# 02jun24 Software Lab. Alexander Burger
# *Allow
(de *Day . (Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun .))
(de *Mon . (Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec .))
### Locale ###
(de *Ctry)
(de *Lang)
(de *Sep0 . ".")
(de *Sep3 . ",")
(de *CtryCode)
(de *NatTrunkPrf)
(de *DateFmt @Y "-" @M "-" @D)
(de *DayFmt "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday")
(de *MonFmt "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December")
(de locale (Ctry Lang . @) # "DE" "de" ["app/loc/" ..]
(load (if (setq *Ctry Ctry) (pack "@loc/" @ ".l") "@loc/NIL.l"))
(ifn (setq *Lang Lang)
(for S (idx '*Uni)
(set S S) )
(let L
("loc" (pack "@loc/" Lang))
(while (args)
("loc" (pack (next) Lang)) ) ) )
(balance '*Uni L T)
(for S L
(set (car (idx '*Uni S)) (val S)) ) )
(====) ) )
(de "loc" (F)
(when (info F)
(in F
(use X
(while (setq X (read))
(if (=T X)
("loc" (read))
(set (link @) (name (read))) ) ) ) ) ) )
### String ###
(de wrap (Max X)
(let R
(for (Lst (split (chop X) " " "\n") Lst)
(let L (++ Lst)
(and Lst
(> Max
(+ (length (car Lst)) (sum length L)) ) )
(setq L (conc L (list " ") (++ Lst))) )
(link L) ) ) )
(if (atom X)
(mapcar pack R)
(glue "\n" R) ) ) )
### Number ###
(de money (N Cur)
(if Cur
(pack (format N 2 *Sep0 *Sep3) " " Cur)
(format N 2 *Sep0 *Sep3) ) )
(de round (N D)
(if (> *Scl (default D 3))
(format (*/ N (** 10 (- *Scl D))) D *Sep0 *Sep3)
(format N *Scl *Sep0 *Sep3) ) )
# Binary notation
(de bin (X I)
((num? X)
(let (S (and (lt0 X) '-) L (& 1 X) A (cons 0 I))
(until (=0 (setq X (>> 1 X)))
(at A (push 'L " "))
(push 'L (& 1 X)) )
(pack S L) ) )
((setq X
'((C) (not (sp? C)))
(chop X) ) )
(let (S (and (= '- (car X)) (++ X)) N 0 C)
(NIL (setq C (format (++ X))))
(NIL (or (=0 C) (=1 C)))
(setq N (| C (>> -1 N)))
(NIL X (if S (- N) N)) ) ) ) ) )
# Octal notation
(de oct (X I)
((num? X)
(let (S (and (lt0 X) '-) L (& 7 X) A (cons 0 I))
(until (=0 (setq X (>> 3 X)))
(at A (push 'L " "))
(push 'L (& 7 X)) )
(pack S L) ) )
((setq X
'((C) (not (sp? C)))
(chop X) ) )
(let (S (and (= '- (car X)) (++ X)) N 0 C)
(NIL (setq C (format (++ X))))
(NIL (>= 7 C 0))
(setq N (| C (>> -3 N)))
(NIL X (if S (- N) N)) ) ) ) ) )
# Hexadecimal notation
(de hex (X I)
((num? X)
(let (S (and (lt0 X) '-) L (hex1 X) A (cons 0 I))
(until (=0 (setq X (>> 4 X)))
(at A (push 'L " "))
(push 'L (hex1 X)) )
(pack S L) ) )
((setq X
'((C) (not (sp? C)))
(chop X) ) )
(let (S (and (= '- (car X)) (++ X)) N 0 C)
(setq C (char (++ X)))
'((48 . 48) (58) (65 . 55) (71) (97 . 87) (103)) ) ) )
(setq N (| (- C @) (>> -4 N)))
(NIL X (if S (- N) N)) ) ) ) ) )
(de hex1 (N)
(let C (& 15 N)
(and (> C 9) (inc 'C 7))
(char (+ C `(char "0"))) ) )
# Hexadecimal/Alpha notation
(de hax (X)
(if (num? X)
(when (> (setq C (- (char C) `(char "0"))) 9)
(dec 'C 7) )
(char (+ `(char "@") C)) )
(chop (hex X)) ) )
(when (> (setq C (- (char C) `(char "@"))) 9)
(inc 'C 7) )
(char (+ `(char "0") C)) )
(chop X) ) ) ) )
### Tree ###
(de balance ("Var" "Lst" "Flg")
(unless "Flg" (set "Var"))
(let "Len" (length "Lst")
(recur ("Lst" "Len")
(unless (=0 "Len")
(let ("N" (>> 1 (inc "Len")) "L" (nth "Lst" "N"))
(idx "Var" (car "L") T)
(recurse "Lst" (dec "N"))
(recurse (cdr "L") (- "Len" "N")) ) ) ) ) )
(de depth (Idx) #> (max . average)
(let (C 0 D 0 N 0)
(recur (Idx N)
(ifn Idx
(inc 'C)
(inc 'D (inc 'N))
(recurse (cadr Idx) N)
(recurse (cddr Idx) N) ) ) ) )
(or (=0 (setq @@ C)) (*/ D C)) ) ) )
### Allow ###
(de allowed Lst
(setq *Allow (cons NIL (car Lst)))
(balance *Allow (sort (cdr Lst))) )
(de allow (X Flg)
(Flg (idx *Allow X T))
((member X (cdr *Allow)) (queue '*Allow X)) )
X )
### Telephone ###
(de telStr (S)
((not S))
((and *CtryCode (pre? (pack *CtryCode " ") S))
(pack *NatTrunkPrf (cdr (member " " (chop S)))) )
(T (pack "+" S)) ) )
(de expTel (S)
(setq S
(for (L (chop S) L)
(ifn (sub? (car L) " -")
(link (++ L))
(let F NIL
(and (= '- (++ L)) (on F))
(NIL (sub? (car L) " -")
(link (if F '- " ")) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
((= "+" (car S)) (pack (cdr S)))
((head '("0" "0") S) (pack (cddr S)))
(let L *NatTrunkPrf
(NIL L (pack *CtryCode " " S))
(NIL (= (++ L) (++ S))) ) ) ) ) )
### Date ###
# ISO date
(de $dat (S C)
(if C
(= 3
(length (setq S (split (chop S) C))) )
(format (car S)) # Year
(or (format (cadr S)) 0) # Month
(or (format (caddr S)) 0) ) ) # Day
(format S)
(/ @ 10000) # Year
(% (/ @ 100) 100) # Month
(% @ 100) ) ) ) )
# Localized
(de datStr (D F)
(when (setq D (date D))
(@Y (if F (pad 2 (% (car D) 100)) (pad 4 (car D)))
@M (pad 2 (cadr D))
@D (pad 2 (caddr D)) )
(pack (fill *DateFmt)) ) ) )
(de strDat (S)
(use (@Y @M @D)
(match *DateFmt (chop S))
(format @Y)
(or (format @M) 0)
(or (format @D) 0) ) ) ) )
(de expDat (S)
((= "." S) (date))
((or (pre? "+" S) (pre? "-" S)) (+ (date) (format S)))
(use (@Y @M @D X)
(unless (match *DateFmt (setq S (chop S)))
(cdr (setq S (split S ".")))
(>= 2 (length (car S))) )
@D (car S)
@M (cadr S)
@Y (caddr S) )
@D (head 2 (car S))
@M (head 2 (nth (car S) 3))
@Y (nth (car S) 5) ) ) )
(setq @D (format @D))
(@Y (car (date (date))))
((setq X (format @Y)))
((>= X 100)
(+ X
(* 100 (/ (car (date (date))) 100)) ) )
(NIL X) )
(@M (cadr (date (date))))
((setq X (format @M)) 0)
((n0 X) (cadr (date (date))))
(NIL X) )
@D ) ) ) ) ) )
# Day of the week
(de day (Dat Lst)
(when Dat
(or Lst *DayFmt)
(inc (% (inc Dat) 7)) ) ) )
# Week of the year
(de week (Dat)
(let W
(_week Dat)
(_week (date (car (date Dat)) 1 4))
-1 )
(if (=0 W) 53 W) ) )
(de _week (Dat)
(/ (- Dat (% (inc Dat) 7)) 7) )
# Last day of month
(de ultimo (Y M)
(if (= 12 M)
(date (inc Y) 1 1)
(date Y (inc M) 1) ) ) )
### Time ###
(de $tim (S)
(setq S (split (chop S) ":"))
(unless (or (cdr S) (>= 2 (length (car S))))
(setq S
(head 2 (car S))
(head 2 (nth (car S) 3))
(nth (car S) 5) ) ) )
(when (format (car S))
(time @
(or (format (cadr S)) 0)
(or (format (caddr S)) 0) ) ) )
(de stamp (Dat Tim)
(and (=T Dat) (setq Dat (date T)))
(default Dat (date) Tim (time T))
(pack (dat$ Dat "-") " " (tim$ Tim T)) )
### I/O ###
(de chdir ("Dir" . "Prg")
(let? "Old" (cd "Dir")
(finally (cd "Old")
(run "Prg") ) ) )
(de dirname (F)
(glue "/"
(trim (split (chop F) "/"))
(set (tail 1 @)) ) ) )
(de basename (F)
(pack (last (trim (split (chop F) "/")))) )
(de ssl ("Host" "Path" . "Prg")
(in (list "@bin/ssl" "Host" 443 "Path")
(tail '`(chop "200 OK") (line))
(from "\r\n\r\n")
(run "Prg") ) ) )
(de download (Host Src Dst)
(let (F (tmp 'download) Size)
(in (list "@bin/ssl" Host 443 Src)
(tail '`(chop "200 OK") (line))
(from "Content-Length:")
(setq Size (format (till "\r\n")))
(from "\r\n\r\n")
(out F (echo))
(= Size (car (info F)))
(=0 (%@ "rename" 'I F Dst)) ) ) ) )
# Echo here-documents
(de here (S)
(echo S) )
# Print or eval
(de prEval ("Prg" "Ofs")
(default "Ofs" 1)
(for "X" "Prg"
(if (atom "X")
(prinl (eval "X" "Ofs"))
(eval "X" "Ofs") ) ) )
# Replace single LF with CR/LF
(de nlCrnl "Prg"
((= "\n" @@)
(prin "\r\n") )
((nand (= "\n" @@@) (= "\r" @@))
(prin @@) ) )
(run "Prg") ) )
# Multiline Base64
(de prBase64 (N C)
(do N
(NIL (ext:Base64 (rd 1) (rd 1) (rd 1)))
T )
(prinl C) ) )
# Send mail
(de mail (Host Port From To Sub Att . Prg)
(let? S
(if (pair Port)
(pipe (exec "@bin/ssl" Host (fin Port)))
(connect Host Port) )
(let B (pack "==" (date) "-" (time T) "-" (usec) "==")
(pre? "220 " (in S (line T)))
(out S (prinl "HELO " (cdr (member "@" (chop (fin From)))) "\r"))
(pre? "250 " (in S (line T)))
(atom Port)
(out S
(prin "AUTH PLAIN ")
(prin (car Port))
(wr 0)
(prin (car Port))
(wr 0)
(prin (cadr Port)) )
(prBase64 T "\r") )
(prinl "\r") )
(pre? "235 " (in S (line T))) ) )
(out S (prinl "MAIL FROM:<" (fin From) ">\r"))
(pre? "250 " (in S (line T)))
(if (atom To)
(_rcpt To)
(find bool (mapcar _rcpt To)) )
(out S (prinl "DATA\r"))
(pre? "354 " (in S (line T)))
(out S
(prinl "From: " (fin From) "\r")
(prinl "To: " (or (fin To) (glue "," To)) "\r")
(prin "Subject: ")
(ifn (find > (chop Sub) '("~" .))
(prinl Sub "\r")
(prin "=?utf-8?B?")
(pipe (prin Sub) (prBase64 T "\r"))
(prinl "?=\r") )
(when (pair From)
(prinl "Reply-To: " (car From) "\r") )
(prinl "User-Agent: PicoLisp\r")
(prinl "MIME-Version: 1.0\r")
(when Att
(prinl "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" B "\"\r")
(prinl "\r")
(prinl "--" B "\r")
(unless (cadr Att)
(prinl "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"==" B "==\"\r")
(prinl "\r")
(prinl "--==" B "==\r") ) )
(prinl "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r")
(prinl "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r")
(prinl "\r")
(nlCrnl (prEval Prg 2))
(prinl "\r")
(when Att
(if (cadr Att)
(prinl "--" B "\r")
(prinl "--==" B "==\r") )
(prin "Content-Type: " (or (caddr Att) "application/octet-stream"))
(and (cadr Att) (prin "; name=\"" @ "\""))
(prinl "\r")
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: "
(if (cadr Att) "base64" "8bit")
"\r" )
(prinl "\r")
(in (car Att)
(ifn (cadr Att)
(nlCrnl (echo))
(prBase64 18 "\r")
(prinl "\r") ) )
(prinl "\r")
(unless (cadr Att)
(prinl "--==" B "==--\r")
(prinl "\r") )
(NIL (setq Att (cdddr Att))) )
(prinl "--" B "--\r") )
(prinl ".\r") )
(pre? "250 " (in S (line T)))
(out S (prinl "QUIT\r"))
(pre? "221 " (in S (line T)))
T )
(close S) ) ) ) )
(de _rcpt (To)
(out S (prinl "RCPT TO:<" To ">\r"))
(pre? "250 " (in S (line T))) )
### Debug ###
# Hex Dump
(de hd (File Cnt)
(in File
(let Pos 0
(nand Cnt (lt0 (dec 'Cnt)))
(make (do 16 (and (rd 1) (link @)))) )
(let L @
(prin (pad 8 (hex Pos)) " ")
(inc 'Pos 16)
(for N L
(prin (pad 2 (hex N)) " ") )
(space (inc (* 3 (- 16 (length L)))))
(for N L
(prin (if (>= 126 N 32) (char N) ".")) )
(prinl) ) ) ) ) )