const std = @import("std"); const path = "data/day18/input.txt"; const explode_limit = 4; const Str = []const u8; const SnailType = u6; const SnailItem = union(enum) { num: SnailType, pair: *SnailNumber, }; const SnailNumber = struct { left: ?SnailItem = null, right: ?SnailItem = null, parent: ?*SnailNumber = null, fn add(self: *@This(), a: std.mem.Allocator, input: *const Str) !*SnailNumber { var pos: usize = 1; const next = try parseSnail(a, input, null, &pos); const root = try a.create(SnailNumber); root.left = SnailItem{ .pair = self }; root.right = SnailItem{ .pair = next }; root.parent = null; // segfaults without this line :-( self.parent = root; next.parent = root; return root; } }; pub fn main() !void { var timer = try std.time.Timer.start(); const ret = try first(std.heap.page_allocator); const t = timer.lap() / 1000; try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3675), ret); std.debug.print("Day 18a result: {d} \t\ttime: {d}us\n", .{ ret, t }); } pub fn first(allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator) !usize { const input = @embedFile(path); var in = std.mem.tokenize(u8, input, "\n"); var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator.?); defer arena.deinit(); var ret: *SnailNumber = undefined; var idx: usize = 0; while ( |line| : (idx += 1) { if (idx == 0) { var pos: usize = 1; ret = try parseSnail(arena.allocator(), &line, null, &pos); } else { ret = try ret.add(arena.allocator(), &line); try reduce(arena.allocator(), ret); } } return magnitude(ret); } fn reduce(a: std.mem.Allocator, sn: *SnailNumber) anyerror!void { if (checkExplode(a, sn, 0)) |node| { explode(a, node); try reduce(a, sn); } else if (checkSplit(a, sn)) |node| { try split(a, node); try reduce(a, sn); } } fn explode(a: std.mem.Allocator, node: *SnailNumber) void { defer a.destroy(node); // free up abandoned node explodeLeft(node); explodeRight(node); const par = node.parent.?; if (par.left.? == .pair and par.left.?.pair == node) { par.left = SnailItem{ .num = 0 }; } else { par.right = SnailItem{ .num = 0 }; } } fn explodeLeft(node: *SnailNumber) void { const left = node.left.?.num; var prev = node; var it = node.parent; while (it) |par| : ({ prev = par; it = par.parent; }) { if (par.left) |l| { // check if it is not the exploding node if (l == .pair and l.pair == prev) continue; break; } } target: while (it) |target| { // These must be _pointers_! Removing the & makes them local, so the changes // do not happen when they should. for ([2]*?SnailItem{ &target.right, &target.left }) |t| { if (t.*) |*child| { switch (child.*) { SnailItem.pair => |c| { if (c != prev) { it = c; continue :target; } }, SnailItem.num => |*c| { c.* += left; return; }, } } } } } fn explodeRight(node: *SnailNumber) void { const right = node.right.?.num; var prev = node; var it = node.parent; while (it) |par| : ({ prev = par; it = par.parent; }) { if (par.right) |r| { // check if it is not the exploding node if (r == .pair and r.pair == prev) continue; break; } } target: while (it) |target| { // These must be _pointers_! Removing the & makes them local, so the changes // do not happen when they should. for ([2]*?SnailItem{ &target.left, &target.right }) |t| { if (t.*) |*child| { switch (child.*) { SnailItem.pair => |c| { if (c != prev) { it = c; continue :target; } }, SnailItem.num => |*c| { c.* += right; return; }, } } } } } fn checkExplode(a: std.mem.Allocator, node: *SnailNumber, depth: u3) ?*SnailNumber { if (depth == explode_limit) return node; if (node.left) |l| { if (l == .pair) { const ret = checkExplode(a, l.pair, depth + 1); if (ret != null) return ret; } } if (node.right) |r| { if (r == .pair) { const ret = checkExplode(a, r.pair, depth + 1); if (ret != null) return ret; } } return null; } fn parseSnail(a: std.mem.Allocator, in: *const Str, parent: ?*SnailNumber, pos: *usize) anyerror!*SnailNumber { // allocate and set up new node const node = try a.create(SnailNumber); node.parent = parent; var right: bool = false; while (pos.* < in.len) : (pos.* += 1) { var ch = in.*[pos.*]; switch (ch) { ']' => { break; }, '[' => { pos.* += 1; if (right) { node.right = SnailItem{ .pair = try parseSnail(a, in, node, pos) }; } else { node.left = SnailItem{ .pair = try parseSnail(a, in, node, pos) }; } }, ',' => { right = true; }, else => { if (right) { node.right = SnailItem{ .num = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(SnailType, in.*[pos.* .. pos.* + 1], 10) }; } else { node.left = SnailItem{ .num = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(SnailType, in.*[pos.* .. pos.* + 1], 10) }; } }, } } return node; } fn split(a: std.mem.Allocator, node: *SnailNumber) !void { if (node.left) |l| { if (l == .num and l.num > 9) { const new = try a.create(SnailNumber); new.left = SnailItem{ .num = l.num / 2 }; new.right = SnailItem{ .num = l.num - l.num / 2 }; new.parent = node; node.left = SnailItem{ .pair = new }; return; } } if (node.right) |r| { if (r == .num and r.num > 9) { const new = try a.create(SnailNumber); new.left = SnailItem{ .num = r.num / 2 }; new.right = SnailItem{ .num = r.num - r.num / 2 }; new.parent = node; node.right = SnailItem{ .pair = new }; return; } } } fn checkSplit(a: std.mem.Allocator, node: *SnailNumber) ?*SnailNumber { if (node.left) |l| { switch (l) { SnailItem.pair => |n| { const ret = checkSplit(a, n); if (ret != null) return ret; }, SnailItem.num => |val| if (val > 9) return node, } } if (node.right) |r| { switch (r) { SnailItem.pair => |n| { const ret = checkSplit(a, n); if (ret != null) return ret; }, SnailItem.num => |val| if (val > 9) return node, } } return null; } fn printSnailNumber(node: *SnailNumber) void { std.debug.print("[", .{}); if (node.left) |l| { switch (l) { SnailItem.num => |value| std.debug.print("{d}", .{value}), SnailItem.pair => |n| printSnailNumber(n), } } std.debug.print(",", .{}); if (node.right) |r| { switch (r) { SnailItem.num => |value| std.debug.print("{d}", .{value}), SnailItem.pair => |n| printSnailNumber(n), } } std.debug.print("]", .{}); } fn magnitude(node: *SnailNumber) usize { var left: ?usize = null; var right: ?usize = null; if (node.left) |l| { switch (l) { SnailItem.num => |value| left = value, SnailItem.pair => |n| left = magnitude(n), } } if (node.right) |r| { switch (r) { SnailItem.num => |value| right = value, SnailItem.pair => |n| right = magnitude(n), } } if (left) |l| { if (right) |r| { return 3 * l + 2 * r; } else { return l; } } return right.?; } test "day18a" { try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3675), try first(std.testing.allocator)); } // test "magnitude" { // var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator); // const allocator = arena.allocator(); // defer arena.deinit(); // const in = [_]Str{ // "[[9,1],[1,9]]", // "[[1,2],[[3,4],5]]", // "[[[[8,7],[7,7]],[[8,6],[7,7]]],[[[0,7],[6,6]],[8,7]]]", // }; // const out = [_]usize{ // 129, // 143, // 3488, // }; // for (in) |str, idx| { // var pos: usize = 1; // const root = try parseSnail(allocator, &str[0..], null, &pos); // try std.testing.expectEqual(out[idx], magnitude(root)); // } // } // test "reduce" { // const tc = [_][2]Str{ // .{ "[[[[[4,3],4],4],[7,[[8,4],9]]],[1,1]]", "[[[[0,7],4],[[7,8],[6,0]]],[8,1]]" }, // .{ "[[[[0,[4,5]],[0,0]],[[[4,5],[2,6]],[9,5]]],[7,[[[3,7],[4,3]],[[6,3],[8,8]]]]]", "[[[[4,0],[5,4]],[[7,7],[6,0]]],[[8,[7,7]],[[7,9],[5,0]]]]" }, // .{ "[[[[[7,7],[7,7]],[[8,7],[8,7]]],[[[7,0],[7,7]],9]],[[[[4,2],2],6],[8,7]]]", "[[[[8,7],[7,7]],[[8,6],[7,7]]],[[[0,7],[6,6]],[8,7]]]" }, // .{ "[1,1]", "[1,1]" }, // }; // var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator); // const allocator = arena.allocator(); // defer arena.deinit(); // for (tc) |t| { // std.debug.print("\n\ninput:\t{s}", .{t[0]}); // std.debug.print("\nwant:\t{s}\n", .{t[1]}); // var pos: usize = 1; // const root = try parseSnail(allocator, &t[0][0..], null, &pos); // try reduce(allocator, root); // std.debug.print("got:\t", .{}); // printSnailNumber(root); // } // } // test "explode" { // const tc = [_][2]Str{ // .{ "[[[[[9,8],1],2],3],4]", "[[[[0,9],2],3],4]" }, // .{ "[7,[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]]", "[7,[6,[5,[7,0]]]]" }, // .{ "[[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]],1]", "[[6,[5,[7,0]]],3]" }, // .{ "[[3,[2,[1,[7,3]]]],[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]]", "[[3,[2,[8,0]]],[9,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]]" }, // .{ "[[3,[2,[8,0]]],[9,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]]", "[[3,[2,[8,0]]],[9,[5,[7,0]]]]" }, // .{ "[[[[[4,3],4],4],[7,[[8,4],9]]],[1,1]]", "[[[[0,7],4],[7,[[8,4],9]]],[1,1]]" }, // .{ "[[[[0,7],4],[7,[[8,4],9]]],[1,1]]", "[[[[0,7],4],[15,[0,13]]],[1,1]]" }, // .{ "", "" }, // }; // var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator); // const allocator = arena.allocator(); // defer arena.deinit(); // for (tc) |t| { // std.debug.print("\nwant:\t{s} input: {s}\n", .{ t[1], t[0] }); // var pos: usize = 1; // const root = try parseSnail(allocator, &t[0][0..], null, &pos); // explode(allocator, checkExplode(allocator, root, 0).?); // std.debug.print("got:\t", .{}); // printSnailNumber(root); // try std.testing.expect(1 == 1); // } // } // test "split" { // const tc = [_][2]Str{ // .{ "[[[[0,7],4],[7,[[8,4],9]]],[1,1]]", "[[[[0,7],4],[[7,8],[0,13]]],[1,1]]" }, // }; // var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator); // const allocator = arena.allocator(); // defer arena.deinit(); // for (tc) |t| { // std.debug.print("\nwant:\t{s} input: {s}\n", .{ t[1], t[0] }); // var pos: usize = 1; // const root = try parseSnail(allocator, &t[0][0..], null, &pos); // explode(allocator, checkExplode(allocator, root, 0).?); // try split(allocator, checkSplit(allocator, root).?); // std.debug.print("got:\t", .{}); // printSnailNumber(root); // try std.testing.expect(1 == 1); // } // }