# 05jan25 Software Lab. Alexander Burger
(symbols 'vip 'pico)
(sysdefs "unistd")
(load "@lib/term.l")
(local) (*Ns *Shell *CmdWin *StatNm *Chr *Complete *Repeat *Change *Count *Cnt
*Search *Clip *TagStack *Spell *CmdMap *Keys *KeyMap *KeyMap-g *KeyMap-q *F7 *F8
*F9 *F10 *F11 *F12 *@ *@@)
(def '*Shell (or (sys "SHELL") "sh"))
### VIP Editor ###
(local) (*Buffers +Buffer mkLoc fName prName rplFile fileBuffer rdLines delim
delimNs markup min1 undo redo evCmd dirty> load> save> syms> view> status delwin
cursor addLine chgLine unmark redraw repaint scLeft scRight goto chgwin eqwin
getch getch2 reload scratch syms pushTag tag done change jmp@@ cnt@@ goCol
goLeft goRight goUp goDown goAbs goFind word lword tword end lend getWord
_forward goForward _backward goBackward goPFore goPBack shift shiftY indent cutX
cutN paste join tglCase insChar incNum overwrite _bs insMode cmdMode cmdPipe
evRpt move chgRight jmpMark wordFun moveSearch patMatch parMatch spell pipeN
nextBuf shell shFile prCmd cmd _map map+ map+g map+q reset posChar getText
s-expr command vipA vipZ vi)
(class +Buffer)
# text file cmd symbols key undo redo dirt
# posX posY lastX lastY subd flat fmt syms <c>
(dm T (File Y)
(and (=: file File) (queue '*Buffers This))
(=: symbols (symbols))
(=: posX 1)
(=: posY (or Y 1))
(=: lastX (=: lastY 1))
(=: fmt 72) )
(de mkLoc (File)
(let P (conc (chop (pwd)) '("/"))
(when (head P File)
(setq File (cdr (nth File (length P)))) ) )
(if (pat? (car File))
(cons (name ".") (name "/") File)
File ) )
(de fName (File)
(let? F (chop (setq File (path File)))
(use R
(if (info File)
(if (=0 (%@ "realpath" 'N File '(R (`PATH_MAX C . `PATH_MAX))))
F R )
(let L (rot (split F "/"))
(cdr L)
(n0 (%@ "realpath" 'N (glue "/" @) '(R (`PATH_MAX C . `PATH_MAX)))) )
(conc R (list "/") (car L))
F ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de prName (File)
(if (pre? (sys "HOME") File)
(pack "~/" (cddr (nth (chop File) (length (sys "HOME")))))
File ) )
(de rplFile (File)
(replace (chop File) "%"
(if (== This *CmdWin)
(: next buffer file)
(: buffer file) ) ) ) )
(de fileBuffer (File Y)
(let F (fName File)
(find '((This) (= F (: file))) *Buffers)
(new '(+Buffer) F Y) )
(put @ 'subd (<> "/" (last (chop File)))) ) ) )
(de rdLines ()
(make (until (eof) (link (line)))) )
(de delim (C)
(member C
'`(cons NIL (chop " \t\n\r\"'(),[]`")) ) )
(de delimNs (C)
(or (delim C) (= "~" C)) )
(de markup (Lst)
(let (S 'text N 1)
(for L Lst
(let P NIL
(while L
(let? C (++ L)
(state 'S
(text (and (= "\"" C) 'string)
(set C 0) )
(= "#" C)
(delim P)
(if L 'comment 'text) )
(set C N)
(when (= "{" (car L))
(set (++ L) (inc 'N)) ) )
(text 'text
(set (setq P C)
(and (sp? C) (not L)) )
(when (= "\\" C)
(let? C (++ L)
(set C (and (sp? C) (not L))) ) ) ) )
(string (and (= "\"" C) 'text)
(set (setq P C) 0) )
(string (and (= "\\" C) (not L) 'skip)
(set C T) )
(string 'string
(set C T)
(and (= "\\" C) L (++ L) (set @ T)) )
(skip (and (sp? C) 'skip)
(set C) )
(skip (and (= "\"" C) 'text)
(set (setq P C) 0) )
(skip 'string
(set C T) )
((=1 (set (setq P C) N))
(if L
(and (sp? C) (not L) (set P T))
'text ) )
(= "}" C)
(= "#" (car L))
(=1 (set (++ L) (dec 'N))) )
'text )
(= "#" C)
(= "{" (car L))
(set (++ L) (inc 'N)) )
'comment ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de min1 (A B)
(max 1 (min A B)) )
(dm dirty> (Win)
(<> (: undo) (: dirt)) )
(dm load> (Win)
(=: text
(let? File (: file)
(let? I (info File)
(if (=T (car I))
(let (S (cdddr X) F (caddr X))
(mkLoc F)
((=T S) (chop "/ "))
((not S)
(chop " -> ")
(in (list "readlink" F) (line))
(chop " ") ) )
(chop " (")
(chop (/ (+ S 1023) 1024))
(chop ") ") ) ) )
(chop (dat$ (- (car X)) "-"))
(chop " ")
(chop (tim$ (- (cadr X)) T)) ) ) )
(unless (= "/" (last (setq File (chop File))))
(conc File (chop "/")) )
(recur (File)
(for F (dir File T)
(unless (member F '("." ".."))
(let? I (info (setq F (append File (chop F))) 0)
(if (and (=T (car I)) (: subd))
(recurse (conc F (chop "/")))
(- (cadr I))
(- (cddr I))
(car I) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(gc (+ 4 (*/ (car I) 32768))) # 2 cells / char
(if (sys "CCRYPT" (: key))
(in (list "ccrypt" "-c" "-ECCRYPT" File)
(rdLines) )
(in File (rdLines)) ) ) ) ) ) )
(=: symbols (symbols))
(=: undo (=: redo (=: dirt)))
(=: posX
(: posX)
(: text)
(=: posY (min1 (: posY) (length (: text)))) ) ) ) )
(let? L
'((L) (head '`(chop "# VIP ") L))
(head 3 (: text)) )
7 )
(symbols '(vip pico)
(if (= "(" (car L))
(run (str (pack L)))
(setq L (split L " "))
(apply script
(str (glue " " (cdr L)))
(path (car L)) ) ) ) ) ) )
(dm save> (Win)
(when (: file)
(unless (=T (car (info @)))
(if (sys "CCRYPT" (: key))
(out '("ccrypt" "-e" "-ECCRYPT")
(mapc prinl (: text)) )
(out (: file) (echo)) )
(out (: file) (mapc prinl (: text))) ) )
(=: dirt (: undo))
(for (This *CmdWin (setq This (: next)))
(status) )
(when (: syms)
(and (find ext? @ T) (pico~dbSync))
(in (: file)
(while (and (setq "*X" (read)) (atom @))
(unless (= (val "*X") (setq "*V" (read)))
(set "*X" "*V") )
(until (= '(=======) (setq "*K" (read)))
(unless (= (get "*X" "*K") (setq "*V" (read)))
(put "*X" "*K" "*V") ) ) ) )
(when (find ext? (: syms) T)
(commit 'pico~upd)
(syms> This (: syms)) ) ) )
(on *StatNm) )
(dm syms> ("Lst")
(out (: file)
(for "S" (=: syms "Lst")
(ext? "S" T)
(not (rank (car (id "S" T)) *Ext))
(lock "S") )
(prinl "# " "S" " locked")
(printsp "S")
(if (circ? "X")
(str? "X")
(and (val "X") (n== @ "X"))
(getl "X") )
(intern "X" 'priv) )
NIL ) )
(cons (val "S") (getl "S"))
"skip" )
(pretty (val "S"))
(for "X" (sort (getl "S"))
(space 3)
(if (atom "X")
(print "X" T)
(printsp (cdr "X"))
(pretty (setq "X" (car "X")) -3) )
(remark "X")
(prinl) ) )
(println '(=======))
(prinl) ) ) )
(dm view> (Win)
(beep) )
(local) (*Window +Window)
(class +Window)
# buffer top lines winX winY posX posY prev next last mark sc
(dm T (Buffer Top Lines WinX WinY PosX PosY Prev Mark)
(=: buffer Buffer)
(=: top Top)
(=: lines Lines)
(when (=: prev Prev)
(when (=: next (: prev next))
(=: next prev This) )
(=: prev next This) )
(=: winX WinX)
(=: winY WinY)
(=: posX PosX)
(=: posY PosY)
(=: mark Mark)
(=: sc 0) )
(dm view> ()
(view> (: buffer) This) )
(de delwin ()
(when (=: prev next (: next))
(=: next prev (: prev)) ) )
(de cursor ()
(+ (: top) (- (: posY) (: winY) -1))
(- (: posX) (: winX) -1) ) )
(de addLine (Y L N)
(cup (+ (: top) Y) 1)
(for C (nth L (: winX))
(T (lt0 (dec 'N)))
((: buffer flat))
((=T (val C))
((= "^?" C)
(setq C "?")
(attr RED T) )
((>= "^_" C "^A")
(setq C (char (+ 64 (char C))))
(attr RED T) )
(T (attr NIL T)) ) )
((= "^?" C)
(setq C "?")
(attr RED) )
((>= "^_" C "^A")
(setq C (char (+ 64 (char C))))
(attr RED) )
((gt0 (val C))
(attr CYAN) )
(T (attr)) )
(prin C) )
(attr) )
(de chgLine (L)
(addLine (- (: posY) (: winY) -1) L *Columns)
(cursor) )
(de unmark ()
(when (: mark)
(out @ (println (: posX) (: posY)))
(=: mark) ) )
(de status ()
(unless (== This *CmdWin)
(cup (+ (: top) (: lines) 1) 1)
(N (length (: buffer text))
A (pack
(index (: buffer) *Buffers)
(length *Buffers)
(if (dirty> (: buffer) This) " * " " ") )
F (or (: buffer cmd) (prName (: buffer file)))
Z (pack
(and (: mark) (cons @ " "))
(casq (: buffer symbols 1)
(T (cons @ " ")) )
(: posX) "," (: posY) "/" N " "
(if (gt0 (dec N))
(*/ 100 (dec (: posY)) @)
0 )
"%" ) )
(attr REVERS)
(let N (- *Columns (length (prin A)))
((ge0 (- N (length F) (length Z)))
(prin F (need @ " ") Z) )
((onOff *StatNm) (prin (tail N (chop F))))
(T (prin (need (- N (length Z)) " ") Z)) ) )
(flush) ) ) )
(de redraw ()
(let L (nth (: buffer text) (: winY))
(for Y (: lines)
(addLine Y (++ L) *Columns) ) )
(status) )
(de repaint ()
(for (This *CmdWin This (: next))
(redraw) ) )
(de scLeft (N)
(> (: winX) 1)
(>= (- (: posX) (dec (:: winX))) *Columns)
(dec (:: posX)) ) )
(de scRight (N)
((> (: posX) (: winX))
(inc (:: winX)) )
((cdr (nth (: buffer text) (: posY) (: posX)))
(inc (:: posX))
(inc (:: winX)) )
(for (Y . L) (cdr (nth (: buffer text) (: posY)))
(T (cdr (nth L (: posX)))
(inc (:: posY) Y) )
(T (= Y (: lines))) ) ) ) )
(de goto (X Y F)
(=: buffer posX (=: posX X))
(setq X
((and F
(>= (inc (: posY)) Y (dec (: posY)))
(>= (+ (: winX) *Columns -1) X (: winX)) )
(: winX) )
((>= (*/ *Columns 3 4) X) 1)
(T (- X (/ *Columns 2))) ) )
(=: buffer posY (=: posY Y))
(setq Y
(- Y (/ (: lines) 2))
(- (length (: buffer text)) (: lines) -1) ) )
(if (and F (= X (: winX)) (= Y (: winY)))
(=: winX X)
(=: winY Y)
(redraw) ) )
(de chgwin (Lines Top)
(=: lines Lines)
(and Top (=: top @))
(=: winY
(- (: posY) (/ (: lines) 2))
(- (length (: buffer text)) (: lines) -1) ) )
(redraw) )
(de eqwin ()
(H (dec *Lines)
D (*/ H
(let N 0
(for (This *CmdWin (: next) @)
(inc 'N) ) ) ) )
(with *CmdWin (chgwin 1 H))
(when (>= D 3)
(for (This *CmdWin (setq This (: next)))
(if (: next)
(chgwin (dec D) (dec 'H D))
(chgwin (dec H) 0) ) ) )
(cursor) ) )
(de getch ()
(symbols *Ns
(if (= "\e" (setq *Chr (or (++ *Keys) (key))))
(when (or (++ *Keys) (key 120))
(setq *Chr (pack *Chr @))
(T (member *Chr '("\e[A" "\e[B" "\e[C" "\e[D")) *Chr)
(NIL (or (++ *Keys) (key 120)) *Chr) ) )
*Chr ) ) )
(de getch2 (C)
(if (= "^V" C)
(or (++ *Keys) (symbols *Ns (key)))
C ) )
(de reload (File Y X)
(unless (== This *CmdWin)
(when File
(let B (fileBuffer File)
(unless (== B (: buffer))
(=: last (: buffer))
(=: buffer B) ) ) )
(load> (: buffer) This)
(off *StatNm)
(or X (: buffer posX))
(or Y (: buffer posY)) )
(repaint) ) )
(de scratch (File Lst Y)
(out (setq File (fName File))
(mapc prinl Lst) )
(if (find '((This) (= File (: file))) *Buffers)
(with @
(=: text Lst)
(=: undo (=: redo (=: dirt))) ) )
(=: last (: buffer))
(=: buffer (new '(+Buffer) File Y))
Lst )
(markup (: buffer text))
(goto 1 (: buffer posY)) )
(repaint) )
(de pushTag (File)
(push '*TagStack (: posX) (: posY) File (symbols)) )
(de tag (S C)
(if C
(get C '*Dbg -1 S)
(meta C '*Dbg -1 S) )
(get S '*Dbg 1) )
(pushTag (: buffer file))
(symbols (cddr @))
(reload (cadr @) (car @) 1) ) )
(de done (Flg)
(and Flg
(dirty> (: buffer) This)
(save> (: buffer) This) )
((; *CmdWin next next)
(throw 'done Flg) )
((n== This *CmdWin))
((== This (; *CmdWin next))
(let (N (: lines) Top (: top))
(with (setq *Window (: prev))
(chgwin (+ 1 N (: lines)) Top) ) ) )
(let N (: lines)
(with (setq *Window (: next))
(chgwin (+ 1 N (: lines))) ) ) ) ) )
(de change Prg
(Pos (nth (: buffer text) (: posY))
'PosX1 (: posX) 'PosY1 (: posY)
'OldA (car Pos) 'OldD (cdr Pos)
'NewD (: buffer text)
'(Pos PosX2 PosY2 NewA) ) )
(let? Res
(job Env
(run Prg)
PosX2 (: posX) PosY2 (: posY)
NewA (if Pos (car @) (: buffer text)) )
(and Pos (setq NewD (cdr @))) ) )
(=: buffer redo NIL)
(push (:: buffer undo)
(cons Env
'(ifn Pos
(=: buffer text NewD)
(set Pos OldA)
(con Pos OldD) )
'(ifn Pos
(=: buffer text NewA)
(set Pos NewA)
(con Pos NewD) ) ) )
(markup (: buffer text))
(goto (: posX) (: posY))
Res ) ) )
(de undo ()
(ifn (pop (:: buffer undo))
(let U @
(push (:: buffer redo) U)
(bind (car U)
(eval (cadr U))
(markup (: buffer text))
(goto PosX1 PosY1)
(repaint) ) ) ) )
(de redo ()
(ifn (pop (:: buffer redo))
(let R @
(push (:: buffer undo) R)
(bind (car R)
(eval (cddr R))
(markup (: buffer text))
(goto PosX2 PosY2)
(repaint) ) ) ) )
(de jmp@@ (Y)
(=: buffer lastX (: posX))
(=: buffer lastY (: posY))
(setq *@@ Y) )
(de cnt@@ ()
(- *@@ (: posY) -1) )
(de goCol (N)
(setq *@@ (: posY))
N )
(de goLeft (N)
(goCol (max 1 (- (: posX) N))) )
(de goRight (N I)
(or (=T N) (+ (: posX) N))
(or I 0)
(length (get (: buffer text) (: posY))) ) ) ) )
(de goUp (N)
(setq *@@ (max 1 (- (: posY) N)))
(min1 (: posX) (length (get (: buffer text) *@@))) )
(de goDown (N I)
(setq *@@
(or (=T N) (+ (: posY) N))
(+ (or I 0) (length (: buffer text))) ) )
(min1 (: posX) (length (get (: buffer text) *@@))) )
(de goAbs (X Y I)
(min1 Y
(+ (or I 0) (length (: buffer text))) ) )
(min1 X (length (get (: buffer text) *@@))) )
(de goFind (C D N I)
(setq *@@ (: posY))
(let (Lst (get (: buffer text) (: posY)) L (nth Lst (: posX)))
(do N (setq L (member C (cdr L))))
(if L
(+ D (or I 0) (offset L Lst))
(beep) ) ) )
(de word (L C)
(delim C)
(sub? (car L) "\"()[]")
(not (delim (car L))) ) ) )
(de lword (L C)
(and (sp? C) (not (sp? (car L))) ) )
(de tword (L)
(sp? (car L))
(not (sp? (cadr L))) ) )
(de end (L)
(and (not (delim (car L))) (delim (cadr L))) )
(de lend (L)
(and (not (sp? (car L))) (sp? (cadr L))) )
(de getWord (Flg)
(let Lst (get (: buffer text) (: posY))
(unless Flg
(for C (nth Lst (: posX))
(T (delim C))
(link C) ) )
(L (nth Lst (dec (: posX)))
(not (delim (car L)))
(prior L Lst) )
(yoke (car L)) ) ) ) )
(de _forward (Lst C)
(for ((X . L) Lst L (cdr L))
(T (and (Fun L C) (=0 (dec 'N)))
(jmp@@ Y)
(+ (or I 0) X) )
(setq C (car L))
NIL ) )
(de goForward (Fun N I)
(let (Y (: posY) Pos (nth (: buffer text) Y) L (nth (++ Pos) (: posX)))
(if (_forward (cdr L) (car L))
(+ (: posX) @)
(NIL Pos (beep))
(inc 'Y)
(T (_forward (++ Pos)) @) ) ) ) )
(de _backward (Lst L)
(use P
(setq P (prior L Lst))
(T (and (Fun L (car P)) (=0 (dec 'N)))
(jmp@@ Y)
(offset L Lst) )
(setq L P)
NIL ) ) )
(de goBackward (Fun N)
(let (Y (: posY) Pos (nth (: buffer text) Y))
(car Pos)
(nth (car Pos) (dec (: posX))) )
(NIL (setq Pos (prior Pos (: buffer text)))
(beep) )
(dec 'Y)
(T (_backward (car Pos) (tail 1 (car Pos))) @ ) ) ) ) )
(de goPFore (Cnt D I)
(let (Y (: posY) Pos (nth (: buffer text) Y))
(NIL (cdr Pos)
(jmp@@ Y)
(max 1 (+ (or I 0) (length (car Pos)))) )
(inc 'Y)
(car Pos)
(not (cadr Pos))
(=0 (dec 'Cnt)) )
(jmp@@ (+ Y D))
1 )
(++ Pos) ) ) )
(de goPBack (Cnt)
(let (Y (: posY) Pos (nth (: buffer text) Y))
(NIL (setq Pos (prior Pos (: buffer text))))
(dec 'Y)
(not (car Pos))
(cadr Pos)
(=0 (dec 'Cnt)) ) ) )
(jmp@@ Y)
1 ) )
(de shift (N Flg)
(let? P Pos
(do N
(when (car P)
(if Flg
(do 3 (push P (name " ")))
(do 3
(NIL (sp? (caar P)))
(pop P) ) ) )
(NIL (cdr P))
(setq P (con P (cons (car @) (cdr @)))) )
(=: posX 1) ) ) )
(de shiftY (X Flg)
(shift (cnt@@) Flg) )
(de indent ()
(let? P Pos
(when (clip (car P))
(let (N (*/ (offset @ (trim (car P))) 3) Sup N)
(set P @)
(do (* N 3) (push P (name " ")))
(for C (car P)
(unless (val C)
(case C
("(" (inc 'N))
(")" (dec 'N))
("[" (push 'Sup N) (inc 'N))
("]" (setq N (++ Sup))) ) ) )
(while (val (caadr P))
(++ P) )
(NIL (clip (cadr P)) T)
(setq P (con P (cons @ (cddr P)))) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de cutX (X Flg)
(when X
(let Y *@@
(unless (> (list Y X) (list (: posY) (: posX)))
(xchg 'X (:: posX) 'Y (:: posY)) )
(when Pos
(let (L (car Pos) DX (: posX))
(set *Clip
(if Flg
(set Pos (cut (dec DX) 'L))
(setq L (nth L DX)) )
(while (>= (dec 'Y) (: posY))
(link L)
(setq L (cadr Pos))
(if Flg
(con Pos (cddr Pos))
(++ Pos) )
(one DX) )
(link (cut (- X DX) 'L))
(when Flg
(set Pos (conc (car Pos) L))
(=: posX (min1 (: posX) (length (car Pos)))) )
(setq *@@ (unless L 1)) ) )
Flg ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de cutN (N)
(when Pos
(off *@@)
(set *Clip
(cons T
(if (setq Pos (prior Pos (: buffer text)))
(setq OldA (car @) OldD (cdr @))
(do N
(link (cadr Pos))
(NIL (con Pos (cddr Pos))
(one *@@)
(dec (:: posY)) ) )
(=: posX 1) )
(cut N (:: buffer text)) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de paste (Lst Flg)
(let P (or Pos (=: buffer text (cons)))
(ifn (=T (car Lst))
(let L (car P)
((=0 Flg) (setq PosX1 (=: posX 1)))
((=1 Flg)
(get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(get (: buffer text) (: posY) (inc (:: posX)))
(inc 'PosX1) ) )
(=: posX
(max 1
(inc (length (get (: buffer text) (: posY)))) ) ) ) )
(set P
(conc (cut (dec (: posX)) 'L) (mapcar name (++ Lst))) )
(for S Lst
(setq P (con P (cons (mapcar name S) (cdr P))))
(inc (:: posY)) )
(=: posX (max 1 (length (car P))))
(set P (append (car P) L)) )
(=: posX 1)
(ifn Flg
(for L (cdr Lst)
(con P (cons (car P) (cdr P)))
(set P (mapcar name L))
(setq P (cdr P)) )
(inc (:: posY))
(for L (cdr Lst)
(setq P (con P (cons (mapcar name L) (cdr P)))) ) ) )
T ) ) )
(de join (Cnt)
(do Cnt
(NIL (cdr Pos))
(set Pos
(car Pos)
(cons (name " ") (clip (cadr Pos))) ) )
(con Pos (cddr Pos)) )
T ) )
(de tglCase (Cnt)
(let? C (get Pos 1 (: posX))
(do Cnt
(set Pos
(place (: posX) (car Pos)
((if (upp? C) lowc uppc) C) ) )
(NIL (setq C (get Pos 1 (inc (: posX)))))
(inc (:: posX)) )
T ) ) )
(de insChar (C Cnt)
(when (car Pos)
(do Cnt
(set Pos (place (: posX) (car Pos) (name C)))
(NIL (get Pos 1 (inc (:: posX)))) )
(dec (:: posX)) ) ) )
(de incNum (Cnt)
(let (I (: posX) L (car Pos) S (get L I))
(ifn (format S)
(set Pos
(place (: posX) L (char (+ Cnt (char S)))) )
(gt0 (dec 'I))
(format (get L @)) )
(setq S (pack @ S)) )
(inc (:: posX)
(set Pos
(head I L)
(if (= `(char "0") (char S)) (length S) 1)
(chop (max 0 (+ Cnt (format S))))
(name "0") )
(tail (- (: posX)) L) ) ) )
(length L) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de overwrite (Lst)
(P (or Pos (=: buffer text (cons)))
L (conc (cut (dec (: posX)) P) (car Lst)) )
(set P
(append L
(cdr (nth (car P) (length (++ Lst)))) ) )
(=: posX (max 1 (length L))) ) ) )
(de _bs ()
(++ Chg)
(dec (:: posX))
(unless Rpl
(set P (remove (: posX) (car P))) ) )
(de insMode (Flg Win Rpl . @)
(let (P (or Pos (=: buffer text (cons))) Chg)
((=0 Flg)
(con P (cons (car P) (cdr P)))
(set P)
(goto 1 (: posY)) )
((=1 Flg))
(setq P (con P (cons NIL (cdr P))))
(goto 1 (inc (: posY)))
(setq Chg (0)) ) )
(off *Complete)
(case (or (next) (getch))
(("\n" "\r")
(Rpl (beep) T)
((== This *CmdWin)
(nil (command (or Win This) (car P))) )
(push 'Chg 0)
(con P
(cons (nth (car P) (: posX)) (cdr P)) )
(set P (head (dec (: posX)) (car P)))
(setq P (cdr P))
(goto 1 (inc (: posY)))
T ) ) )
(("\b" "^?") # [BACKSPACE]
(when (and Chg (n0 (car Chg)))
(chgLine (car P))
(off *Complete) )
T )
(let (S (list @) L (get (: buffer text) (: posY)))
((<> @ "\t") (off *Complete))
(== This *CmdWin)
(member L '(("/") ("?") ("&") (":") (":" " "))) )
(setq S
(setq *Complete
(and (cdr L) (history))
(when (head L B)
(pack ((if (cdr L) cddr cdr) B)) ) )
(: buffer text) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
((or Rpl (nor *Complete (setq S (pack (getWord T)))))
(setq S
(do (- 3 (% (dec (: posX)) 3))
(link (name " ")) ) ) ) )
(default *Complete
(cons S
(n== This *CmdWin)
(<> ":" (car L))
(find sp? L) )
(all* S
(when (== This *CmdWin)
'((P F) (and (head P L) F))
'`(mapcar chop '(":ta " ":tag " ":v " ":e " ":E " ":r " ":w "))
'(T T T 0 0 0 0) ) ) ) )
(when (head (cdr L) (setq Cmd (chop Cmd)))
(if (pre? ":" S)
(cons (name ":") Cmd)
Cmd ) ) )
(mapcar car *CmdMap)
'("cp" "bak" "kab" "ls" "key" "tag" "bx" "bd" "map") ) ) ) ) )
(do (length (car *Complete)) (_bs))
(setq S (chop (car (rot *Complete)))) ) )
(when (= "^V" (car S))
(set S (or (next) (getch2 "^V"))) )
(for C S
(push 'Chg C)
(set P
((if (and Rpl (car P)) place insert)
(: posX)
(car P)
C ) )
(inc (:: posX)) )
(goto (: posX) (: posY) T) )
(chgLine (car P))
T ) ) )
(=: posX (max 1 (dec (: posX))))
((=0 Flg) (push 'Chg 0))
((=1 Flg) (and (> PosX1 1) (dec 'PosX1))) )
(split (reverse Chg) 0) ) ) )
(de cmdMode @
(let Win (if (== This *CmdWin) (: next) This)
(with *CmdWin
(pass insMode (: buffer text) Win NIL) ) ) )
(de cmdPipe (N)
(apply cmdMode (chop (pack ":" N "!"))) )
(de evRpt (Exe)
(eval (setq *Repeat Exe) 1) )
(de move @
(let M (conc (rest) (1))
(case *Change
(NIL (and (eval (rest)) (goto @ *@@ T)))
("!" (eval (rest)) (cmdPipe (cnt@@))) # External filter
(">" (evRpt (list 'shiftY M T))) # Shift right
("<" (evRpt (list 'shiftY M))) # Shift left
("c" # Change
(when (cutX (eval M) T)
(and *@@
(get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(inc (:: posX)) )
(let L (insMode *@@)
(setq *Repeat
(list 'prog
(list 'cutX M T)
(list 'paste (lit L) '*@@)) ) ) ) )
("d" (evRpt (list 'cutX M T))) # Delete
("y" (cutX (eval M))) # Yank
(T (beep)) ) ) )
(de chgRight (X)
(setq *Change "c")
(move 'goRight X) )
(de jmpMark (C D X)
((= C D)
(move 'goAbs
(or X (: buffer lastX))
(: buffer lastY) ) )
((get (: buffer) (intern C 'vip))
(move 'goAbs (default X (car @)) (cdr @)) ) ) )
(de wordFun (@W)
(setq *Search
(let @N (inc (length @W))
(curry (@W @N) (L C)
(delimNs C)
(head '@W L)
(delimNs (get L @N)) ) ) ) ) )
(de moveSearch (Fun1 Fun2)
(move Fun1 (lit Fun2) *Cnt) )
(de patMatch (Fun @Pat)
(moveSearch Fun
(setq *Search
(ifn (= "\\" (car @Pat))
(let @Lst 'L
(when (= "~" (car @Pat))
@Pat (mapcar lowc (cdr @Pat))
@Lst '(mapcar lowc L) ) )
(= "\^" (car @Pat))
(= "$" (last @Pat))
(find pat? @Pat) )
(curry (@Pat @Lst) (L)
(head '@Pat @Lst) )
(setq @Pat
(if (= "$" (last @Pat))
(head -1 @Pat)
(append @Pat '(@)) ) )
(ifn (= "\^" (car @Pat))
(curry (@Pat @Lst) (L)
(match '@Pat @Lst) )
(++ @Pat)
(curry (@Pat @Lst) (L C)
(unless C (match '@Pat @Lst)) ) ) ) )
(++ @Pat)
(curry (@Pat) (L)
(head '@Pat L) ) ) ) ) )
(de parMatch (Fun1 @Par1 @Sup1 @ParO @ParC @SupO @SupC)
(moveSearch Fun1
(let (Par @Par1 Sup @Sup1)
(curry (Par Sup @Par1 @Sup1 @ParO @ParC @SupO @SupC) (L C)
(unless (caar L)
(case (car L)
(@ParO (nil (inc 'Par)))
(@ParC (or (not C) (= (dec 'Par) 0 Sup)))
(@SupO (nil (push 'Sup Par) (zero Par)))
(not C)
(= (setq Par (++ Sup)) 0 Sup) ) ) )
(setq Par @Par1 Sup @Sup1) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de *Spell
"hunspell" "-l" "-d" "en_US,de_DE" )
(de spell ()
(let? @W
(out *Spell
(let Pos (nth (: buffer text) (: posY))
'((L) (not (fold (car L))))
(nth (++ Pos) (: posX)) ) )
(mapc prinl Pos) ) )
(line) )
(let @N (inc (length @W))
(moveSearch 'goForward
(setq *Search
(curry (@W @N) (L C)
(not (fold C))
(head '@W L)
(not (fold (get L @N))) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de pipeN (Cnt Line)
'(when (cdr (cutN Cnt))
(pipe (out (list *Shell "-c" Line) (mapc prinl @))
(paste (cons T (rdLines)) *@@) ) )
'(Line Cnt) ) ) )
(de nextBuf (B)
(let? M (member (: buffer) *Buffers)
(when (flg? B)
(setq B
(if B
(or (prior M *Buffers) (tail 1 *Buffers))
(or (cdr M) *Buffers) ) ) ) )
(unless (== B (: buffer))
(=: last (: buffer))
(=: buffer B)
(unless (: buffer text)
(load> (: buffer) This) ) )
(off *StatNm)
(goto (: buffer posX) (: buffer posY)) ) )
(de shell (S)
(do *Columns (prin "#"))
(call *Shell "-c" S)
(prin "[====] ")
(repaint) )
(de shFile (S)
(when (: buffer file)
(shell (text S @ *Cnt)) ) )
(de prCmd (L)
(with *CmdWin
(paste (cons T L) (: buffer text))
(inc (:: posY) (dec (length L))) ) )
(de evCmd Prg
(out (tmp "repl")
(err NIL
(catch '(NIL)
(setq *@ (run Prg 1) *Msg)
(print '-> *@)
(remark *@)
(prinl) ) )
(when @@
(prin "!? ")
(println ^)
(prinl *Msg) ) )
(in (tmp "repl")
(prCmd (rdLines)) ) )
(de cmd (Cmd . Fun)
(if (assoc Cmd *CmdMap)
(con @ Fun)
(push '*CmdMap (cons Cmd Fun)) ) )
(de _map (@Map @C @S)
(push1 '@Map '(@C (setq *Keys (chop @S)))) ) )
(de map+ (C . X)
(if (str? (car X))
(_map '*KeyMap C @)
(push1 '*KeyMap (cons C X)) ) )
(de map+g (C . X)
(if (str? (car X))
(_map '*KeyMap-g C @)
(push1 '*KeyMap-g (cons C X)) ) )
(de map+q (C . X)
(if (str? (car X))
(_map '*KeyMap-q C @)
(push1 '*KeyMap-q (cons C X)) ) )
(de posChar ()
(get (: buffer text) (: posY) (: posX)) )
(de getText Prg
(let (*Change "y" *Clip (box))
(run Prg 1)
(glue "\n" (val *Clip)) ) )
(de s-expr ()
(case (posChar)
("\"" (move 'goFind "\"" 0 1))
("(" (parMatch 'goForward 1 0 "(" ")" "[" "]"))
("[" (parMatch 'goForward 0 (0 . 0) "(" ")" "[" "]"))
(T (move 'goForward 'end 1)) ) ) ) )
(de reset ()
(off *Count *Change)
(setq *Clip '\"\") )
(private) (Lst Ns L C S X)
### Commands ###
(de command (This Line)
(case (++ Line)
("/" (patMatch 'goForward Line)) # Search forward
("?" (patMatch 'goBackward Line)) # Search backward
("&" (moveSearch 'goForward (wordFun Line))) # Search word
(let Cnt 0
(while (format (car Line))
(setq Cnt (+ @ (* 10 Cnt)))
(++ Line) )
(let C (++ Line)
(when (>= "z" C "a")
(until (sp? (car Line))
(setq C (pack C (++ Line))) ) )
(let L (pack (clip Line))
(if (assoc C *CmdMap)
((cdr @) L Line Cnt)
(case C
(" " # Eval
(setq @ *@)
(evCmd (run (str L))) )
("$" # Shell command
(scratch (tmp "cmd" (inc (0)))
(in (list *Shell "-c" (setq L (rplFile L)))
(rdLines) ) )
(=: buffer cmd L) )
((: buffer cmd)
(scratch (: buffer file)
(in (list *Shell "-c" @)
(rdLines) ) ) ) ) )
("!" # External filter
(when L
(if (=0 Cnt)
(shell (rplFile L))
(pipeN Cnt L) ) ) )
("cp" # Copy to system clipboard
(out '("copy") # System dependent script
(let V (val *Clip)
(if (=T (car V))
(mapc prinl (cdr V))
'(((S . L)) (prin S (and L "\n")))
V ) ) ) ) )
("bak" (shFile "mv @1 @1- && cp -p @1- @1")) # Backup to <file>-
("kab" # Restore from <file>-
(shFile "mv @1- @1 && cp -p @1 @1-")
(reload) )
("ls" # List buffers
(for (I . This) *Buffers
(chop (pack ":" I " " (prName (: file)))) ) ) ) ) )
("key" (=: buffer key L) (reload))
(when (info (=: mark (path (rplFile L))))
(in (: mark) (move 'goAbs (read) (read))) ) )
("n" (nextBuf)) # Next buffer
("N" (nextBuf T)) # Previous buffer
("tag" (apply tag (str L)))
("v" (reload (syms (str L)) 1 1))
("e" (reload (rplFile L))) # (Edit) Reload buffer
("E" # (Edit) Toggle subdir recursion and reload buffer
(=: buffer subd (not (: buffer subd)))
(reload (rplFile L)) )
("r" # Read file contents
(let F (path (rplFile L))
(when (info F)
(in F (paste (cons T (rdLines)) 1)) ) ) )
("w" # (Write) Save buffer
(if L
(out (path (rplFile @))
(mapc prinl (: buffer text)) )
(save> (: buffer) This) ) )
("l" # (load) Save and load
(when (: buffer file)
(when (dirty> (: buffer) This)
(save> (: buffer) This) )
(evCmd (load (: buffer file))) ) )
(("x" "wq") (done T)) # (Exit) Save buffer and close window
("q" (done)) # (Quit) Close window
("bx" # Buffer exchange
(let X (memq (: buffer) *Buffers)
(if (cdr X)
(xchg X @)
(beep) ) ) )
("bd" # Buffer delete
(when (cdr *Buffers)
(let? Buf (if (=0 Cnt) (: buffer) (get *Buffers Cnt))
(for (This *CmdWin (setq This (: next)))
((== Buf (: last))
(=: last) )
((== Buf (: buffer))
(nextBuf (: last))
(=: last) ) ) )
(del Buf '*Buffers)
(=: last) ) ) )
("map" # Add/remove key mappings
(++ Line)
(let C (++ Line)
(until (sp? (car Line))
(setq C (pack C (++ Line))) )
(if Line
(push '*KeyMap
(list C
(list 'setq '*Keys
(lit (mapcar name (cdr Line))) ) ) )
(del (assoc C *KeyMap) '*KeyMap) ) ) )
(if (get *Buffers Cnt)
(nextBuf @)
(beep) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(with *CmdWin
(redraw) ) )
(T (beep)) ) )
(de syms (Lst)
(tmp "syms")
(syms> (fileBuffer @) Lst) ) )
(de vipA ()
(raw T) )
(de vipZ ()
(raw NIL)
(screen1) )
### VIP Entry Point ###
(de vi (Lst Ns) # (file (pat . file) (99 . file) (T . file) (sym [sym ..])
(and Lst (co 'vip))
(co 'vip
(setq *Ns (symbols))
(and Ns (symbols @))
(off *Buffers)
(when (=0 (%@ "isatty" 'I 0))
(with (fileBuffer (tmp "stdin"))
(out (: file) (in 0 (echo))) )
(ctty "/dev/tty") )
(for X Lst
((not X))
((atom X) (fileBuffer X)) # Path name
((pair (car X)) # Pattern
(wordFun @)
(fileBuffer (cdr X)) )
((or (num? (car X)) (=T (car X))) # Line number
(fileBuffer (cdr X) @) )
(T (syms X)) ) ) # List of symbols
(unless *Buffers
(fileBuffer (tmp "empty")) )
(*Winch '((getSize) (eqwin) (flush))
*TStp1 '((vipZ))
*TStp2 '((vipA) (repaint) (cursor) (flush)) )
(setq *CmdWin
(new '(+Window) (new '(+Buffer)) (dec *Lines) 1 1 1 1 1) )
(with (car *Buffers)
(load> This)
(setq *Window
(new '(+Window) This
0 (- *Lines 2)
(- (: posY) (/ (- *Lines 2) 2))
(- (length (: text)) *Lines -3) )
1 (: posY)
*CmdWin ) ) )
(with *Window (redraw))
(finally (prog (rollback) (vipZ))
(catch 'done
(setq *Cnt (max 1 (format *Count)))
(with *Window
(=: posX
(min1 (: posX)
(get (: buffer text)
(=: posY
(min1 (: posY) (length (: buffer text))) ) ) ) ) )
(symbols (: buffer symbols))
(> (: winX) (: posX))
(> (: winY) (: posY)) )
(=: winX (min1 (: posX) (: winX)))
(=: winY (min1 (: posY) (: winY)))
(redraw) )
(case (getch)
(if *Count
(queue '*Count "0")
(move 'goAbs 1 (: posY)) # Go to beginning of line
(off *Change) ) )
(("1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9") # ["Count" prefix]
(queue '*Count *Chr) )
("\"" (setq *Clip (intern (pack '"\"" (getch)) 'vip))) # "Register" prefix
(("!" "<" ">" "c" "d" "y") # ["Change" prefix]
((= *Chr *Change)
(case *Chr
("!" (cmdPipe *Cnt)) # [!!] External filter
(">" (evRpt (list 'shift *Cnt T))) # [>>] Shift line(s) right
("<" (evRpt (list 'shift *Cnt))) # [<<] Shift line(s) left
("c" (=: posX 1) (chgRight T)) # [cc] Change whole line
("d" (evRpt (list 'cutN *Cnt))) # [dd] Delete line(s)
("y" # [yy] Yank line(s)
(set *Clip
(cons T
(head *Cnt (nth (: buffer text) (: posY))) ) ) ) )
(reset) )
(*Change (off *Change))
(T (setq *Change *Chr)) ) )
(if (assoc *Chr *KeyMap)
(run (cdr @))
(case *Chr
(("\n" "\r")
(if (== This *CmdWin)
(command (: next) (get (: buffer text) (: posY)))
(goto 1 (inc (: posY)) T) # Go to next line
(do (: sc) (scRight))
(redraw) ) )
("." (if *Repeat (eval @) (beep))) # Repeat last change
(("j" "\e[B") (move 'goDown *Cnt)) # [DOWN] Move down
(("^F" "\e[6~") (move 'goDown (: lines))) # [PGDOWN] Page down
(("k" "\e[A") (move 'goUp *Cnt)) # [UP] Move up
(("^B" "\e[5~") (move 'goUp (: lines))) # [PGUP] Page up
("h" (move 'goLeft *Cnt)) # Move left
("l" (move 'goRight *Cnt)) # Move right
("\e[D" (scLeft) (redraw)) # [LEFT] Scroll left
("\e[C" (scRight) (redraw)) # [RIGHT] Scroll right
("z" (do 3 (scRight)) (redraw)) # Scroll right 3 columns
("Z" (do 3 (scLeft)) (redraw)) # Scroll left 3 columns
("|" (move 'goCol *Cnt)) # Go to column
("$" (move 'goRight T)) # Go to end of line
(("\e[1~" "\e[H") (move 'goAbs 1 1)) # [HOME] Go to beginning of text
(("\e[4~" "\e[F") (move 'goAbs 1 T)) # [END] Go to end of text
("G" (move 'goAbs 1 (or (format *Count) T))) # [G] Go to end of text or line number
("f" (and (getch2 (getch)) (move 'goFind @ 0 *Cnt))) # Find character
("t" (and (getch2 (getch)) (move 'goFind @ -1 *Cnt))) # Till character
("\t" (move 'goForward 'tword *Cnt)) # TAB word forward
("w" (move 'goForward 'word *Cnt)) # Word forward
("W" (move 'goForward 'lword *Cnt)) # Long word forward
("b" (move 'goBackward 'word *Cnt)) # Word backward
("B" (move 'goBackward 'lword *Cnt)) # Long word backward
("e" (move 'goForward 'end *Cnt)) # End of word
("E" (move 'goForward 'lend *Cnt)) # End of long word
("{" (move 'goPBack *Cnt)) # Paragraph(s) backward
("}" (move 'goPFore *Cnt 0)) # Paragraph(s) forward
("'" (jmpMark (getch) "'" 1)) # Jump to mark line
("`" (jmpMark (getch) "`")) # Jump to mark position
("~" (evRpt (list 'tglCase *Cnt))) # Toggle case
((":" " ") (cmdMode (name ":"))) # Command
("/" (cmdMode (name "/"))) # Search forward
("?" (cmdMode (name "?"))) # Search backward
("&" (cmdMode (name "&"))) # Search word
("n" # Search next
(if *Search
(move 'goForward (lit @) *Cnt)
(beep) ) )
("N" # Search previous
(if *Search
(move 'goBackward (lit @) *Cnt)
(beep) ) )
("*" # Search word under cursor
(and (getWord) (moveSearch 'goForward (wordFun @))) )
("#" # Search word under cursor backward
(and (getWord) (moveSearch 'goBackward (wordFun @))) )
("%" # Matching parenthesis
(case (posChar)
("(" (parMatch 'goForward 1 0 "(" ")" "[" "]"))
("[" (parMatch 'goForward 0 (0 . 0) "(" ")" "[" "]"))
(")" (parMatch 'goBackward 1 0 ")" "(" "]" "["))
("]" (parMatch 'goBackward 0 (0 . 0) ")" "(" "]" "["))
(T (beep)) ) )
("i" # Insert
(when (insMode)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @))) ) )
("I" # Insert at beginning of line
(goto 1 (: posY))
(when (insMode)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @) 0)) ) )
("a" # Append
(when (get (: buffer text) (: posY) 1)
(inc (:: posX)) )
(when (insMode 1)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @) 1)) ) )
("A" # Append to end of line
(inc (length (get (: buffer text) (: posY))))
(: posY)
T )
(when (insMode 1)
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit @) T)) ) )
("o" # Open new line below current line
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit (insMode T)) T)) )
("O" # Open new line above current line
(setq *Repeat (list 'paste (lit (insMode 0)) 0)) )
("x" (setq *Change "d") (move 'goRight *Cnt)) # Delete characters
("X" (setq *Change "d") (move 'goLeft *Cnt)) # Delete characters left
("D" (setq *Change "d") (move 'goRight T)) # Delete rest of line
("p" (evRpt (list 'paste (lit (val *Clip)) 1))) # Paste after current position
("P" (evRpt (list 'paste (lit (val *Clip))))) # Paste before current position
("J" (evRpt (list 'join *Cnt))) # Join lines
("m" # Set mark
(put (: buffer) (intern (getch) 'vip)
(cons (: posX) (: posY)) ) )
("M" (=: sc (dec (: winX)))) # Mark horizontal scroll position
("r" # Replace character(s)
(and (getch2 (getch)) (evRpt (list 'insChar @ *Cnt))) )
("R" # Replace
(when (insMode NIL NIL T)
(setq *Repeat (list 'overwrite (lit @))) ) )
("s" (chgRight 1)) # Substitute character
("C" (chgRight T)) # Change rest of line
("S" (=: posX 1) (chgRight T)) # Change whole line
("," (evRpt '(indent))) # Fix indentation
("^A" (evRpt (list 'incNum *Cnt)))
("^X" (evRpt (list 'incNum (- *Cnt))))
("u" (undo)) # Undo
("^R" (redo)) # Redo
("^E" (evCmd (eval (s-expr)))) # Evaluate expression
("g" # ["Go" prefix]
(if (assoc (getch) *KeyMap-g)
(run (cdr @))
(case *Chr
("f" # [gf] Edit file under cursor
(pushTag (: buffer file))
(reload (pack (getWord))) )
("w" # [gw] Web page
(scratch (tmp "web" (inc (0)))
(in (list "w3m" "-cols" *Columns (getWord))
(rdLines) ) ) )
("h" # [gh] HTTP code
(scratch (tmp "http" (inc (0)))
(in (list "w3m" "-dump_both" (getWord))
(rdLines) ) ) )
("b" # [gb] Browser
(call (or (sys "BROWSER") "w3m") (getWord))
(repaint) )
("g" (move 'goAbs 1 (or (format *Count) 1))) # [gg] Go to beginning of text
("s" (spell))
(T (beep)) ) ) )
("+" # Increase window size
(NIL (setq This (: prev))
(for (This (; *Window next) This (: next))
(T (> (: lines) 1)
(with *Window
(chgwin (inc (: lines)) (dec (: top)))
(for (This (: next) (=1 (: lines)) (: next))
(chgwin 1 (dec (: top))) ) )
(chgwin (dec (: lines))) ) ) )
(T (> (: lines) 1)
(with *Window
(chgwin (inc (: lines)))
(for (This (: prev) (=1 (: lines)) (: prev))
(chgwin 1 (inc (: top))) ) )
(chgwin (dec (: lines)) (inc (: top))) ) ) )
("-" # Decrease window size
((=1 ( : lines)))
((: prev)
(chgwin (dec (: lines)))
(with (: prev)
(chgwin (inc (: lines)) (dec (: top))) ) )
(chgwin (dec (: lines)) (inc (: top)))
(with (: next)
(chgwin (inc (: lines))) ) ) ) )
("=" (eqwin)) # Set all windows to equal size
("K" # Edit symbol
(let S (any (getWord))
(ifn (: buffer syms)
(tag S)
(pushTag @)
(syms> (: buffer) (cons S @))
(reload (: buffer file) 1 1) ) ) )
("^]" # Edit symbol definition
(tag (any (getWord))) )
(("Q" "^T") # Pop tag stack
(ifn *TagStack
(symbols (++ *TagStack))
(if (atom (car *TagStack))
(reload (++ *TagStack) (++ *TagStack) (++ *TagStack))
(syms> (: buffer) (++ *TagStack))
(reload (: buffer file) (++ *TagStack) (++ *TagStack)) ) ) )
(("\eOP" "\e[[A") # [F1] Highlight on/off
(=: buffer flat (not (: buffer flat)))
(repaint) )
(("\eOQ" "\e[[B") # [F2] Show chages to <file>-
(if (sys "CCRYPT" (: buffer key))
"diff -Bb <(ccrypt -c -ECCRYPT @1-) <(ccrypt -c -ECCRYPT @1)"
"diff -Bb @1- @1" ) ) )
(("\eOR" "\e[[C") # [F3] Custom dif
(shFile "dif @1 @2") )
(("\eOS" "\e[[D") # [F4] Format paragraph
(and *Count (=: buffer fmt @))
(goPFore 1 -1)
(pipeN (cnt@@) (pack "fmt -" (: buffer fmt))) )
(("\e[15~" "\e[[E") # [F5] Previous buffer
(nextBuf T) )
("\e[17~" # [F6] Next buffer
(nextBuf) )
("\e[18~" (run *F7)) # [F7] Custom key
("\e[19~" (run *F8)) # [F8] Custom key
("\e[20~" (run *F9)) # [F9] Custom key
("\e[21~" (run *F10)) # [F10] Custom key
("\e[23~" (run *F11)) # [F11] Custom key
("\e[24~" (run *F12)) # [F12] Custom key
("\\" # Select or toggle buffer
(if *Count
(get *Buffers (format @))
(or (: last) (car *Buffers)) ) ) )
(("q" "^W") # ["Window" prefix]
(if (assoc (getch) *KeyMap-q)
(run (cdr @))
(case *Chr
("s" # [qs] Split window
(unless (== This *CmdWin)
(let (Old (inc (: lines)) New (/ Old 2))
(new '(+Window) (: buffer)
(+ (: top) New) (- Old New 1)
(: winX) (: winY)
(: posX) (: posY)
(: prev)
(: mark) )
(goto (: posX) (: posY)) )
(=: mark)
(chgwin (dec New)) ) ) )
("x" # [qx] Exchange windows
(; *CmdWin next next)
(n== This *CmdWin)
(let W (if (== (: prev) *CmdWin) (: next) (: prev))
(for P '(buffer winX winY posX posY last mark sc)
(xchg (prop This P) (prop W P)) )
(goto (: posX) (: posY))
(with W
(goto (: posX) (: posY)) ) ) ) )
("k" (and (: next) (setq *Window @))) # [qk] Above window
("j" (and (: prev) (setq *Window @))) # [qj] Below window
("q" (done)) # [qq] (Quit) Close window
("z" (run *TStp1) (yield) (run *TStp2)) # [qz] Suspend
(T (beep)) ) ) )
("v" (view> This)) # View hook
(T (beep)) ) )
(reset) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(and (info "~/.pil/viprc") (load @@))
### Debug ###
(de pico~vi (X C)
(setq C
(if C
(get C '*Dbg -1 X)
(meta C '*Dbg -1 X) )
(get X '*Dbg 1) ) )
((pair X) @)
(C (cons (car @) (cadr @)))
(T X) ) )
(cddr C) )
X ) )
(de pico~v Lst
(Lst (vi (list @)))
((asoq 'vip (stack)) (vi)) ) )