Implement Emacs VC support for pijul.
;;; vc-pijul.el --- VC support for Pijul             -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2022  Sévère Durand

;; Author: Sévère Durand <>
;; Keywords: vc, tools, files

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This file implements support for the version control system PIJUL.
;; See for details about pijul.
;; See the comments in the beginning of "vc.el" for information about
;; how to add a new backend to vc.

;;; Code:

;;; Clear the cache to force re-loading
(put 'pijul 'vc-functions nil)

;;; Variables

(defcustom vc-pijul-program "pijul"
  "Name of the pijul command (excluding any arguments)."
  :type 'string)

;;; VC backend functions

(defun vc-pijul-revision-granularity ()
  "Pijul numbers at the repository-level, by hashes."
  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))

(defun vc-pijul-update-on-retrieve-tag ()
  "Tag support of pijul is unstable in my opinion."
  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))

;; NOTE: This is a cheap approximation that is autoloaded.

;; If it finds a possible match it loads this file and runs the real
;; function.
;;;###autoload (defun vc-pijul-registered (file)
;;;###autoload   "Return non-nil if FILE is registered with pijul."
;;;###autoload   (cond ((vc-find-root file ".pijul")
;;;###autoload          (load "vc-pijul" nil t)
;;;###autoload          (vc-pijul-registered file)))

(defun vc-pijul-registered (file)
  "Return non-nil if FILE is registered with pijul."
  (let ((root (vc-find-root file ".pijul")))
      (let ((file (file-relative-name file root)))
           ((vc-pijul--out-ok "ls")
            (goto-char (point-min))
             (re-search-forward (format "^%s$" (regexp-quote file))
                                nil t)

(declare-function rx-to-string "rx" (form &optional no-group))

(defun vc-pijul--point-status ()
  "Return the status for the current line.
It is assumed that the point is at the beginning of a line, and
the line is the output from \"pijul diff\" for some file."
   ((= (point) (point-max)) 'up-to-date)
     (rx-to-string '(seq bol
                     (or ?A "UD" ?D)
                     (or 32 ?,))
     (rx-to-string '(seq bol
                     (or "MV" "U")
                     (or 32 ?,))
   ((looking-at-p "^D[ ,]") 'removed)
     (rx-to-string '(seq bol
                     (or "SC" "UC" ?M ?R "RZ")
                     (or 32 ?,))

;; NOTE: "pijul diff file" returns the addition of FILE even if FILE
;; is not tracked by the repository.  I think this is a bug.  But this
;; means I have to call `vc-pijul-registered' first.
(defun vc-pijul-state (file)
  "Return the current version control state of FILE.
See `vc-state' for details on the states.

Currently this returns nil for ignored files as well.

This returns `unregistered' for files that are renamed, and
returns `added' for files that are renamed from other files."
   ((vc-pijul-registered file)
    (let* ((root (vc-find-root file ".pijul"))
           (file (file-relative-name file root)))
         ((vc-pijul--out-ok "diff" "--short" file)
          (goto-char (point-min))

(defun vc-pijul-root (file)
  "Return the root directory for a FILE in a pijul repository."
  (vc-find-root file ".pijul"))

(defalias 'vc-pijul-responsible-p #'vc-pijul-root)

(defun vc-pijul--dir-status-sentinel (hash update-function)
  "Collect the information from the buffer, and update HASH.
Call UPDATE-FUNCTION to notify vc-dir."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward
           '(seq bol
              (any (?a . ?z) (?A . ?Z) ?,))
              (one-or-more not-newline))
          nil t)
    (forward-line -1)
    (puthash (match-string-no-properties 1)
    (forward-line 1))
  (let (result)
     (lambda (k v)
       (setq result (cons (list k v) result)))
    (funcall update-function result nil)))

(declare-function vc-exec-after "vc-dispatcher" (code))
(declare-function vc-set-async-update "vc-dispatcher" (process-buffer))

(defun vc-pijul-dir-status-files (dir files update-function)
  "Return the status of FILES in DIR.
UPDATE-FUNCTION is used as the call-back for the asynchronous
computation involved.

See the comments at the top of \"vc.el\" for more information."
  ;; REVIEW: I do not know if this is really robust and correct.  More
  ;; tests in need.
  (let ((default-directory dir)
        (pijul-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    (apply #'vc-pijul--async "diff" (current-buffer)
      (vc-pijul--dir-status-sentinel pijul-hash update-function))))

(defun vc-pijul-dir-extra-headers (dir)
  "Return extra backend headers for DIR.
The extra headers should include the channel information and the
remote information."
  ;; FIXME: I have not yet found a way to obtain the remote
  ;; information from pijul.
  (let ((remote "not implemented yet")
            ((vc-pijul--out-ok "channel")
             (goto-char (point-min))
              ((re-search-forward "^* " nil t)
                (point) (point-at-eol)))
     (propertize "Channel    : " 'face 'vc-dir-header)
     (propertize channel 'face 'vc-dir-header-value)
     (propertize "Remote     : " 'face 'vc-dir-header)
     (propertize remote 'face 'vc-dir-header-value)

;; REVIEW: I am not sure if this is the right thing to do here.
(defun vc-pijul-working-revision (file)
  "Return the last change that affected FILE or \"0\" if it is \
added but not commited yet."
     ((vc-pijul--out-ok "log" "--hash-only" "--limit" "1" "--" file)
       ((/= (point-min) (point-max))
        (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (1- (point))))

;; NOTE: Why require FILES as an argument?  Is there a system that may
;; change the checkout model for different files?
(defun vc-pijul-checkout-model (_files)
  "Pijul does not lock FILES."
  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))

(defun vc-pijul-create-repo ()
  "Initialize an empty repository."
  (vc-pijul--call nil "init"))

(defun vc-pijul-register (files &optional _comment)
  "Register FILES into pijul.
COMMENT is ignored.

`vc-register-switches' will be passed to pijul."
  (let ((args
          ((stringp vc-register-switches)
           (cons vc-register-switches files))
          ((listp vc-register-switches)
           (append vc-register-switches files))
      (apply #'vc-pijul--call t "add" args)

(defun vc-pijul-unregister (files)
  "Unregister FILES from pijul."
    (apply #'vc-pijul--call t "remove" files)

(defun vc-pijul--split-on-first-line (str)
  "Split STR on the first line.
That is, return a cons cell whose `car' is the first line of STR
and whose `cdr' is the rest of STR.

Note that newlines between the first line and the subsequent
lines will be removed.

If STR contains no newlines, just return a list with a single
element STR."
    (let ((first-newline (string-match "\n" str)))
        (cons (substring str 0 first-newline)
              (let ((rest (substring str (1+ first-newline))))
                 ((string-match "\n+" rest)
                  (substring rest (match-end 0)))
       ((list str))))))

(defun vc-pijul-checkin (files comment &optional _rev)
  "Commit FILES into pijul.
COMMENT is the commit message to use.

REV is simply ignored."
  (let* ((support-description-p
            (vc-pijul--call t "rec" "--help")
            (goto-char (point-min))
                '(seq bol (zero-or-more space) "--description")
               nil t)
           ((string-prefix-p "Summary: " comment)
            (substring comment 9))
           ((stringp vc-checkin-switches)
            (cons vc-checkin-switches files))
           ((listp vc-checkin-switches)
            (append vc-checkin-switches files))
           (list "--all" "-m"
                 (replace-regexp-in-string "^Summary: " "" comment))
           (list "--all")
             (let* ((splitted
                     (vc-pijul--split-on-first-line checkin-message))
                    (title (car splitted))
                    (body (cdr splitted)))
                (list "--message" title)
                 ((not (string-empty-p body))
                  (list "--description" body))))))
            ((list "--message" checkin-message)))
      (apply #'vc-pijul--call t "rec" args))))

(defun vc-pijul-print-log
    (files buffer &optional shortlog start-revision limit)
  "Print logs for FILES into BUFFER.
SHORTLOG non-nil means to only show short versions of logs.  It
is currently broken.

LIMIT non-nil and number means to only show that many logs.

(defun vc-pijul-find-revision (file rev buffer)
  "Fetch REVISION for FILE and put into BUFFER.
I don't know how to do this without creating a new channel.  But
it is weird to create a new channel just to do this thing."
  (user-error "unimplemented!"))

(defun vc-pijul-checkout (file &optional rev)
  "Check out REVISION for FILE.
I don't know how to do this without creating a new channel.  But
it is weird to create a new channel just to do this thing."
  (user-error "unimplemented!"))

(defun vc-pijul-revert (file &optional contents-done)
  "Revert FILE to the working revision.
If CONTENTS-DONE is non-nil, we only need to remove the FILE, if
it is already added but not commited yet."
    (cond ((eq (vc-pijul-state file) 'added)
           (vc-pijul--out-ok "remove" file))))
   ((vc-pijul--out-ok "reset" file))))

(defvar vc-pijul-pull-push-history nil
  "The history of pull and push operations.")

(defun vc-pijul-pull (prompt)
  "Pull from a remote.
If prompt is non-nil, ask for the location of the remote."
  (let ((remote (cond
                  (read-string "Pull from remote: "
                               nil 'vc-pijul-pull-push-history))
      (apply #'vc-pijul--call t
             "pull" (split-string remote " "))

(defvar log-view-message-re)
(defvar log-view-file-re)
(defvar log-view-font-lock-keywords)
(defvar log-view-per-file-logs)
(defvar log-view-expanded-log-entry-function)

(defvar pijul-log-view-format
    '(seq bol "Change"
      (one-or-more space)
      (group-n 1
         (?a . ?z)
         (?A . ?Z)
      (any ?\n ?\r))
   (list 1 ''log-view-message))
  "The format for `vc-pijul-log-view-mode'.
The first element is the regular expression to match the first
line of a log.  Its first capture group is required to match
exactly the revision number.

The following elements are font lock keywords.")

(define-derived-mode vc-pijul-log-view-mode log-view-mode
  "Major mode for viewing logs of pijul."
  ;; We need some faces from add-log.
  (require 'add-log)
  ;; There are no file markers, so this should match nothing.
  (setq-local log-view-file-re regexp-unmatchable)
  (setq-local log-view-per-file-logs nil)
  (setq-local log-view-message-re (car pijul-log-view-format))
  (setq-local log-view-font-lock-keywords
                 ;; only email
                  '(seq bol "Author:"
                    (one-or-more space)
                    (group-n 1
                       (?a . ?z) (?A . ?Z)
                       (?0 . ?9) ?_ ?. ?+ ?-))
                       (?a . ?z) (?A . ?Z)
                       (?0 . ?9) ?_ ?. ?-))))
                 (list 1 ''change-log-email))
                 ;; only name
                  '(seq bol "Author:"
                    (one-or-more space)
                    (group-n 1 (one-or-more (not (or ?< ?\n ?\r))))
                    (zero-or-more space))
                 (list 1 ''change-log-name))
                 ;; name and email
                  '(seq bol "Author:"
                    (one-or-more space)
                    (group-n 1 (+? (not ?<)))
                    (zero-or-more space)
                    (group-n 2
                       (?a . ?z) (?A . ?Z)
                       (?0 . ?9) ?_ ?+ ?- ?.))
                       (?a . ?z) (?A . ?Z)
                       (?0 . ?9) ?_ ?- ?.)))
                 (list 1 ''change-log-name)
                 (list 2 ''change-log-email))
                 ;; Date
                  '(seq bol "Date:"
                    (one-or-more space)
                    (group-n 1 (one-or-more not-newline)))
                 (list 1 ''change-log-date))))))

(defun vc-pijul-print-log
    (files buffer &optional shortlog start-revision limit)
  "Print logs for FILES into BUFFER.
SHORTLOG non-nil means to only show short versions of logs.  It
is currently broken.

LIMIT non-nil and number means to only show that many logs.

START-REVISION is not currently supported."
  (let ((args
          (cond ((integerp limit)
                 (list "--limit" (format "%d" limit))))
          (cons "--" files))))
    (vc-setup-buffer buffer)
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
        (apply #'vc-do-command
               (cons "log" args))))))

START-REVISION is not currently supported."
  (let* ((files (mapcar #'expand-file-name files))
           (mapcar (lambda (file)
                        (expand-file-name (vc-pijul-root file)))
           (cond ((integerp limit)
                  (list "--limit" (format "%d" limit))))
           (cons "--" files))))
    (vc-setup-buffer buffer)
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
        ;; (message "%S" args)
        (apply #'vc-pijul--async "log" buffer args)))))

;; TODO: Other log-related functionalities.  Postponed.

(declare-function log-edit-mode "log-edit" ())
(declare-function log-edit-toggle-header "log-edit" (header value))
(declare-function log-edit-extract-headers "log-edit" (headers string))
(declare-function log-edit--toggle-amend "log-edit" (last-msg-fn))

(defun vc-pijul-diff (files &optional _rev1 rev2 buffer async)
  "Insert the diff for FILES into BUFFER, or the *vc-diff* buffer if \
BUFFER is nil.

If ASYNC is non-nil, run ascynchronously.

In principle REV1 and REV2 should be used as anchors of
comparisons, but I have not yet found what this means to pijul."
  ;; NOTE: According to
  ;;, perhaps we
  ;; shall always run diff synchronously.  But I want to try the
  ;; ascynchronous implementation first.
    ;; TODO: I don't know how to convert the output of "pijul diff" to
    ;; the format Emacs expects.
     ((null rev2) (apply #'vc-pijul--async "diff" buffer files))
     ((apply #'vc-pijul--async "change" buffer (list rev2))))

(defun vc-pijul-find-ignore-file (file)
  "Return the .ignore file that controls FILE."
  (expand-file-name ".ignore" (vc-pijul-root file)))

(defun vc-pijul-previous-revision (file rev)
  "Return the previous revision of REV for FILE.
If there is no previous revision return nil."
       (append (list "log" "--hash-only" "--")
               (cond (file (list file)))))
      (goto-char (point-min))
       ((search-forward rev nil t)
        (forward-line 1)
         ((< (point) (point-max))
          (buffer-substring (point) (point-at-eol))))))))))

(defun vc-pijul-next-revision (file rev)
  "Return the next revision of REV for FILE.
If there is no next revision return nil."
       "log" "--hash-only" "--" file)
      (goto-char (point-min))
       ((search-forward rev nil t)
        (forward-line 0)
         ((> (point) (point-min))
          (forward-line -1)
          (buffer-substring (point) (point-at-eol))))))))))

(defun vc-pijul-delete-file (file)
  "Delete FILE from the repository and the working copy."
  (vc-pijul--call nil "remove" file)
  (delete-file file))

(defun vc-pijul-rename-file (old new)
  (vc-pijul--call nil "move" old new))

(defun vc-pijul--out-ok (command &rest arguments)
Return t if and only if the command successfully exits."
  (zerop (apply #'vc-pijul--call '(t nil) command arguments)))

(defun vc-pijul--call (buffer command &rest arguments)
  "Call \"pijul\" with subcommand \"COMMAND\" and ARGUMENTS.
BUFFER is passed to `process-file'.

Return `100' if `vc-pijul-program' is not found on the variable
  (let ((program-name (executable-find vc-pijul-program)))
      (let (process-file-side-effects)
        (apply #'process-file
               program-name nil buffer nil command arguments)))

(defun vc-pijul--async (command buffer &rest arguments)
  "Run pijul with COMMAND and BUFFER asynchronously.
ARGUMENTS are fed to pijul at the end."
  (apply #'vc-do-command
         buffer 'async vc-pijul-program
         nil command arguments))

(provide 'vc-pijul)
;;; vc-pijul.el ends here