# My homepage

This is my homepage's source code. It utilizes the static site generator Soupault.
The site is currently hosted at [https://bbence.me]https://bbence.me.

## Dependencies

You need to install [Pijul]https://pijul.org/ to clone this repo.

For Markdown preprocessing, I used [CMark]https://github.com/commonmark/cmark.
Build and install it before you try to build this site.

## Build instructions

1. Clone the repo using the following command:
    pijul clone https://nest.pijul.com/BeanieBarrow/homepage
2. Download [Soupault]https://soupault.app/install/ and place the binary inside the root directory of the repo.
3. Run the following commands:
    cd homepage
    chmod +x soupault
4. Now the site can be found inside the `/build` directory.

## License

This site uses the [GNU GPLv3]https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html license. For certain parts/assets, I might include a `this is not my content/asset` tag or something along those lines. If you are in rightful possession of any asset and you want to have it taken down, contact me on the channels below.

## Contact

You can contact me on Matrix at [@bodi.bence:grin.hu]https://matrix.to/#/@bodi.bence:grin.hu.