ) )
# (:: sym|0 [sym1|cnt .. sym2]) -> var
(de _PropCol (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (val $This) Key T)
(setq Key (++ X))
(? (atom X))
(setq Y (getn Exe Y Key)) )
(needSymb Exe Y)
(when (sym? (val (tail Y)))
(if (nil? Key)
(dbFetch Exe Y) # Volatile property
(dbTouch Exe Y) ) )
(prop Y Key) ) )
# (putl 'sym1|lst1 ['sym2|cnt ..] 'lst) -> lst
(de _Putl (Exe)
(X (cdr Exe)
Y (save (eval (++ X)))
Z T )
(setq Z (eval (++ X)))
(? (atom X))
(setq Y (safe (getn Exe Y Z))) )
(R (save Z)
Tail (val (tail (needSymb Exe Y))) )
(when (sym? (setq X Tail))
(dbTouch Exe Y)
(setq X (& (val (tail Y)) -9)) )
(until (num? X) # Skip old properties
(shift X) )
(while (pair Z) # New property list
(let P (++ Z)
(if (atom P)
(setq X (cons P X))
(unless (nil? (car P))
(when (t? (car P))
(setq P (cdr P)) )
(setq X (cons P X)) ) ) ) )
(set (tail Y)
(if (sym? Tail) (sym X) X) )
R ) ) )
# (getl 'sym1|lst1 ['sym2|cnt ..]) -> lst
(de _Getl (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (save (eval (car X))))
(while (pair (shift X))
(setq Y
(safe (getn Exe Y (eval (car X)))) ) )
(when (sym? (setq X (val (tail (needSymb Exe Y)))))
(dbFetch Exe Y)
(setq X (& (val (tail Y)) -9)) )
(if (num? X)
(let R (setq Y (cons (car X) $Nil))
(link (push R NIL))
(while (pair (shift X))
(setq Y
(set 2 Y (cons (car X) $Nil)) ) )
R ) ) ) )
(local) wipe
(de void wipe (Exe X)
(Tail (val (tail (needSymb Exe X)))
Nm (name (& Tail -9)) )
(ifn (sym? Tail) # External symbol
X $Nil # Clear value
(tail X) Nm ) # and properties
(setq Nm (add Nm Nm)) # Get carry
(unless @@ # Not dirty
(setq Nm (add Nm Nm))
(when @@ # and loaded
X $Nil
(tail X) (sym (shr Nm 2)) ) ) ) ) ) ) # Set "not loaded"
# (wipe 'sym|lst) -> sym|lst
(de _Wipe (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(unless (nil? X)
(if (atom X)
(wipe Exe X)
(let Y X
(wipe Exe (++ Y))
(? (atom Y)) ) ) ) )
X ) )
(local) meta
(de meta (X Key)
(? (atom X) $Nil)
(let Y (car X)
(when (symb? Y)
(if (== Key ZERO) (val Y) (get Y Key)) ) )
@ )
(stkChk 0)
(? (not (nil? (meta (car Y) Key))) @) ) )
(shift X) ) )
# (meta 'obj|typ 'sym ['sym2|cnt ..]) -> any
(de _Meta (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (save (eval (++ X))))
(when (num? Y) # Need symbol or pair
(argErr Exe Y) )
(when (sym? Y)
(when (sym? (val (tail Y)))
(dbFetch Exe Y) )
(setq Y (val Y)) )
(setq Y (meta Y (eval (car X))))
(while (pair (shift X))
(safe Y)
(setq Y (getn Exe Y (eval (car X)))) )
Y ) )
# (low? 'any) -> sym | NIL
(de _LowQ (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(if (and (symb? X) (isLowc (firstChar X)))
$Nil ) ) )
# (upp? 'any) -> sym | NIL
(de _UppQ (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(if (and (symb? X) (isUppc (firstChar X)))
$Nil ) ) )
# (lowc 'any) -> any
(de _Lowc (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(if (or (not (symb? X)) (nil? X))
(P (push 0 (xName Exe X) NIL) # [cnt name link]
Q (link (ofs P 1) T)
R (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) # [cnt last name link]
C T )
(link (ofs R 2))
(while (setq C (symChar P))
(charSym (toLowerCase C) R) )
(consStr (val 3 R)) ) ) ) )
# (uppc 'any) -> any
(de _Uppc (Exe)
(let X (eval (cadr Exe))
(if (or (not (symb? X)) (nil? X))
(P (push 0 (xName Exe X) NIL) # [cnt name link]
Q (link (ofs P 1) T)
R (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) # [cnt last name link]
C T )
(link (ofs R 2))
(while (setq C (symChar P))
(ifn (== C (char "ß"))
(charSym (toUpperCase C) R)
(charSym (char "S") R)
(charSym (char "S") R) ) )
(consStr (val 3 R)) ) ) ) )
# (fold 'any ['cnt]) -> sym
(de _Fold (Exe)
(let (X (cdr Exe) Y (eval (++ X)))
(if (or (not (symb? Y)) (nil? Y))
(N (if (atom X) 0 (evCnt Exe X))
P (push 0 (xName Exe Y) NIL) # [cnt name link]
Q (link (ofs P 1) T)
R (push 4 NIL ZERO NIL) # [cnt last name link]
C T )
(link (ofs R 2))
(while (setq C (symChar P))
(when (isLetterOrDigit C)
(charSym (toLowerCase C) R)
(? (=0 (dec 'N))) ) )
(consStr (val 3 R)) ) ) ) )