Chess engine in zig
#ifndef NNUE_H
#define NNUE_H

#include <stdint.h>

#ifndef __cplusplus
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <stdalign.h>

* Calling convention
#ifdef __cplusplus
#   define EXTERNC extern "C"
#   define EXTERNC

#if defined (_WIN32)
#   define _CDECL __cdecl
#   define DLLExport EXTERNC __declspec(dllexport)
#   define DLLExport EXTERNC __declspec(dllimport)
#   define _CDECL
#   define DLLExport EXTERNC

* Internal piece representation
*     wking=1, wqueen=2, wrook=3, wbishop= 4, wknight= 5, wpawn= 6,
*     bking=7, bqueen=8, brook=9, bbishop=10, bknight=11, bpawn=12
* Make sure the piecesyou pass to the library from your engine
* use this format.
enum colors {
enum pieces {

* nnue data structure

typedef struct DirtyPiece {
  int dirtyNum;
  int pc[3];
  int from[3];
  int to[3];
} DirtyPiece;

typedef struct Accumulator {
  alignas(64) int16_t accumulation[2][256];
  int computedAccumulation;
} Accumulator;

typedef struct NNUEdata {
  Accumulator accumulator;
  DirtyPiece dirtyPiece;
} NNUEdata;

* position data structure passed to core subroutines
*  See @nnue_evaluate for a description of parameters
typedef struct Position {
  int player;
  int* pieces;
  int* squares;
  NNUEdata* nnue[3];
} Position;

int nnue_evaluate_pos(Position* pos);

* Load a NNUE file using
*   nnue_init(file_path)
* and then probe score using one of three functions, whichever
* is convenient. From easy to hard
*   a) nnue_evaluate_fen         - accepts a fen string for evaluation
*   b) nnue_evaluate             - suitable for use in engines
*   c) nnue_evaluate_incremental - for ultimate performance but will need
*                                  some work on the engines side.

* Load NNUE file
DLLExport void _CDECL nnue_init(
  const char * evalFile             /** Path to NNUE file */

* Evaluate on FEN string
* Returns
*   Score relative to side to move in approximate centi-pawns
DLLExport int _CDECL nnue_evaluate_fen(
  const char* fen                   /** FEN string to probe evaluation for */

* Evaluation subroutine suitable for chess engines.
* -------------------------------------------------
* Piece codes are
*     wking=1, wqueen=2, wrook=3, wbishop= 4, wknight= 5, wpawn= 6,
*     bking=7, bqueen=8, brook=9, bbishop=10, bknight=11, bpawn=12,
* Squares are
*     A1=0, B1=1 ... H8=63
* Input format:
*     piece[0] is white king, square[0] is its location
*     piece[1] is black king, square[1] is its location
*     ..
*     piece[x], square[x] can be in any order
*     ..
*     piece[n+1] is set to 0 to represent end of array
* Returns
*   Score relative to side to move in approximate centi-pawns
DLLExport int _CDECL nnue_evaluate(
  int player,                       /** Side to move: white=0 black=1 */
  int* pieces,                      /** Array of pieces */
  int* squares                      /** Corresponding array of squares each piece stands on */

* Incremental NNUE evaluation function.
* -------------------------------------------------
* First three parameters and return type are as in @nnue_evaluate
* nnue_data
*    nnue_data[0] is pointer to NNUEdata for ply i.e. current position
*    nnue_data[1] is pointer to NNUEdata for ply - 1
*    nnue_data[2] is pointer to NNUEdata for ply - 2
DLLExport int _CDECL nnue_evaluate_incremental(
  int player,                       /** Side to move: white=0 black=1 */
  int* pieces,                      /** Array of pieces */
  int* squares,                     /** Corresponding array of squares each piece stands on */
  NNUEdata** nnue_data              /** Pointer to NNUEdata* for current and previous plies */
