{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-type-defaults #-}
-- | In combinatorial game theory, nimbers represent the values of impartial games. They are the simplest way of making the ordinals into a Field.
-- See /On Numbers and Games/ by John Conway.
-- Nimber addition is defined by \(\alpha+\beta = \operatorname{mex}\{\alpha'+\beta, \alpha+\beta'\}\), where \(\operatorname{mex} S\) is the smallest ordinal not in \(S\).
-- Nimber multiplication is defined by \(\alpha\cdot\beta = \operatorname{mex}\{\alpha'\cdot\beta + \alpha\cdot\beta' - \alpha'\cdot\beta'\}\).
-- This module implements /finite/ nimbers, which form the smallest quadratically closed field of characteristic 2.
module Data.Nimber
( Nimber (..),
import Data.Bits
import Numeric.Natural
newtype Nimber = Nimber {getNimber :: Natural}
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bits)
-- | Index of highest-order set bit, or -1 if there are none.
floorLog :: (Bits a, Num b) => a -> b
floorLog n
| n == zeroBits = -1
| otherwise = 1 + floorLog (n .>>. 1)
mult' :: Int -> Nimber -> Nimber -> Nimber
mult' _ 0 _ = 0
mult' _ _ 0 = 0
mult' _ 1 b = b
mult' _ a 1 = a
mult' m a b =
let semiD = bit (bit m - 1) -- semimultiple of D
s1 = a .>>. bit m -- a = a1D+a2
s2 = a .^. (s1 .<<. bit m)
t1 = b .>>. bit m -- b = b1D+b2
t2 = b .^. (t1 .<<. bit m)
c = mult' (m - 1) s2 t2
in ((mult' (m - 1) (s1 + s2) (t1 + t2) - c) .<<. bit m) + mult' (m - 1) (mult' (m - 1) s1 t1) semiD + c
-- | Finite nimber addition is calculated as follows: the nimber sum of a two-power and itself is 0, while the nimber sum of a set of distinct two-powers is their ordinary sum.
-- Finite nimber multiplication is calculated as follows: the nimber square of a Fermat two-power is its sesquimultiple, while the nimber product of a set of distinct Fermat two-powers is their ordinary product.
-- The sesquimultiple of a Fermat two-power is equal to itself plus the product of all smaller Fermat two-powers.
instance Num Nimber where
fromInteger = Nimber . fromIntegral . abs
(+) = xor
(-) = xor
a * b =
let m = max (floorLog @Int (floorLog a)) (floorLog @Int (floorLog b)) -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to both a and b
in mult' m a b
negate = id
abs = id
signum 0 = 0
signum _ = 1
sqr' :: Int -> Nimber -> Nimber
sqr' _ 0 = 0
sqr' _ 1 = 1
sqr' m n =
let a = n .>>. bit m -- n = aD+b
aD = a .<<. bit m
b = n .^. aD
semiD = bit (bit m - 1) -- semimultiple of D
a2 = sqr' (m - 1) a -- a^2
in a2 .<<. bit m + mult' (m - 1) a2 semiD + sqr' (m - 1) b
-- | Squaring function. Faster than multiplying @n@ by itself.
sqr :: Nimber -> Nimber
sqr n =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog n -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to n
in sqr' m n
module Data.Nimber (module M) where
-- | Raise a @'Nimber'@ to an integral power. Faster than using '^' or '^^'.
pow :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Nimber -> a -> Nimber
x `pow` n
| n < 0 = recip x `pow` negate n
| otherwise =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog x
in (foldr (mult' m . snd) 1 . filter (testBit n . fst) . zip [0 ..] . take (1 + floorLog (n + 1))) $ iterate (sqr' m) x
-- | The finite nimbers are a field of characteristic 2. There is no field homomorphism from the rationals to the nimbers, so @'fromRational'@ is always an error.
instance Fractional Nimber where
fromRational _ = error "Cannot map from field of characteristic 0 to characteristic 2"
recip n =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog n -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to n
recip' _ 0 = error "Divide by zero"
recip' _ 1 = 1
recip' k l =
let a = l .>>. bit k -- n = aD+b
aD = a .<<. bit k
b = l .^. aD
semiD = bit (bit k - 1) -- semimultiple of D
in mult' k (l + a) $ recip' (k - 1) (mult' (k - 1) semiD (sqr' (k - 1) a) + mult' (k - 1) b (a + b))
in recip' m n
-- | The only reason this instance exists is to define square roots. None of the other @'Floating'@ methods apply to @'Nimber'@s.
instance Floating Nimber where
sqrt n =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog n -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to n
sqrt' _ 0 = 0
sqrt' _ 1 = 1
sqrt' k l =
let a = l .>>. bit k -- n = aD+b
aD = a .<<. bit k
b = l .^. aD
semiD = bit $ bit k - 1 -- semimultiple of D
sqrta = sqrt' (k - 1) a
in sqrta .<<. bit k + mult' (k - 1) sqrta (sqrt' (k - 1) semiD) + sqrt' (k - 1) b
in sqrt' m n
pi = error "π is not a nimber"
exp _ = error "exp undefined for nimbers"
log _ = error "log undefined for nimbers"
sin _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
cos _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
tan _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
asin _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
acos _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
atan _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
sinh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
cosh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
tanh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
asinh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
acosh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
atanh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
evens :: [a] -> [a]
evens (x : _ : xs) = x : evens xs
evens xs = xs
-- | @'artinSchreierRoot' n@ is the smallest solution to the equation \(x^2 - x = n\).
-- The algorithm is due to Chin-Long Chen: <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1056557>.
-- In fields of characteristic 2, the standard quadratic formula does not work, but any quadratic equation can be solved using square roots and Artin-Schreier roots.
-- This function is __much__ slower than @'sqrt'@.
artinSchreierRoot :: Nimber -> Nimber
artinSchreierRoot 0 = 0
artinSchreierRoot 1 = 2
artinSchreierRoot 2 = 4
artinSchreierRoot 3 = 6
artinSchreierRoot n =
let m = 1 + floorLog @Int (floorLog n) -- 2^2^m is the order of the smallest field containing n
m' = if n < bit (bit m - 1) then m else m + 1 -- 2^2^m' is the order of the smallest field containing the Artin-Schreier root of n
squares = iterate (sqr' m) n
quarts = evens squares
semiTrace = sum $ take (bit (m' - 1)) quarts -- trace of the Artin-Screier root of n
in if semiTrace == 1
let s = sum $ do
j <- [1 .. bit (m' - 2) - 1]
i <- [j .. bit (m' - 2) - 1]
pure $ mult' m' (squares !! (shiftL i 1 - 1 .^. bit (m' - 1))) (squares !! (shiftL j 1 - 2))
in flip clearBit 0 $
+ sqr s
+ mult' m
(squares !! (bit m' - 1))
(1 + sum (take (bit (m' - 2)) $ drop (bit (m' - 2)) quarts))
let y = bit $ bit m' - 1
z = artinSchreierRoot $ sqr y + y + n
in y + z
-- | @'solveQuadratic' p q@ returns the solutions to the equation \(X^2 + px + q = 0\).
solveQuadratic :: Nimber -> Nimber -> (Nimber, Nimber)
solveQuadratic 0 q = (sqrt q, sqrt q)
solveQuadratic p q = let x = p * artinSchreierRoot (q / sqr p) in (min x $ x + p, max x $ x + p)
import Data.Nimber.Finite as M
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-type-defaults #-}
-- | In combinatorial game theory, nimbers represent the values of impartial games. They are the simplest way of making the ordinals into a Field.
-- See /On Numbers and Games/ by John Conway.
-- Nimber addition is defined by \(\alpha+\beta = \operatorname{mex}\{\alpha'+\beta, \alpha+\beta'\}\), where \(\operatorname{mex} S\) is the smallest ordinal not in \(S\).
-- Nimber multiplication is defined by \(\alpha\cdot\beta = \operatorname{mex}\{\alpha'\cdot\beta + \alpha\cdot\beta' - \alpha'\cdot\beta'\}\).
-- This module implements /finite/ nimbers, which form the smallest quadratically closed field of characteristic 2.
module Data.Nimber.Finite
( FiniteNimber (..),
import Data.Bits
import Numeric.Natural
newtype FiniteNimber = FiniteNimber {getFiniteNimber :: Natural}
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bits)
-- | Index of highest-order set bit, or -1 if there are none.
floorLog :: (Bits a, Num b) => a -> b
floorLog n
| n == zeroBits = -1
| otherwise = 1 + floorLog (n .>>. 1)
mult' :: Int -> FiniteNimber -> FiniteNimber -> FiniteNimber
mult' _ 0 _ = 0
mult' _ _ 0 = 0
mult' _ 1 b = b
mult' _ a 1 = a
mult' m a b =
let semiD = bit (bit m - 1) -- semimultiple of D
s1 = a .>>. bit m -- a = a1D+a2
s2 = a .^. (s1 .<<. bit m)
t1 = b .>>. bit m -- b = b1D+b2
t2 = b .^. (t1 .<<. bit m)
c = mult' (m - 1) s2 t2
in ((mult' (m - 1) (s1 + s2) (t1 + t2) - c) .<<. bit m) + mult' (m - 1) (mult' (m - 1) s1 t1) semiD + c
-- | Finite nimber addition is calculated as follows: the nimber sum of a two-power and itself is 0, while the nimber sum of a set of distinct two-powers is their ordinary sum.
-- Finite nimber multiplication is calculated as follows: the nimber square of a Fermat two-power is its sesquimultiple, while the nimber product of a set of distinct Fermat two-powers is their ordinary product.
-- The sesquimultiple of a Fermat two-power is equal to itself plus the product of all smaller Fermat two-powers.
instance Num FiniteNimber where
fromInteger = FiniteNimber . fromIntegral . abs
(+) = xor
(-) = xor
a * b =
let m = max (floorLog @Int (floorLog a)) (floorLog @Int (floorLog b)) -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to both a and b
in mult' m a b
negate = id
abs = id
signum 0 = 0
signum _ = 1
sqr' :: Int -> FiniteNimber -> FiniteNimber
sqr' _ 0 = 0
sqr' _ 1 = 1
sqr' m n =
let a = n .>>. bit m -- n = aD+b
aD = a .<<. bit m
b = n .^. aD
semiD = bit (bit m - 1) -- semimultiple of D
a2 = sqr' (m - 1) a -- a^2
in a2 .<<. bit m + mult' (m - 1) a2 semiD + sqr' (m - 1) b
-- | Squaring function. Faster than multiplying @n@ by itself.
sqr :: FiniteNimber -> FiniteNimber
sqr n =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog n -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to n
in sqr' m n
-- | Raise a @'FiniteNimber'@ to an integral power. Faster than using '^' or '^^'.
pow :: (Integral a, Bits a) => FiniteNimber -> a -> FiniteNimber
x `pow` n
| n < 0 = recip x `pow` negate n
| otherwise =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog x
in (foldr (mult' m . snd) 1 . filter (testBit n . fst) . zip [0 ..] . take (1 + floorLog (n + 1))) $ iterate (sqr' m) x
-- | The finite nimbers are a field of characteristic 2. There is no field homomorphism from the rationals to the nimbers, so @'fromRational'@ is always an error.
instance Fractional FiniteNimber where
fromRational _ = error "Cannot map from field of characteristic 0 to characteristic 2"
recip n =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog n -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to n
recip' _ 0 = error "Divide by zero"
recip' _ 1 = 1
recip' k l =
let a = l .>>. bit k -- n = aD+b
aD = a .<<. bit k
b = l .^. aD
semiD = bit (bit k - 1) -- semimultiple of D
in mult' k (l + a) $ recip' (k - 1) (mult' (k - 1) semiD (sqr' (k - 1) a) + mult' (k - 1) b (a + b))
in recip' m n
-- | The only reason this instance exists is to define square roots. None of the other @'Floating'@ methods apply to @'FiniteNimber'@s.
instance Floating FiniteNimber where
sqrt n =
let m = floorLog @Int $ floorLog n -- D = 2^2^m is the largest Fermat 2-power less than or equal to n
sqrt' _ 0 = 0
sqrt' _ 1 = 1
sqrt' k l =
let a = l .>>. bit k -- n = aD+b
aD = a .<<. bit k
b = l .^. aD
semiD = bit $ bit k - 1 -- semimultiple of D
sqrta = sqrt' (k - 1) a
in sqrta .<<. bit k + mult' (k - 1) sqrta (sqrt' (k - 1) semiD) + sqrt' (k - 1) b
in sqrt' m n
pi = error "π is not a nimber"
exp _ = error "exp undefined for nimbers"
log _ = error "log undefined for nimbers"
sin _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
cos _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
tan _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
asin _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
acos _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
atan _ = error "Trigonometric functions undefined for nimbers"
sinh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
cosh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
tanh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
asinh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
acosh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
atanh _ = error "Hyperbolic functions undefined for nimbers"
evens :: [a] -> [a]
evens (x : _ : xs) = x : evens xs
evens xs = xs
-- | @'artinSchreierRoot' n@ is the smallest solution to the equation \(x^2 - x = n\).
-- The algorithm is due to Chin-Long Chen: <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1056557>.
-- In fields of characteristic 2, the standard quadratic formula does not work, but any quadratic equation can be solved using square roots and Artin-Schreier roots.
-- This function is __much__ slower than @'sqrt'@.
artinSchreierRoot :: FiniteNimber -> FiniteNimber
artinSchreierRoot 0 = 0
artinSchreierRoot 1 = 2
artinSchreierRoot 2 = 4
artinSchreierRoot 3 = 6
artinSchreierRoot n =
let m = 1 + floorLog @Int (floorLog n) -- 2^2^m is the order of the smallest field containing n
m' = if n < bit (bit m - 1) then m else m + 1 -- 2^2^m' is the order of the smallest field containing the Artin-Schreier root of n
squares = iterate (sqr' m) n
quarts = evens squares
semiTrace = sum $ take (bit (m' - 1)) quarts -- trace of the Artin-Screier root of n
in if semiTrace == 1
let s = sum $ do
j <- [1 .. bit (m' - 2) - 1]
i <- [j .. bit (m' - 2) - 1]
pure $ mult' m' (squares !! (shiftL i 1 - 1 .^. bit (m' - 1))) (squares !! (shiftL j 1 - 2))
in flip clearBit 0 $
+ sqr s
+ mult' m
(squares !! (bit m' - 1))
(1 + sum (take (bit (m' - 2)) $ drop (bit (m' - 2)) quarts))
let y = bit $ bit m' - 1
z = artinSchreierRoot $ sqr y + y + n
in y + z
-- | @'solveQuadratic' p q@ returns the solutions to the equation \(X^2 + px + q = 0\).
solveQuadratic :: FiniteNimber -> FiniteNimber -> (FiniteNimber, FiniteNimber)
solveQuadratic 0 q = (sqrt q, sqrt q)
solveQuadratic p q = let x = p * artinSchreierRoot (q / sqr p) in (min x $ x + p, max x $ x + p)