Small example "freewheeling" app that can be modified without restarting

Toy night sky written in the "freewheeling" style that can be modified without being restarted

This app shows a very simple animation of a rotating night sky containing some twinkling stars with a subtle oscillation between day and night. It's intended as an example app for playing with the the driver app.

What is a Freewheeling App?

There's some reference documentation if you're inspired to create your own apps.


Run this app from the terminal, passing its directory to LÖVE


To modify it live without restarting the app each time, download the driver app. An example session might look like this (though the UI of the driver app on the left is improving over time):

making changes without restarting the app

To publish your changes:

  • delete all files with a numeric prefix from the repo, and then
  • move all files with a numeric prefix from the save directory to the repo.

Known issues

  • Don't start the driver app while multiple freewheeling apps are running. If you have a driver app running with one app, shut it down before you switch apps. Just always open the app and then the driver. If you close the app, close the driver.

  • Don't give up your other tools just yet. It's easy to make a mistake that the app doesn't recover from when you fix it. Try restarting the app, and if it still doesn't work, perhaps you need to fix the initial load. This isn't yet a tool you can keep open for months on end. (And I'm ambivalent about making it such a tool since your programs might stop working for others.)

  • I still see driver and the app being driven occasionally crash. When I do I try to make things more robust. If you do you'll quite possibly crash again if you try to restart. In such a situation you'll have to bump down to editing the underlying version files by other means. See for details of the underlying representation on disk.

  • Given the above issues, both this driver and its client freewheeling app benefit from being launched in terminal windows rather than by being clicked on in a desktop OS.

Mirrors and Forks

Updates to this repo can be downloaded from:


Further forks are encouraged. If you show me your fork, I'll link to it here.


Most appreciated.