const std = @import("std"); const path = "data/day14/input.txt"; const RetType = u43; const Str = []const u8; const Rules = std.StringHashMap(u8); const Polymer = struct { template: Str, rules: Rules, }; fn parseInput(a: std.mem.Allocator) anyerror!Polymer { const input = @embedFile(path); var lines = std.mem.split(u8, input, "\n"); var ret = Polymer{ .template = undefined, .rules = Rules.init(a), }; ret.template =; _ =; // skip empty line // parse rules while ( |rule_line| { if (rule_line.len == 0) break; var rule = std.mem.tokenize(u8, rule_line, " -> "); try ret.rules.put(,[0]); } return ret; } pub fn second(allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator) anyerror!RetType { var p = try parseInput(allocator.?); defer p.rules.deinit(); var pairs = std.StringHashMap(RetType).init(allocator.?); defer pairs.deinit(); // initialize pairs for (p.template) |_, idx| { if (idx == p.template.len - 1) break; const ps = p.template[idx .. idx + 2]; var item = try pairs.getOrPut(ps); if (item.found_existing) item.value_ptr.* += 1 else item.value_ptr.* = 1; } // arena for allocPrint() var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator.?); defer arena.deinit(); var step: usize = 0; while (step < 40) : (step += 1) { var next_pairs = std.StringHashMap(RetType).init(allocator.?); var it = pairs.iterator(); while ( |item| { const next_left = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "{c}{c}", .{ item.key_ptr.*[0], p.rules.get(item.key_ptr.*).? }); var next_item = try next_pairs.getOrPut(next_left); if (next_item.found_existing) next_item.value_ptr.* += item.value_ptr.* else next_item.value_ptr.* = item.value_ptr.*; const next_right = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "{c}{c}", .{ p.rules.get(item.key_ptr.*).?, item.key_ptr.*[1] }); next_item = try next_pairs.getOrPut(next_right); if (next_item.found_existing) next_item.value_ptr.* += item.value_ptr.* else next_item.value_ptr.* = item.value_ptr.*; } pairs.deinit(); pairs = next_pairs; } var chars = std.AutoHashMap(u8, RetType).init(allocator.?); defer chars.deinit(); // put in the last char as the counter below skips it try chars.put(p.template[p.template.len - 1], 1); var pit = pairs.iterator(); while ( |pair| { const char = pair.key_ptr.*[0]; const item = try chars.getOrPut(char); if (item.found_existing) item.value_ptr.* += pair.value_ptr.* else item.value_ptr.* = pair.value_ptr.*; } var min = ~@as(RetType, 0); var max: RetType = 0; var cit = chars.valueIterator(); while ( |c| { if (c.* < min) { min = c.*; } if (c.* > max) { max = c.*; } } return max - min; } pub fn main() anyerror!void { var buf: [500_000]u8 = undefined; var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf); var timer = try std.time.Timer.start(); const ret = try second(fba.allocator()); const t = timer.lap() / 1000; try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(RetType, 7477815755570), ret); std.debug.print("Day 14b result: {d} \ttime: {d}us\n", .{ ret, t }); } test "day14b" { try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(RetType, 7477815755570), try second(std.testing.allocator)); }