  title = {Evaluating Derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algorithmic Differentiation},
  shorttitle = {Evaluating Derivatives},
  author = {Griewank, Andreas and Walther, Andrea},
  date = {2008},
  edition = {2nd ed},
  publisher = {{Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}},
  location = {Philadelphia, PA},
  abstract = {This title is a comprehensive treatment of algorithmic, or automatic, differentiation. The second edition covers recent developments in applications and theory, including an elegant NP completeness argument and an introduction to scarcity},
  isbn = {978-0-89871-659-7},
  langid = {english},
  pagetotal = {438},
  keywords = {Data processing,Differential calculus,Einführung},
  annotation = {OCLC: ocn227574816},
  file = {/home/thijs/Zotero/storage/V2MLQNWN/Griewank and Walther - 2008 - Evaluating derivatives principles and techniques .pdf}

  title = {Computational {{Methods}} in {{Decision-Making}}, {{Economics}} and {{Finance}}},
  editor = {Kontoghiorghes, Erricos John and Rustem, Berc and Siokos, Stavros},
  editorb = {Pardalos, Panos M. and Hearn, Donald},
  editorbtype = {redactor},
  date = {2002},
  series = {Applied {{Optimization}}},
  volume = {74},
  publisher = {Springer US},
  location = {Boston, MA},
  doi = {10.1007/978-1-4757-3613-7},
  url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-1-4757-3613-7},
  urldate = {2023-12-07},
  isbn = {978-1-4419-5230-1 978-1-4757-3613-7},
  langid = {english},
  file = {/home/thijs/Zotero/storage/TP6Z5INA/Kontoghiorghes et al. - 2002 - Computational Methods in Decision-Making, Economic.pdf}

  title = {On the {{Equivalence}} of {{Automatic}} and {{Symbolic Differentiation}}},
  author = {Laue, Soeren},
  date = {2022-12-05},
  eprint = {1904.02990},
  eprinttype = {arxiv},
  eprintclass = {cs},
  doi = {10.48550/arXiv.1904.02990},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1904.02990},
  urldate = {2024-03-27},
  abstract = {We show that reverse mode automatic differentiation and symbolic differentiation are equivalent in the sense that they both perform the same operations when computing derivatives. This is in stark contrast to the common claim that they are substantially different. The difference is often illustrated by claiming that symbolic differentiation suffers from "expression swell" whereas automatic differentiation does not. Here, we show that this statement is not true. "Expression swell" refers to the phenomenon of a much larger representation of the derivative as opposed to the representation of the original function.},
  pubstate = {preprint},
  keywords = {Computer Science - Machine Learning,Computer Science - Symbolic Computation},
  file = {/mnt/data/Documents/Leesvoer/Zotero/Laue_2022_On the Equivalence of Automatic and Symbolic Differentiation3.pdf;/home/thijs/Zotero/storage/CRCMUYP4/1904.html}

  title = {On the {{Equivalence}} of {{Automatic}} and {{Symbolic Differentiation}}},
  author = {Laue, Soeren},
  date = {2022-12-05},
  eprint = {1904.02990},
  eprinttype = {arxiv},
  eprintclass = {cs},
  doi = {10.48550/arXiv.1904.02990},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1904.02990},
  urldate = {2024-03-27},
  abstract = {We show that reverse mode automatic differentiation and symbolic differentiation are equivalent in the sense that they both perform the same operations when computing derivatives. This is in stark contrast to the common claim that they are substantially different. The difference is often illustrated by claiming that symbolic differentiation suffers from "expression swell" whereas automatic differentiation does not. Here, we show that this statement is not true. "Expression swell" refers to the phenomenon of a much larger representation of the derivative as opposed to the representation of the original function.},
  pubstate = {preprint},
  version = {3},
  keywords = {Computer Science - Machine Learning,Computer Science - Symbolic Computation},
  file = {/mnt/data/Documents/Leesvoer/Zotero/Laue_2022_On the Equivalence of Automatic and Symbolic Differentiation2.pdf;/home/thijs/Zotero/storage/BZ9WY883/1904.html}