fn.vcf.gz 20291992
fp.vcf.gz 1222528
tp-baseline.vcf.gz 131040
tp.vcf.gz 136638
dbSNP_common.vcf.gz 21155971
- faux négatif = dbSNP common qui ne sont pas dans clinvar
- faux positif = clinvar qui ne sont pas dbSNP common
- vrai positif = clinvar qui sont dans dbSNP common
- vrai positif baseline = dbSNP common qui sont dans clinvar
On calcule le nombre de lignes
#+begin_src ssh
zgrep '^[^#]' /Work/Groups/bisonex/data/clinvar/GRCh38/clinvar.vcf.gz | wc -l
for i in *.vcf.gz; do echo $i; zgrep '^[^#]' $i | wc -l; done
| clinvar | 1493470 |
| fn.vcf.gz | 22330220 |
| fp.vcf.gz | 1222529 |
| tp-baseline.vcf.gz | 131040 |
| tp.vcf.gz | 136638 |
À noter qu'on ne retrouve pas tout clinvar...
1222529 + 131040 = 1353569 < 1493470
certains régions ne sont pas traitées :
Evaluation too complex (50002 unresolved paths, 34891 iterations) at reference region NC_000001.11:790930-790970. Variants in this region will not be included in results
#+begin_src sh
grep 'not be included' vcfeval.log | wc -l
Le total est quand même inférieur
On veut les clinvar non patho dans dbSNP soit les faux négatif (dbSNP common not contenu dans clinvar patho)
#+begin_src sh
bcftools filter -i 'INFO/CLNSIG="Pathogenic"' /Work/Groups/bisonex/data/clinvar/GRCh38/clinvar.vcf.gz -o /Work/Groups/bisonex/data/clinvar/GRCh38/clinvar-patho.vcf.gz
tabix /Work/Groups/bisonex/data/clinvar/GRCh38/clinvar-patho.vcf.gz
On lance le script (dbSNP common et clinvar = 9h)
#+begin_src sh
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -p smp
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=12G
srun rtg vcfeval -b $dbSNP -c $clinvar -o common-not-patho -t $genome --sample ALT
*ATTENTION*: il faut include tous les variants de SNP avec loption -i- (par défaut les filtres s'appliquent sur les 2)
*ATTENTION*: par défaut les filtres s'appliquent sur les 2. Cela est un problème si on joue sur l'inclusion et non l'exclusion
Attention: vérifier la conventdion de nommage des chromosomes
En essayant directement avec clinvar path
#+begin_src sh :dir ~/code/bisonex/test_isec
bcftools filter -i 'INFO/CLNSIG="Pathogenic"' clinvar_chr20.vcf.gz -o $clinvar.vcf.gz
bcftools index $clinvar
bcftools index $snp
bcftools isec $snp $clinvar -p tmp
for i in tmp/*.vcf ; do echo $i; grep '^[^#]' $i | wc -l; done
| tmp/0000.vcf |
| 518846 |
| tmp/0001.vcf |
| 1787 |
| tmp/0002.vcf |
| 0 |
| tmp/0003.vcf |
| 0 |
Aucun clinvar patho... Clairement faux !
Autre méthode : on inclut tous les SNP et clinvar patho et on regarde ceux uniquement dans dbsnp
| test/0000.vcf |
| 0 |
| test/0001.vcf |
| 1787 |
| test/0002.vcf |
| 0 |
| test/0003.vcf |
| 0 |
| test/README.txt |
| 0 |
| test/sites.txt |
| 1787 |
: 518846
Soit tout dbsnp donc rien
Note : on ne peut pas exclure les clinvar patho directement
#+begin_src sh :dir ~/code/bisonex/test_isec
bcftools isec -i - -e 'INFO/CLNSIG="Pathogenic"' $snp $clinvar -p tmp
for i in tmp/*.vcf ; do echo $i; grep '^[^#]' $i | wc -l; done
Car on ne peut plus faire la différence !
bcftools query -f '%ID\n' dbSNP_common_chr20.vcf.gz | sort > chr20_id.txt
sort prod.txt > prod_sorted.txt
comm -23 chr20_id.txt prod_sorted.txt
bcftools query -f '%ID\n' dbSNP_common_chr20.vcf.gz | sort > all.txt
sort common-notpatho-alexis.txt > alexis.txt
comm -23 all.txt alexis.txt > patho.txt
bcftools query -f '%CHROM %POS %ID %REF %ALT\n' -i 'ID="rs1044396"' dbSNP_common_chr20.vcf.gz
bcftools query -f '%CHROM %POS %ID %REF %ALT\n' -i 'INFO/RS="1044396"' clinvar_chr20.vcf.gz
bcftools query -f '%POS\n' -i 'ID=@patho.txt' dbSNP_common_chr20.vcf.gz -o pos.txt
for pos in $(cat pos.txt); do
bcftools query -f '%CHROM %POS %ID %REF %ALT\n' -i 'POS='$pos dbSNP_common_chr20.vcf.gz
bcftools query -f '%CHROM %POS %ID %REF %ALT %INFO/CLNSIG\n' -i 'POS='$pos clinvar_chr20.vcf.gz
echo "------"
| NC_000020.11 | 63349782 | rs1044396 | G | A,C |
| NC_000020.11 | 63349782 | 93427 | G | A |
| NC_000020.11 | 63349782 | 857384 | G | C |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | rs3827075 | T | A,C,G | |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 262001 | T | G | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 1072511 | T | TGGCGAAGC | Pathogenic |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 208613 | TGGCGAAGC | G | Pathogenic |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 1312 | TGGCGAAGC | T | Pathogenic |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 4699605 | rs1799990 | A | G | |
| NC_000020.11 | 4699605 | 13397 | A | G | Benign/Likely_benign |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 10652589 | rs1131695 | G | A,C,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 10652589 | 163705 | G | . | Benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 10652589 | 143063 | G | A | Benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 10652589 | 234555 | G | C | Pathogenic |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 10658574 | rs1801138 | G | A,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 10658574 | 42481 | G | A | Benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 10658574 | 992651 | G | T | Likely_pathogenic |
| NC_000020.11 | 10658574 | 213550 | GC | A | Pathogenic |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 10672794 | rs79338570 | G | A,C | |
| NC_000020.11 | 10672794 | 255557 | G | A | Benign/Likely_benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 10672794 | 594067 | G | C | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| NC_000020.11 | 10672794 | 1324603 | G | GGA | Likely_pathogenic |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 18525868 | rs146917730 | C | T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 18525868 | 811603 | C | T | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 25390747 | rs373200654 | G | C | |
| NC_000020.11 | 25390747 | 338000 | G | C | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 32800145 | rs2424926 | C | G,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 32800145 | 338173 | C | G | Benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 32800145 | 338174 | C | T | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 33412656 | rs35938843 | C | G,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 33412656 | 220958 | C | T | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 45891622 | rs181943893 | G | A,C,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 45891622 | 459632 | G | C | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| NC_000020.11 | 45891622 | 797035 | G | T | Likely_benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 45891622 | 1572689 | GCTA | G | Likely_benign |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 54171651 | rs35873579 | G | A,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 54171651 | 285894 | G | A | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| NC_000020.11 | 54171651 | 1373583 | G | C | Uncertain_significance |
| NC_000020.11 | 54171651 | 895614 | G | T | Benign/Likely_benign |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 62172726 | rs36106901 | G | A | |
| NC_000020.11 | 62172726 | 981031 | G | A | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 63349782 | rs1044396 | G | A,C | |
| NC_000020.11 | 63349782 | 93427 | G | A | Benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 63349782 | 857384 | G | C | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| ------ | | | | | |
| NC_000020.11 | 63414925 | rs1801545 | G | A,C,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 63414925 | 194284 | G | A | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| NC_000020.11 | 63414925 | 129337 | G | C | Benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 63414925 | 851545 | GG | CA | Uncertain_significance |
| ------ | | | | | |
isec ne gère donc pas la représentation des allèles alternatifs...
On a donc plusieurs problèmes :
1. isec devrait fonctionner au moins sur
| NC_000020.11 | 25390747 | rs373200654 | G | C | |
| NC_000020.11 | 25390747 | 338000 | G | C | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
#+begin_src sh :dir ~/code/bisonex/test_isec
bcftools isec -i- -i 'INFO/CLNSIG="Pathogenic"' -c none -p test $snp $clinvar
for i in test/*; do echo $i; grep '^NC' $i | wc -l; done
2. isec ne semble pas fonctionner sur en cas d'ALT multiples
| NC_000020.11 | 32800145 | rs2424926 | C | G,T | |
| NC_000020.11 | 32800145 | 338173 | C | G | Benign |
| NC_000020.11 | 32800145 | 338174 | C | T | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| | | | | | |
3. plus généralement, que faire si un seul ALT dbSNP est patho ? Il n'y a qu'un seul identifiant ...
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | rs3827075 | T | A,C,G | |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 262001 | T | G | Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 1072511 | T | TGGCGAAGC | Pathogenic |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 208613 | TGGCGAAGC | G | Pathogenic |
| NC_000020.11 | 3234173 | 1312 | TGGCGAAGC | T | Pathogenic |