module Main where

import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first, second)
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Aoc

main :: IO ()
main = do
  content <- input 6
  let run = content
  run (pure 1282) $ calibrate 4
  run (pure 3513) $ calibrate 14

calibrate :: Int -> String -> Int
calibrate packetSize = go 0
    go i xs = case packetValidation (take packetSize xs) of
      (Calibrate c) -> go (i + c) (drop c xs)
      Ok -> i + packetSize

data Marker = Calibrate Int | Ok
  deriving (Show)

packetValidation :: String -> Marker
packetValidation = go 0 []
    go i _ [] = Ok
    go i set (x:xs) = case elemIndex x set of
      (Just c) -> Calibrate (c + 1)
      Nothing -> go (i + 1) (set ++ [x]) xs