* Need to provide config to set up the pixi canvas
constructor(props: Props) {
this.container = new Pixi.Container();
this.container.sortableChildren = true;
this.staleProps = props;
this.state = {
pointNodeTexture: new Lazy(() => generatePointNodeTexture(props.args.renderer)),
tick: 0,
playerCurrentZ: 0,
const setState: UpdaterFn<State> = ((valueOrCallback) => {
if (typeof valueOrCallback === "function") {
this.state = valueOrCallback(this.state);
} else {
this.state = valueOrCallback;
let [batchedSetState, fireBatch] = batchifySetState(setState);
this.stateUpdaters = updaterGenerator2<State>(this.state, batchedSetState);
this.fireStateUpdaters = fireBatch;
this.fixedCameraStage = new Pixi.Sprite();
this.fixedCameraStage.zIndex = 1;
this.fixedCameraStage.sortableChildren = true;
this.actionStage = new Pixi.Sprite();
this.actionStage.zIndex = 0;
this.actionStage.sortableChildren = true;
this.backdropStage = new Pixi.Sprite();
this.backdropStage.zIndex = -1;
this.backdropStage.sortableChildren = true;
this.fpsTracker = new FpsComponent({
delta: props.delta,
position: new Vector2(0, 0),
appSize: props.appSize,
this.backdrop = new Pixi.Graphics();
this.backdrop.beginFill(0xabcdef, 1);
// backdrop.alpha = 0.5; // if alpha == 0, Pixi does not register this as a hittable area
this.backdrop.interactive = true;
// backdrop.interactiveChildren = true; // not sure what this does
this.backdrop.drawRect(0, 0, props.appSize.x, props.appSize.y);
this.reticle = new ReticleComponent({
appSize: props.appSize
this.zLevelPropsFactory = (props: Props, state: State) => {
return {
delta: props.delta,
args: {
pointNodeTexture: state.pointNodeTexture.get(),
markForceUpdate: this.markForceUpdate,
z: state.playerCurrentZ,
updaters: props.updaters,
position: props.appSize.multiply(0.5),
zLevelGen: props.gameState.worldGen.zLevels[state.playerCurrentZ],
selectedPointNode: props.gameState.playerUI.selectedPointNode,
allocatedPointNodeSubset: props.gameState.playerSave.allocatedPointNodeSet,
if (!this.zLevel) {
this.zLevel = new ZLevelComponent(this.zLevelPropsFactory(props, this.state));
} else {
this.zLevel.update(this.zLevelPropsFactory(props, this.state));
childClass: ZLevelComponent,
instance: this.zLevel,
propsFactory: this.zLevelPropsFactory,
this.efficiencyBar = new EfficiencyBarComponent({
delta: 0,
args: {},
updaters: {},
tick: this.state.tick,
position: new Vector2(60, 60),
efficiencyPercent: 100
/** callback passed to child - since child is not a pure component, it needs to inform us of updates if otherwise we wouldnt update */
markForceUpdate = (childInstance: any) => {
this.staleProps.args.markForceUpdate(this); // mark us for update in OUR parent
for (let childInfo of this._children) {
if (childInfo.instance === childInstance) { // we found the instance in our _children array, now ensure it is in force updates array then return
if (this.forceUpdates.indexOf(childInfo) === -1) {
throw new Error(`Error, child ${childInstance} not found in ${this}`);
shouldUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State, props: Props, state: State): boolean {
// let prevSize = prevProps.gameState.playerSave.allocatedPointNodeSet.size()
// let nextSize = props.gameState.playerSave.allocatedPointNodeSet.size()
// if (prevSize !== nextSize) { console.log('rootapp shouldUpdate', { prevSize, nextSize }); }
return true;
public update(props: Props) {
let staleState = { ...this.state };
if (!this.shouldUpdate(this.staleProps, staleState, props, this.state)) {
// we think we don't need to update; however, we still need to
// update the chidlren that asked us to forcefully update them
let forceUpdates = [...this.forceUpdates];
this.forceUpdates = [];
for (let { instance, propsFactory } of forceUpdates) {
instance._update(propsFactory(props, this.state)); // why are we even calling props factory here?? theres no point... we should just tell the child to use their own stale props, like this:
// instance._forceUpdate();
// note that children can add themselves into forceupdate next tick as well, if they need to ensure they're continuously in there
// no need to do anything else -- stale props has not changed
delta: props.delta,
position: new Vector2(0, 0),
appSize: props.appSize,
if (!this.zLevel) {
this.zLevel = new ZLevelComponent(this.zLevelPropsFactory(props, this.state));
} else {
this.zLevel.update(this.zLevelPropsFactory(props, this.state));
appSize: props.appSize
args: {},
updaters: {},
delta: props.delta,
tick: this.state.tick,
position: new Vector2(60, 60),
efficiencyPercent: 100,
this.didUpdate(this.staleProps, props);
this.staleProps = props;
updateSelf(props: Props) {
const activeIntent = props.gameState.intent.activeIntent;
let deltaX = 0;
let deltaY = 0;
const unit = 5 * props.delta;
// if we want to pan [the hud] west (i.e. the left key was pressed), action stage needs to move east
if (activeIntent[IntentName.PAN_WEST]) deltaX += unit;
if (activeIntent[IntentName.PAN_EAST]) deltaX += -unit;
// if we want to pan south (i.e. the down key was pressed), action stage needs to move north to give the impression
// the hud is moving south. note that north is negative y direction since top left is 0,0
if (activeIntent[IntentName.PAN_SOUTH]) deltaY += -unit;
if (activeIntent[IntentName.PAN_NORTH]) deltaY += unit;
this.actionStage.x += deltaX;
this.actionStage.y += deltaY;
if (props.gameState.intent.newIntent[IntentName.TRAVEL_IN]) {
// scale by a factor of 9
this.actionStage.x *= ChunkGenConstants.CHUNK_DIM;
this.actionStage.y *= ChunkGenConstants.CHUNK_DIM;
console.log({ currentZ: this.state.playerCurrentZ });
if (props.gameState.intent.newIntent[IntentName.TRAVEL_OUT]) {
this.actionStage.x /= ChunkGenConstants.CHUNK_DIM;
this.actionStage.y /= ChunkGenConstants.CHUNK_DIM;
console.log({ currentZ: this.state.playerCurrentZ });
renderSelf(props: Props) {
this.backdrop.width = props.appSize.x;
this.backdrop.height = props.appSize.y;
didMount() {
const { updaters } = this.staleProps;
this.backdrop.addListener('pointerdown', (event) => {
updaters.playerUI.selectedPointNode.enqueueUpdate((prev, whole) => {
return undefined;
public willUnmount() {
didUpdate(prevProps: Props, props: Props) {
const { updaters } = this.staleProps;
// if we find ourselves a little idle, start pregenerating other layers
if (this.state.tick > 60 && !props.gameState.worldGen.zLevels[-1]) {
updaters.worldGen.zLevels.enqueueUpdate((prev, prevGameState) => {
if (!prev[-1]) {
prev[-1] = new ZLevelGenFactory({}).create({ seed: prevGameState.worldGen.seed, z: -1 });
return {...prev};
} else {
return prev;
if (this.state.tick > 120 && !props.gameState.worldGen.zLevels[1]) {
updaters.worldGen.zLevels.enqueueUpdate((prev, prevGameState) => {
if (!prev[1]) {
prev[1] = new ZLevelGenFactory({}).create({ seed: prevGameState.worldGen.seed, z: 1 });
return {...prev};
} else {
return prev;
// bridge while we migrate to lifecycle handler
public _update(props: Props) { this.update(props); }